The Arab League: Boycott of Israel
Anti-Boycott Efforts
- Anti-Boycott Case Histories
- House Passes Bill to Fight BDS (February 13, 2024)
- House Resolution Condemning Saudi Boycott of Israel (April 2006)
- U.S. Antiboycott Regulations
- U.S. Tries to Prevent Renewal of Arab Boycott (October 2002)
Primary Sources
- Aims of the Arab Boycott (July 1998)
- Statement by Gulf States on Arab Boycott (October 1994)
- The Working of the Boycott; Economic Brief (June 1971)
- Reactions to the Arab Boycott (June 1971)
- CIA Report on Arab Boycott (August 1967)
- The Answer to the Arab Boycott; Excerpts from an Article by Deputy Prime Minister Eban (1966)
- Boycott Letter Sent to Australian Company (June 1962)