Joint Declaration of the Washington Summit
President Clinton, His Majesty King Hussein, President Mubarak, Prime Minister Rabin and Chairman Arafat met today to review the dramatic progress which has already been made on the road to realization of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East and to consider ways and means together to reinforce and accelerate that progress.
The leaders affirmed the historic importance of the Israel-Palestinian Interim Agreement and praised the dedication and skill of the negotiating teams led by Foreign Minister Peres and Chairman Arafat. They expressed their support for the Palestinian Authority as it assumed self-government responsibilities under the Agreement and their hope that Palestinian elections would be held as soon as possible. The leaders pledged to do everything possible to ensure successful and complete implementation of the Agreement. They agreed to have their representatives meet to discuss ways to support this process and build upon it to achieve a comprehensive peace.
The leaders noted their appreciation for the international efforts undertaken since September 13, 1993, to support the Israel-Palestinian Declaration of Principles and its implementing Agreements. They recognized the importance of economic cooperation and development in supporting a lasting peace in the region and committed themselves to enhance mutual coordination for the common benefit of their peoples and all the region. In this regard, the pledged their full support for the upcoming Amman Economic Summit and for establishment of a Middle East Development Bank. They reiterated their call for an end to the Arab boycott as soon as possible.
The five leaders expressed their condemnation in the strongest possible terms of all acts of violence and terror. They reaffirmed their determination to confront all enemies of peace and reiterated the need for all possible measures to be taken — founded upon the rule of law — to ensure security for the citizens of Israel and for the Palestinian people.
The leaders reviewed progress in the Syria-Israel negotiations and reaffirmed their conviction that early conclusion of a peace treaty between these two countries and between Israel and Lebanon would be key steps toward their common goal of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region.
Source: The White House