World War II: Jews at the Battle of Arnhem
(September 1944)
by Martin Sugarman
The incredible courage and searing self-sacrifice of the men who fought at Arnhem has passed into history as one of the classic, epic, awe inspiring but tragic battles of World War Two. Despite dreadful odds against them of arms and troops, the men of the 1st Airborne and attatched units fought ferociously, with relatively light weapons but unsurpassed bravery and endurance, against numerically superior and heavily armed German Panzer Units. Five VC's alone were won and numerous other awards were made. In addition, many RAF, USAAF and RCAF Squadrons took part transporting both men and supplies in the most hazardous of conditions and equally courageous and stoical were the brave Dutch citizens of Arnhem - many in the Resistance - who were so sadly caught up in the fighting, and who - to this day - feel such an intense loyalty to the Allied veterans and their descendants over half a century on.
It is not my purpose here to describe the battle - this has already been done in numerous superb books. My aim is simply to list the part played by Jewish servicemen in this battle, as another "for the record" project, to help dispel the myth that Jews were "not there". What follows is what I have discovered over a period of many months of research between 1996 and 1999, using numerous written and oral sources.
Unless stated, all are buried at Oosterbeek Airborne Cemetery, Arnhem.
Initial information came from Henry Morris's books "We Will Remember Them" (WWRT, Brassey's 1989) and "The Addendum", (AJEX, 1994); his data came from veterans and their families as well as over 60,000 Jewish Chaplains Index Cards kept at the AJEX Museum, which though not complete, were compiled by the British Jewish Chaplains whenever they met or heard of Jewish Forces personnel. Various other printed sources were also used and are quoted where appropriate. The Cards were cross-checked to confirm all the list, where possible - killed or survived - as being Jewish.
In addition, The Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) Registers at the Imperial War Museum (IWM) were used as verification as well as war-time issues of the Jewish Chronicle (JC) newspaper.
I am indebted to the research carried out by the late Jack Lennard of the Hull Association of Jewish Ex-Sevicemen and Women, and Hull Wilberforce Society, for use of his unpublished book, "Jews in Wartime" (JIW), lent by his daughter Phillipa Bahari. Jack had interviewed many Jewish Arnhem survivors, since deceased. Other sources are named. The JC ( "Jewish Chronicle") newspaper, was consulted at University College Library and Tower Hamlets History Library, London. Numerous other books on Arnhem were read but gave little help and so are not listed here.
However, some of the most helpful publications included "The Grey Goose of Arnhem" (Leo Heaps - Weidenfeld and Nicholson 1976); "Arnhem 1944" ( Martin Middlebrook- Penguin 1994); "Pegasus Journal" 1946-97 ( kept at the IWM and British Library and published by the Airborne Museum, Aldershot); "The Glider Gang" (M Dank - Cassell-1977); letters from the Secretary of The Polish Airborne Forces Association, Irena Hrynkiewicz; Adrian Groeneweg of the Hartenstein Airborne Museum, Arnhem; the staff of the Imperial War Museum Reading Room; and of Wandsworth Library in Battersea; and Philip Reinders of the Arnhem Battle Research Group, Holland. Cpl. Lawrence Scott/Solomon, GM, was also of great assistance in guiding me to many of the 21st Paras, which contained many German and other European Jewish refugees determined to defeat Nazism and avenge their families and People.
I would also like to thank Patrick Gariepy of Oregon and AJEX Museum Curator Henry Morris, as well as former AJEX Chair, Gerald Bean, for their help and encouragement; and of course the countless veterans, Jewish and not Jewish, and their families and friends, and the Arnhem, RAF, Market Garden and Airborne Veterans Associations, as well as the AAC (Army Air Corps), USAAF veterans and Glider Pilot veterans who wrote to me with much information and kindness. Their names are mentioned in the list and its completion would not have been possible without their help. Texts that were sources of information are also named.
A thorough search of the AIR 27 files at the PRO revealed many Jewish names of RAF & RCAF crew who were dropping and towing in men and supplies at Arnhem as members of the sixteen squadrons of 38 and 46 Group, but though the staff at RAF Innsworth Personnel department in Gloucester (and the Army Records Office in Hayes) tried hard to verify some names as being Jewish, lack of resources prevented a full search by them. Many more names could be added in this way, I know, but I fear this may never be possible. Furthermore, records at Innsworth and Hayes often stated that veterans were not Jewish even though the AJEX Jewish Chaplains Index Cards clearly say they were!! This is explained by the fact that many Jewish servicemen preferred to hide their true religion in case of capture by the Germans and attested on enlistment as being of other religious denominations. I know that at least four graves at Oosterbeek - Pte Abraham Fenton, Pte Francis Yapp, Pte Frank Dobrozynski and Pte Walter Lewy-Lingen aka Landon/Langdon - have crosses on the headstones, but all the men were definitely proud Jews! The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has declined to act on putting this right, however. Furthermore, Pte Haikin's grave had no religious symbol on it at all, even though he was Jewish, but this has now been changed at his brother’s request (letter from the CWGC Oct 1998 and telephone contact with his brother).
A teletext announcement inserted by Sydney Goldberg of Kenton AJEX also brought some moving and helpful responses from veterans and historians from all over Britain and overseas - from as far away as New Zealand, Canada, the USA and Israel. Responses also came from veterans via letters placed in the Jewish Chronicle and other Jewish newspapers abroad (including the English language “Jerusalem Post” in Israel), the Kindertransport Association journal, Canadian Jewish News and others, the AJEX bi-annual Journal , Saga Magazine, Wartime News magazine, the War Widows Magazine, the magazine of the Association of Jewish Refugees, the USAAF Veterans Journal and the British Legion Journal.
In addition, with regard to both lists of men, sources contained numerous names which could definitely have been Jewish, plus nommes de guerre used by those who did not wish to be recognised as Jews in case of capture; in addition other men had one Jewish parent and at least two have admitted this to me but did not at first wish to be included; they later changed their minds.
Twenty eight Polish Jewish Airborne Soldiers (from the relatively small Polish Brigade) fought at Arnhem, of whom ten were officers - see "Jewish Military Casualties in the Polish Armies in WW2" by Benjamin Meirtchak, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1995. Many more did not admit to being Jewish; it has been possible to trace the names of only about half of them here.
Mr A. Witko of the Polish Section of the British Army Records Office in Hayes was extremely helpful in providing further details of the Polish Jewish Airborne men. Some had enlisted as Catholic and Atheist - and one even as C of E, extremely unlikely for a Pole! This yet again is clear evidence of the fact that many Polish Jews lied about their religion (for fear of capture by the Germans as well as anti-Semitism in the Polish Forces) and obviously the real number of Polish Jews serving is a great underestimate.
The 21st Independent Parachute Company included at least 26 Austrian, German, Polish and Czech anti-Nazi Refugees, who volunteered from the Pioneer Corps (M Middlebrooke p 33), using mostly Irish and Scottish Nommes de Guerre - almost all of whom were Jewish. In the novel "The Four Sergeants" by Zeno aka Lamarr aka Allerton, their courage is described as outstanding by the author, who fought with them. Survivors Solly Scott, Peter Block and many others attest to this as does Gen. Urquhart in his book "Arnhem” on page 29.
As veterans pass away, fewer and fewer are able to bear witness that many of their comrades in the battle were Jews, for it is only by word of mouth that such names have emerged, particularly if such names had been Anglicized and so gave no clue to the Jewish connection. Several examples of this are clear in the list. So many will never be known - the lesson being that this study should have been undertaken 20 years ago!
One of the most moving accounts, witnessed by several independent veterans (see below) Jewish and not Jewish, describes an incident on the eve of departure for Arnhem,at one of the airfields. Several Jewish Paras gathered under the wing of a glider to hold a short Service to mark the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashana), with a Jewish Chaplain at the base. For despite the fears and sure knowledge that many would not return, the Jewish lads remembered their 4,000 year old heritage and met together to pray before what they knew would be a bloody battle against the evil forces of Fascism and anti-Semitism that they were about to take part in. It has not been possible to identify the Chaplain but the airfield was probably Tarrant Rushton. This was indeed a most poignant moment for the author, when the story was related to him.
In the author's view, it is certain that the numbers of men in this study could probably be DOUBLED if it were possible to verify religious denomination. The 38 Jewish KNOWN KIA (out of the total of 1200) represent 3.2% of total casualties, far in excess of the Jewish percentage in the general population (about half of one %). If we exclude one RAF, one RCAF and one USAAF casualties, the figure is 2.9%, still way in excess. The 214 Jewish participants were 2.14% of the total (10,000), again well in excess of the percentage in the general population. If we exclude the Air Force personnel, it is still 1.9%. However, if we add back into the equation the fact that I do not have all the Polish Jewish names and the Jewish 21st Independent Paras. names, the figures increase again quite considerably.
1398796 Flight Sgt/W/O Mark Azouz DFC, RAFVR - 196 Sqdn. - KIA Arnhem aged 22. He made FOUR supply flights over Arnhem in his Stirling III LK 557, taking off from Keevil on the 17th at 1055 and returning at 1600; from Wethersfield on the 18th at 1150 towing a Horsa, returning at 1725; on the 19th at 1310, returning at 1820 having dropped 24 containers and 4 panniers but sustaining damage from light and heavy flak at the TRV and LZ; and on the 21st in LJ810, leaving at 1200 dropping a similar load at Arnhem and hit by flak - but he was attacked by 3 to 5 FW 109's and shot down at 1415 (see PRO AIR 27 1167) and was killed. He kept the plane in the air whilst all but one of his crew (the rear gunner) escaped. It being Yom Kippor, he could have taken leave that day but refused as men at Arnhem were waiting for supplies. According to his log (now at the AJEX Military Museum) an entry of Sept. 19th states, "Re-supply containers (Glider, Operation Market - Arnhem). Badly hit by flak - counted 27 holes" (see medals display and portrait at AJEX Jewish Military Museum) - buried Nijmegen, Jonkerbos cemetery. Son of Ralph and Esta of 43, Park Rd., Chiswick, London. Photo WWRT p. 183. His portrait and medals are at the AJEX Museum, presented by his family in the late 80's. Mark Azouz's Index Card at the AJEX Museum says he was originally buried at Nieuweweg alongside the house of Mr J van Uum, B.31, Wijchen, Holland - a farmer - at map ref. 630592 1:25,000.
283359 & 1922/59/I Pte Anatol Bier - 1st Polish Independent Par Brig - KIA at Driel, 22.9.44 aged 22 years. Born Kraków 13.1.22 son of Szymon and Adela nee Margulisz. Served Iran/Iraq/Palestine in 3rd Para Bat. Awarded Polish Field Para. Badge with 4 British medals. Had been deported to Soviet Union in 1940. Photo in WWRT Addendum page 51. His Field Burial was in the grounds of the Schuijling, near the Post Office at Driel and his name on the Roll of Honour at Nijmegen/Groesebeek War Museum, as well as the Polish memorial at Driel itself. There is no religious symbol on his grave at Oosterbeek.
14623928/13807288 Pte Timothy Alexander/ Adolf Bleichroder (Bleach), Jewish refugee born Hamburg 7.1.22 into a banking family - came to UK 1936, interned 1940, deported to Australia on Dunera , joined 229 coy. Pioneer Corps in Jan. 1942 at Ilfracombe, then Paratroops fighting in North Africa and Italy before Arnhem- 21st Independent Parachute Coy., AAC - KIA 25.9.44 aged 22, during the retreat to the Rhine, son of Bernard and Julie, brother of Beate Robertson and Irene Wright - no known grave, Groesbeek Memorial. Letter and photo from sister Irene. His medals were donated to the AJEX Museum by his family in 1998. Letter also from German researcher Peter Leighton-Langer of Bensheim, Germany , July 1998. Veteran Harry Ford was with Bleach as they tried to cross the Rhine; Ford was badly wounded in the neck and passed out. Bleach had said he would try to escape into the marshes. When he came to, Ford was a POW and never saw Bleach again. Ford says the Germans had said they would kill all Pathfinders if captured.
1143320 Pte Frank Percy Dobrozynski/Dobrozyski/Dobrovski - 1st Bat. Para Reg., AAC, "T" coy, 11th plat., No 9 section , MMG Platoon - KIA 19.9.44 aged 26 - son of Isaac and Rose of Landseer Rd., Holloway, husband of Florence Rosa (Whitehead) of Upper Holloway. Brother of John (POW), Albert (8th Amy) and Vera. Cross on grave in error! Comrade Cpl Lionel Joe Gettleson saw him killed after their jeep with mounted Vickers MG received a direct hit near the Rhine Hotel. Andy Milbourne was seriously wounded with him. Comrade Doug Charlton (Sec. and Archivist 1st bat. OCA) says family were Polish Jews who had come to England in 1936 and when on leave in London his family would give the men typical Polish Jewish cakes and buns to eat. He says that they persuaded Frank to say he was CoE to avoid ill-treatment if captured. Also that he was excused Church Parade by Padre Capt. Talbot Watkins. Obituary in North London Press, 20.10.44 (Colindale).
6462382 Pte George D R Alexander Emmanuel - 10th bat. Para Reg. AAC - died of wounds, 20.9.44, aged 28 - son of Montague Rousseau and Florence of 7, Radnor Rd, Paddington, W2 (JC 16th and 30th March 1945).He was a former TA soldier; though already wounded he volunteered to go forward and silence a German 6lb gun. This was accomplished but he was wounded in the chest and died later.
1209750 LAC Roffer James Eden - RAFVR radar Unit - Aged 31 years - KIA 20.9.44. by a shell at the Hartenstein HQ, Oosterbeek, whilst repairing a wireless to attempt contact with outside air suppport. Husband of Annie of Victoria, London. Photo WWRT page 195.
P/237410 Lt Rudolph Julian Falck – PC and then Para Reg., AAC, 1st Airborne in 1943 – CO and Intelligence Officer Number 4 Section, Divisional Provost Coy., Corps of Military Police, att. To Divisional HQ, KIA 25/26.9.44 aged 24 - son of George and Elizabeth, husband of Pauline Mary of Epsom. Groesbeek Memorial, no known grave. Falck was a German/Dutch refugee. He jumped in with 2nd lift into intense fire from the ground. His comrade, John Hamblett, in his book "The Pegasus Patrol", published in 1998 (photo in book and at Museum), and interviewed by the author at The Hartenstein Airborne Museum, Arnhem in Sept. 1998, describes how an eye-witness named L/Cpl. Stanley Reast gave testimony in 1993 that he buried both Falck and a Cpl Jack Newby in an orchard near where he found them dead propped up against a lamp post where they were killed during the defensive battle near the Hartenstein HQ. In 1945, Newby's body was found with his ID tags but Falck had removed his ID (in case of capture by the Germans) but Reast had seen his cheque book and knew it was him anyway; both bodies were buried - it is almost certain - in one grave with only Newby's name on (see “Pegasus Patrol” page 133-4). John Hamblett struggled to have Falck's name put on a proper headstone at Oosterbeek and removed from the Groesebeek memorial but the CWGC have declined as they are “unable to prove identity” . Falck's daughter survives him.
0-744867 Navigator 1st Lt Jacob Feldman, 314th US Troop Carrier, 61st Troop Carrier Sqdn. - returning from Arnhem in aircraft number 42-92839, shot down by flak 18.9.44 and crashed west of rly. bridge at Rhenen, Holland - based at Saltby. All the crew - Warren S. Egbert Jnr., pilot; 2nd Lt Horace M. Jerome, co-pilot; Crew Chief T/Sgt David L. Desantis; radio operator Sgt Jacob J. Yapel - kia. Feldman was buried after disinternment, in New York (J. Hey "Roll of Honour at Arnhem", Airborne Museum, Arnhem) and letter from Admiral David E Mondt, 62nd TCS OCA, Boone, Iowa, USA, 16.1.99.
332693 Pte A (Abraham) Fenton KOSB no. 2 platoon/Airborne KIA 21.9.44 aged 26 years - from Glasgow son of A and Mary Jane Fenton- buried with a cross on his headstone at Oosterbeek but Sid Goldstein and Capt. G Gourlay (see below) say he was Jewish and had changed his name on enlistment. Field burial at the White House on Van Dendenweg (Hartenstein Museum).
3458590 Staff Sgt Cyril Fisher - Glider Pilot Reg, D Sqdn. Army Air Corps (AAC), aged 25, 22.9.44 - son of Harry and Rose of Edgware - Groesebeek memorial, no known grave. Photo WWRT page 85.
1561122 Sgt Ronald Franks - 1st Wing Glider Pilot Reg, D Sqdn. AAC - had already fought at Caen after D-Day - aged 25 years of 27, East St., Barking, son of Mr and Mrs H Franks - died of wounds as a POW 22.10.44; JC 27.10.44/16.2.45 - Photo WWRT page 87. Letter from niece Mrs A Sarner and cousin Alan Cass.
“Goldstein” – veteran Sgt John/Jack Foyer 7018830 1stst Paras was in a trench with Lonsdale Force and saw a para’s body with ID tag “Goldstein” . There is no such name on the Roll or in the CWGC site or AJEX cards so this man remains another Jewish mystery.
30053853 Cpl Moszek Groman(u) - Polish Paras (Meirtchak) died of wounds. Born 18.12.1912 Grojec, Warsaw son of Zelek and Cyrla nee Liber - fought in Poland 1939, served Iran/Iraq/Palestine, Polish 3rd Para bat. Field Ambulance. Awarded Polish Field Para. Badge, Wound badge and 4 British medals. Had been deported to Soviet Union as POW Sept. 17th 1939 till 24 March 1942. Wounded/died of wounds at Arnhem. Lennard informant claims he survived and went to live in Israel post-war.
5837015 Pte/L Cpl. Bernard Haikin, born May 1920 – son of Katia nee Censor, and Yasha Haikin and divorced husband of Barbara – enlisted 11.12.41 in Suffolk Reg. /REME/RAOC and then the 156 bat. Para. Reg., AAC - KIA 25.9.44 aged 24 years near the Sonnenberg House (P Reinders) – lived at 46 Milner Sq., NI (AJEX Index Cards and photo), brother of Gloria Sachs of Milman Mews WC1 ("Pegasus" Apl 1970 and MoD records) and Jack (Israel), Harry and Norman. Mother and stepfather were Mr and Mrs Steiner 64, Langdale Buildings, Wicker St, E1. Letter from Edna Jordan nee Saunders (1.1.99) who was a friend of Bernard when she was in the Land Army in 1944. She visited his observant family one Saturday for Sabbath lunch and his father “wore a skull cap”. She has since met the family as a result of the author’s research. A friend, Harry Miller Oberman knew Bernard from the age of 4 years and wrote (2.1.99) that the family lived at 17 Harper Street, Theobolds Rd, and father was a tailor who worked from home. Bernard and he attended St John’s School, Fisher St, Southampton Row, WC1 and then Hugh Middleton Central School in Clerkenwell. They were both in the 21st City of Westminster Jewish Scouts which met at Gt Portland St Synagogue. There was no religious symbol on Haikin's grave, but in 1998 his brother and sister requested a Star of David be inscribed and this has been done.
P/174343 Capt John Miles/Myles Henry - 10th bat. Par. Reg. (AAC) HQ Coy.Intelligence Officer - aged 23, killed 19.9.44 whilst rescuing a comrade under fire ("The Tenth" R Brammall, Eastgate 1965 page 62) - son of Arthur and Margaret, husband of Pamela Evelyn nee Morris, (and father of their unborn daughter) who later lived in Sweden, re-married as Mrs Lamm in Ludvika, but now in Auckland NZ. Letter from comrade Fred Duncan "Jacks" Jackson of Christchurch New Zealand, who served with him at Arnhem, and sent a photo of John's headstone at Oosterbeek. Also a letter & photo from his widow, Pamela E. Henry-Lamm, in New Zealand. John's daughter and grandchildren live in Sweden - Pamela was pregnant with the daughter when John was killed. Letter from comrade Frederic Jenkins describes how Miles gave him a drink from his flask when he had been knocked out on Sept. 19th (12.12 99). Biography of Henry is in his wife Pamela’s book – “I’ve had my dance” pub. in New Zealand, in AJEX Library.
6021874 Sgt Maurice Kalikoff, 2nd Bat. Para. Reg., AAC, S Coy. mortar section - i/c mortars on "grassy" island at Eusebius Sq., near bridge with Col. Frost - having run out of ammunition, he and two of his men retreated to a house which then recieved a direct hit, fatally wounding Kalikoff (telephone call from comrade Bill Bloys, from Essex) - WIA Arnhem Bridge Wed. 20.9.44 - died of wounds as a POW 27.10.44 aged 28 - buried Rheinberg cemetery, Germany - son of Phillip and Dora of 260, Upper St., Islington (JC 1.12.44 - photo). James Sims, author of "Arnhem Spearhead" pub by the IWM fought with Maurice and described him as "golden hair and moustache and blue eyes and soft spoken". He had fled Ukraine as a child in the 1920's with his parents and sister and was "very popular with the men despite being a strict disciplinarian and trainer" (letter to author). He was about 5' 10" tall. Sims relates the following - "Just before Arnhem, Maurice had a bee in his bonnet about us achieving a quick exit and a tight stick, so he had us hobbling through a nissen hut with a kit bag on our leg and with full equipment. As this was early September, it was very hot and uncomfortable and we moaned a bit, but Maurice was determined we would get it right. Came the 17th Sept. 1944 and I had just landed by parachute and was gathering myself together to make for 2 Para yellow flare rallying point, when I met Maurice obviously searching for something. It turned out that his kit bag had broken free and he could not find it. I found this very amusing but he didn't. That was the last I saw of him although we were never more than about 50 yards from each other (at the Bridge with Col. Frost) ".
629281(6)7 Pte Denzil (Denny) Meyer/Myer Keen - A Coy., 10th bat. Para Reg (AAC) - KIA 19.9.44 aged 21, son of John and Elizabeth of Scotch Fir Cottage, West Chiltington Common nr. Pulborough - letter from Albert Slesinger says parents owned a boarding house at 158 Sutherland Ave., Maida Vale W9 - Groesbeek memorial. Volunteered at 17 years in the Buffs. Letter from sister Helen Barnett, and JC 6.4.45. Photo at AJEX Museum. A close friend, Ron Pang, who served with Denzil in the paras before Ron was posted to the Far East, has researched into the manner of Denzil's death in action and describes it in detail in a letter in the author's possession. Going into nearby woods towards Oosterbeek to destroy a German tank, Keen was badly wounded losing a leg and brought back to be evacuated to the RAP. He was laid across the front of the Colonel's jeep but as it pulled away the jeep received a direct hit from an enemy tank and the occupants were all killed. This is from an eye-witness account given to Ron Pang by surviving participants in the event described above ie Ernie Whadcote, Johnny Stillwell and Tom Harding. The informants further told Ron that just before take-off to Arnhem, all the Jewish men attended a service with the Jewish Chaplain, and were told that as they had seen active service in North Africa, they were given the option of not going in with the first drop. They all said at once that they would go in with their comrades, and when this became common knowledge, the whole batallion were very impressed. Denny was decribed by this informant as a "tall fellow, well built, got on well with everybody, a bloody good mate".
Pte Maurice Kingston aka Cohen - JIW. No further information is available.
14623912/13803244 Pte Walter "Lew"/Lou Landon /Langdon ( real name Lewy-Lingen) - 21st Independent Para. Coy., Para Reg., AAC - KIA 20.9.44 aged 24; posthumous Certificate of Gallantry for crawling out in full view of the enemy and silencing a German cannon with a PIAT, being then mortally wounded - son of Richard (German High Court Judge) and Marie Gertrude. ("I understand the Risks", N Bentwich, Gollancz 1950 and JIW, and numerous references by other survivors who speak of him as a giant of a man and very gentle). In "First In - The Parachute Pathfinder Company" by Sgt Ron Kent (Batsford 1979) who was at Arnhem and knew Landon, he describes his behaviour as "one of the many gallant acts of the Company's large Jewish contingent" and says Landon was recommended for a VC (page 110) - photos at AJEX Museum. Buried with a cross on his grave despite all , as his sister says the family converted in Germany in the 1930’s!! Field Burial at Hotel Schoonord (Hartenstein Museum). Balliol (Oxford) chemistry student before joining 93 Pioneer Corps and later the Paras. Aunt in Oxford, and sister Marianne in Sutton Coldfield. Also fought in North Africa and Italy.
1478958 Staff Sgt John Oliver Levison, 2nd Wing Glider Pilot Reg. E Sqdn., AAC KIA - ("Lion with Blue Wings" - R Seth - pub. Gollancz 1955 - page 238). Not in WWRT - Aged 23 years KIA 19.9.44 - son of Arthur J G and Lydia Levison of Farnham, Surrey. To be confirmed/cross on grave.
112068 Capt Percy Louis, RAMC, 133 Para. Field Ambulance, attached 1st Airborne Medical Staff HQ - MiD, KIA 25.9.44 (Sunday night or Monday morning). He volunteered to cross from the south side of the Rhine to the besieged troops in Oosterbeek by assault boat with his CO under a Red Cross flag. Was captured then released to return to south bank. That night he returned with the 4th Dorsets in an attack to get more supplies through, to west of Arnhem ("On Wings of Healing" Lt Col Howard Cole, Blackwood 1963 page 129). Killed and lost during the night crossing back for more medical supplies - aged 29, son of Mr S and Mrs R Louis of 5, Ranelagh Cl., Edgware - Groesbeek memorial - no known grave.
7369132 Sgt Micky/Gerry Myers - JIW – 16th Para. Field Ambulance batman for the surgical team of the RAMC at St Elizabeth's Hospital and of Capt. Dr. Lipmann Kessel (see below) - attempted escape with a nominal roll of the wounded treated by Kessel, and a letter to Kessel's girl friend, Peggy. MAY have survived as a POW - letter from Niall Cherry, author of a history of the 1st Airborne Medics (“Red Berets and Red Crosses”) and P Reinders. Info. also from QMS Eddy Pruden.
Pilot Officer T I Pervin, RCAF, kia 22.9.44, buried at Groesebeek, aged 30 years.
1094468 Sgt Max Rams, D Troop, 1st Air Landing AT Battery, RA KIA 18.9.44, aged 28 years - Groesebeek memorial section 28, panel 1 - letter from Louise Robson of Neath , widow of Max's Welsh friend Sgt Cyril Robson; also John C Howe, veteran friend; Jewish Chaplain Index Cards at AJEX Museum. Arnhem veteran Lt Edward E. Shaw described Rams as "tall, handsome, with a moustache, well educated and a very fine soldier in every way "(letter from Louise Robson) and “large, flamboyant, strong and fit, he stood out and is remembered with affection by all” (Howe). Father of Allan and David Rams in Hamilton , Canada (personal call). Eye witness 273321 Lt. Geoffrey Ryall (a D Troop officer) , spoke to the author and described how he joined Rams's gun team on landing zone L where he had parachuted in, and then all moved off towards the bridge with 3rd and 4th bats. of the Paras. En route they were held up by German machine guns and snipers and so Max took a rifle and decided to go after them. He was wounded, however, and against advice he made his way to a CCS. This was overrun at the time or later by SS troops and the men there were POW. Witnesses say they never saw Max afterwards and a long investigation was carried out later; they believe he was murdered but there is no proof. His body was never found and it may be one of the unknown graves at Oosterbeek. Howe’s notes include a statement by Doug Stone, bombadier to Rams, who says the RAP where Max went was at Mariendaal and as it was over-run by SS Germans, they shot all the wounded as the British counter attacked. P Reinders of the ABRG confirms that the RAP was near a house called De Vergarde ref. 709782, where there was a mass grave found after the war. An unknown bombadier was subsequently buried in grave 1C 18 at Oosterbeek and an unknown Sgt. (Rams??) at 1 C 19.; all this is confirmed in an e mail from Max Rams son, David, from Canada, to the author on 11/12/03. Letter from John Howe describes how Max fought in Sicily at the capture of the Primasol bridge, landing by glider; at capture of Taranto naval base in Italy, landing from Naval Destroyers; capture of Foggia and fought up to Cassino. On the journey back to Europe, Max was remembered for the fun he created with housey-housey games (bingo). In UK he was heavily involved in changing guns from 6 to 17 pounders, for which the Hamilcar glider was designed, when stationed at Helpringham in Lincs. After 17 operations were planned and cancelled, they were sent to Arnhem. Three of the 4 guns of D Troop were all destroyed on landing and only Max’s gun survived. Howe says that Max was remembered for his statement that he would never be taken alive, and may have taken his own life - but there is NO evidence for this.
14441856 Pte Erwin/C Max Rivers (Rothbart) – Cambridge university economics student of Keynes - 1st bat. Suffolk Reg. att. Airborne - died of wounds 25.11.44 aged 30 years - buried Overloon - married to Myfanwy Christina from Bayswater (JC 5.9.97 and "I Understand the Risks", N Bentwich, Gollancz, 1950 - p148). Son of Otto and Cecilie; lectured at Cambridge University. Not listed as Arnhem death by J Hey "Roll of Honour, Battle of Arnhem", published by the Airborne Museum, Aldershot. Before the battle he wrote, “Also I rage when I suddenly see waiting death behind the calming mechanism of Commandos, dispositions and planned movements. It helps me that I know what I am fighting for” (Leighton-Langer).
14623901/13804684 Cpl Hans Rosenfeld served as John Peter Rodley – University mathematics student - 21st Independent Para Coy, “The Pathfinders”, AAC. KIA 23.9.44, aged 29, by a ricochet in the neck defending his trench in the garden of the house at Stationweg 8 – another source says by a grenade after he refused to surrender - buried Oosterbeek. Came to England from Dusseldorf in 1939, Paras. 1942, also fought North Africa and Italy - injured whilst training as a Glider Pilot - wife Rachel Kay, son Nigel 3 years old - JC Dec 1944 - (now works for UN and is a University lecturer!) and sister Ruth Ellern in Leeds, now in Israel. Son of Mr and Mrs Richard and Minna Rosenfeld, murdered in The Holocaust. (Photo M Middlebrook and JC Dec 1944 and letter from sister in Tel-Aviv. Photos also from Steve Nicholls of Sheffield).
Cpl Rodney - no further details - "I Understand the Risks" page 97-8. Possibly Rodley, above.
14219614 Sgt Theodore Albert "Ruby" Rube(i)nstein - 2nd Wing Glider Pilot Reg. E Sqdn. Down Ampney, AAC - aged 21 - KIA 22.9.44 - formerly of RW Fusiliers - son of Ernest and Annie of 23, Teilo Rd., Cardiff. Photo WWRT page 153. Killed by a flame thrower (letter from brother of a comrade, Capt. L Futter and JC 2.11.45). Ruby got his wings at North Luffenham. He was 6' 2" and much liked by his friends (call from comrades Mr Hands and Mr Renard).
Samuel Swarts – Royal Netherlands Resistance Section Leader, born 26/7/1917, killed in action with Paras at Arnhem 20/9/1944. Buried at Oosterbeek among the Paras he fought with. Story recounted by Tom Van Soest who is a retired Dutch Army Colonel and as an 11 year old boy was a guide to the Paras at Arnhem in Jack Watson’s Recce jeep. He fled with them over the Rhine and never saw his family for 11 months!
13803084 Sgt Ernest Simion/Simeon, 2nd Wing Glider Pilot Reg. F Sqdn., Army Air Corps - 20.9.44, aged 24 years, German Jewish refugee born in Berlin 8.8.1920, - son of Eva/Erna Simion of Hampstead and Gunter Levy (divorced). Came to UK in 1939 and worked as a mechanic in Co. Down, Northern Ireland - then interned, joned Pioneer Corps, then REME. Joined the Glider Pilot Reg. at Fargo on Salisbury Plain (call from comrade Mr Price who served with him and comrade Richard Long). Letter and photo also from cousin Wolf in London. A letter in Ajex archives from his co-pilot S/Sgt Ron P. Gibson written 23.11.44 from the Sgts. mess at RAF Broadwell, Shilton, Oxon., says they took off from Tarrant Rushton and - “....I only knew “Sim” for a very short time, but what I knew I liked. We had a smooth flight over Holland on Sept. 17th....(with) a jeep, an anti-tank gun and two of the gun crew from the Border Aldeburgh turned south east over North Sea. As we passed over the dunes (on Dutch coast) we ran into some flak...our tug pilot pulled us into some cloud to avoid (it)...then below cloud over flooded Lower Holland.....As we approached the landing zone at Arnhem we could see some big fires blazing in the town and along the railway line on one edge of the ploughed field where we had to land. We released from....3000 ft and had to weave our way through a host of gliders that all seemed to aim for the same point. We touched down in a ploughed field on the side of a pine wood...unloaded the gun and jeep...hacking the tail off....few enemy in the woods at that time.....eerily quiet....then drove off to our rendezous at 1.30 (pm) the evening we passed through...Wolfheze, where people stood by their garden gates , waving and saluting and pushing apples and pears into our rucksacks (and) met our first opposition down the village streets...snipers and an armoured car.
We took up positions in the gardens of the houses and....just before dark moved into a little pinewood...we dug ourselves foxholes along the edge of the wood...for the soil was sandy. During the night we took turns on patrolling the edge of the wood...on the following morning I was separated from Simion.... as he was sent forward. In the morning I joined up with Simion again and....there was an an enormous amount of firing all around us. In the evening we moved out to......Oosterbeek Park...beechwood..... and dug ourselves in (but) very thinly held. I was separated from Simion again. He was in a foxhole about 50 yards from mine...all through the night we were mortared. On the early morning of Wednesday a party of Jerrys...suddenly... burst through the corner of the woods where Simion was and threw some grenades into the backs of the trenches (and)..... another party of SS troops dashed across the road under cover of Spandau fire and killed or wounded them with submachineguns and grenades.....I looked down to Simion’s corner and saw it occupied by the SS who were hauling our wounded out of their trenches. I saw one man standing up being searched by an officer but couldn’t recognise him as Simion. I made a dash and was able to join the rest of our squadron who had drawn back...this is all the information I can give up to the moment Simion was missing”.
6032180 Pte Alec Louis Taylor, A Coy., 3rd Platoon, 8 Section, 4th Bat. Dorsetshire Reg - 25/26 Sept 1944 aged 20 years - son of Henry and Fanny of 76, Cazenove Rd., Stoke Newington N16, brother of Mrs A Lever (letter) and Mrs H Brandt (letter). Comrade Frank Porter - in a telephone conversation with author - emotionally described how Alec had told him as they crossed the Rhine that night, he did not want to be captured under any circumstances because he was Jewish. Photo AJEX Museum.
14688322 Pte Anthony William Verhoeff - 10th bat Para Reg. AAC - KIA 18.9.44 aged 19. - son of Anthony and Alida of Golders Green - Groesbeek memorial - no known grave.
148579 Capt Ernest Mariel "Oscar" Wyss ("A Bridge Too Far"), D Coy., 2nd batn. South Staffs.,KIA nr. Elizabeth Hospital, Utrechtway, by a tank shell whilst attacking it Sept. 20th 1944 - landed by glider and a very popular officer. Letter from Sgt H Dalton who witnessed his death, describing Weiss as Jewish and "the bravest man he ever knew" and that we " should be proud of him.....I will never forget him". He was left with Padre Buchanan to bury. No AJEX card - to be confirmed/cross on grave.
6846961 Sgt Pilot Julius (Jules) Wisebad, Glider Pilot Reg., AAC - aged 25 - KIA 18.9.44. - Groesbeek memorial - no known grave (JC 6.10.44). AJEX card – 5 , Handley Rd, Hackney E9 – married 2/6/44
3597285 Pte/Tpr. Francis “Buster” Yapp - 1st bat. The Border Reg./Airborne Tank Sqdn. - KIA 18th Sept.aged 26 years, husband of Joyce of Sale, Cheshire - information from comrade Sgt E.J.Peters who was with him when he was killed and remembers him saying , "I am a Jew and will be shot if captured" and Pte Owen Delvoir. He was first buried at Sonnenberg House along the Hoofdlaan Oosterbeek road, now at the Oosterbeek cemetery. AJEX Chaplain card. Cross on grave in error.
Harry Yentis - KIA - WWRT. No trace at CWGC - probably fought under another name. To be confirmed.
6476988 L/Cpl Harry Zimmerman - 7th bat. Somerset Light Infantry/Royal Fusiliers/City of London Reg. - KIA 1.10.44 aged 24. - son of Mr and Mrs J Zimmerman of 18 Arran House, Stamford Hill N16. Photo WWRT page 179.
“John Christie” - just before Arnhem, an unknown Jewish paratrooper of German origin was given – in order to protect him if captured – the ID discs of an actual British Officer, John Christie. The Jewish para was killed at Arnhem and in 1956 the real Christie visited Oosterbeek and saw his name on the gravestone! To this day it has been impossible to identify the Jewish para buried there. Inquiries to the Daily Telegraph when Christie died in Sept. 1999, re the story told in his obituary, brought no response from the family . In any case Christie probably never knew to whom the ID discs had been given that fateful day. So there is an unknown Jewish para buried at Oostebeek , killed at the battle of Arnhem.
128694 F/O later S/L Stanley James Alexander Asher, 620 Sqdn. took off from Fairford on 17th Sept. in Stirling IV LJ930 at 1010 to drop men and supplies, returning at 1440; AJEX Index Cards and AIR 27 2134 at PRO.
1519228 Gnr Isidore/Jack/Jacob Askins - RA - father of 3, Welford Rd, Crumpsall, Manchester 8 - AJEX card - letter from Hadassah Rockman, Israel and friends in Manchester/Bradford. Not confirmed.
P/O later S/L Reginald Otto Altmann DFC, 271 Sqdn. flying Dakotas from Down Ampney, tugging Horsas - dropped supplies on 18/9 at Arnhem - mentioned in Jewish Year book 1945-46 as gazetted with a DFC. PRO Records AIR 1594.
Lt Charles Aspler, 23rd Field Coy, Royal Canadian Engineers, took part in evacuating Airborne under fire across the Rhine night of 25/26th Sept. - letter from son Joseph of Kirkland, Quebec.
PLF/1920 2nd Lt (Infantry) Karol Maksymilian Aszkenazy - born 18.5.20 in Vienna, son of Joachim and Klara nee Gutman - HQ 1st Indep. Polish Paras. - awarded Field Para. Badge and 4 British medals.
30029060 Pte Roman Barman - born 19.11.24 Rokitno, Saany, Wolyn, son of Mejer and Merka nee Olszanska - served Iran/Iraq/Palestine and 3rd Polish Paras. - awarded Field Para Badge and 4 British medals.
14429091 Pte Philip Banks/Levy, 10th Para. Bat. - fought at Oosterbeek crossroads; information from personal interview. Born 4.1.25 at the Jewish Lying in Hospital, Commercial Road, London E1. Served Merchant Navy, torpedoed, volunteered Army and 1st Airborne. Parachuted into Arnhem, WIA/POW Fallingbostel Stalag 11b, and then Arbeitscommando in a lead mine in Hartz mtns. Escaped, and reached Dutch border, betrayed by Dutch Green Police and beaten and given 28 days in cooler and then returned to mine. Then was forced march to other camp but escaped to American lines in April 1945. Mr Banks lives in Northampton; was a Regular till 1966. He confirms that many of the 21st Independent Parachute Coy. - with whom he fought - were German Jews but to this day will not admit their religion or talk to strangers about their backgrounds (see below). Banks is mentioned on pages 63,84 and 111 in "The Tenth" by R Bramall (Eastgate Publications, 1965) as being at LZ "L" ,firing a bren in a bombed house in Oosterbeek, and using some German he learned from his Jewish grandmother to bring in wounded to the Apeldoorn Barracks hospital. Photo AJEX Museum and Sunday Express Sept. 1994.
J42319 P/O Max Blugrind, 573 or 437 Sqdn. - took off 17.9.44 in Dakota KG327 from Broadwell at 1002, returning 1517, dropping supplies and men at Arnhem (RAF Innsworth and PRO AIR 27 records).
Pte “Mo” Bloom, 1st Border Reg. - letter from comrade 2981724 Pte A Sandy Masterton.
6472456 Gunner/L/Cpl Alfred/Abraham Barnett - RA/R Fus. attached 1st Airborne, came in from Tarrant Rushton by Hamilcar glider towed by a Stirling - as it was eve of Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year), he took part in a service held by the Jewish Chaplain for Jewish personnel that evening. As the glider came down in the thick of the fighting, the chains holding a 17 pounder canon snapped and the barrel swung round almost hitting him! WIA by shrapnel in legs- escaped across the Rhine with the Canadian engineers and remembers the pouring rain and it being the eve of Yom Kippor!( Day of Atonement). Husband of Mrs S Barnett of 148, The Drive, Ilford. (Personal Interview AJEX, photo AJEX Museum).Alf was born 25.2.15 in Brick Lane, Whitechapel, called up in June 1940 and fought in North Africa and Italy before training as a para. at Ringway with the 1st Airborne.
954033 L/Cpl Cyril Bernstein/Benton - Radio Operator, 11th bat. Paras, 4th Brigade - WiA in back, arms and legs, he tried to swim the Rhine but was captured, POW Stalag 12A Limburg/IVB Muhlburg, from where he tried to escape; finally liberated by Red Army - personal interview. Father from 103 Galleywall Rd, SE16. Photo at AJEX Museum.
4752181 Platoon Sgt Norman (Sonny) Binick, MM (JC 10.11.44) - WIA/MIA/POW - Pathfinder Coy. , 21st Independent Paras, from Glasgow - letter from comrade Lawrence/Solomon Scott, whose father was Jewish. Kin given as J Rafael, 10, Noorcroft Rd, NW2. Binnick was one of the three first platoon Sgts. of the 21st Independent Parachute Coy. from its inception in June 1942. He was wounded by a mortar shell (Kent page 125). Photo at AJEX Museum.
13805440 Backwitz/Bachwitz, fought as Chris Blakely - Jewish refugee (JIW). Veteran Harry Ford says he was with bachwitz when he voluteered to swim the Rhine and bring in the Polish reinforcements. In the UK, Bachwitz went to see Ford’s mother to assure her that Harry was alive as a POW. PC and 21st Indep. Paras. – also served North Africa, Italy, Norway.
13807673 Nicholas Berblinger/Barblinger, fought as Allington - Jewish refugee (JIW) possibly born in Russia – fought in Spanish Civil War, French Foreign Legion, interned at Oran, then joined PC and then 21st Indep. Paras. – also fought North Africa and Italy.
Lol Brand - RAMC attached 21st Indep. Paras.- Jewish refugee; letter from Solly Scott. To be confirmed.
6803522 Capt Peter Isidore Brett aka Bretzfelder, RF att. Airborne, son of Alfred and Raie, nee Prince, husband of Doris of Stoke Newington, London
6465423 Sgt Myer H Bromnick, 1st Para, "S" Coy., 6th Plat.,No 6 section - MID twice, born in Mile End, London, son of Mrs S. of 8, Grange Ct Road, Stoke Newington, N.16. MIA/POW, seriously wounded - JC 12.1.45. Husband of Helene (letter from widow). Refused to change his Jewish ID in the Airborne - photo at AJEX Museum. He noted many pro-Jewish slogans written on the sides of the gliders before take off – letter from widow in J Lennard notes.
Bernard Berman – pilot 310th Sqdn., 315th Troop Carrier Group USAFF – letter from Irving Sternoff
Sgt Block , B Sqdn - Glider Pilot - P Reinders
Sgt 1st Pilot John Breitenbach aka Brighton, E Sqdn., Glider Pilot Regiment D Day and Arnhem
1612604 W/Op David Butterworth, 271 Sqdn. RAF, son of Lewis and Leah Butterwasser, b. 21.6.22 at 2 Fenton St, E1 – t/o Down Ampney in DC3 dropping Paras and towing glider with Paras on day 1 and then 2 more supply drops over Arnhem; almost shot down when he warned pilot of approaching fighters through the astrodome – recommended MiD but not awarded - interview 22.7.00.
Pte Carr - name given by AJEX veteran who could not remember any further details. Could be A., T.S., or T. Carr.
Major Cahn - (JIW)
Maurice Canter - (JIW)
Pte. Sam Clamp, info. from Gerry Flamberg, MM – Sam was with the mortar platoon in the 156 bat. (P Reinders, ABRG)
7016526/7106826 Pte Harry Cooper, 1st Ulster Rifles attatched Para. Reg. attached Brigade HQ - landed in glider - POW - personal interview. Son of Michael Cooper, 17 Balham Hill SW12.
T 14572938 Dvr Joseph Gerald Cooper, b. 19.8.1923, Stepney - RASC/RCOS/East Lancs Reg. WIA three times -Middle East, D-Day, Caen, Ardennes, Reichswald Forest - son of Mrs E Cooper, 54 Mulbery St, E1 - was at Driel with the Poles when they tried to get across to the Airborne at Arnhem, giving covering fire - AJEX card, photo and interview.
1553155 Pte Jack Cohen, Oxf & Bucks L I att. Airborne, part of Div. HQ defence Paltoon - "An Arnhem Odyssey" Longson & Taylor page 86, photo. Of 122 Church St, Chesham, Bucks - AJEX Index Cards and photo at museum/ Army Records office verified religion.
W/O B N Caplan 233 Sqdn flying from Blakehill Farm to Arnhem in Dakota KG 441 on 18/9, dropping troops and equipment and towing glider - took off 1050 and returned 1635. PRO Records AIR 1433.
J16824 F/O George A Coppel 233 Sqdn. - took off for Arnhem from Blakehill Farm 18/9/44 in Dakota KG400 at 1050 returning at 1635 (AIR 27 1438 at PRO; Innsworth records).
5884355 Sgt Sam or C. Coster - K Troop 1st bat. Paras. - from Ealing - POW at Fallingbostel - statement from comrade Doug Charlton, Secretary/Archivist of the 1st bat.OCA. Also excused Church Parade. P Reinders claims he escaped over the Rhine.
7896515 Pte Lionel Cuckle - 11th bat. Paras. - POW with Cyril Bernstein and Sydney Goldstein – Stalag 4B (?) no. 025995; letter also from son, Howard. Born Hull 2.3.14, MIA JC 10.11.44/1.12.44 - photo, wife of 164 Coltman St., Hull and parents of 402 Anlaby St., Hull. Cuckle was a friend of the Jewish SOE agent Isidore Newman MBE, murdered at Mathausen death camp.
Sgt Glider Pilot George V. Joseph Peppi De Liss/DeLiss/Delitz, AAC, A Sqdn., Austrian Jewish refugee, friend of Louis Hagen, illustrated his book on Arnhem. Information from talk with L Hagen.
Louie De Marco 1st Bat. Paras - son of a puppet maker in Aldgate - telephone message from Bill Bloys of Essex.
Issac de Vries - Dutch Jew in hiding who left his safe house to guide the remnants of Major Lonsdale's 11th bat. Paras to the Rhine and then crossed with them (M Middlebrooke, p 435). Medals awarded were the Dutch King’s Medal for Freedom and the Dutch War Cross - lives in Israel. Photo courtesy of Adrian Groneweg of The Arnhem Hartenstein Museum. Medals at Hartenstein Museum.
F/Sgt Edward Danziger, RAF - 298 Sqdn in Halifax ML MLP - from Tarrant Rushton to Arnhem on Sept 17th - from AIR 27 1654 at PRO and Innsworth.
5729990 Pte Lewis Diamand, D Coy. HQ 1st Airborne and 6/7th Bat. The Dorsets, volunteerd May 1940 - son of J Diamand of 56 The Charter Rd, Woodford Green - information from AJEX Cards and nephew David Van Loewe.
Pte 14623924/13814390 Descarr/Dossmar, fought as Bernard Kenneth Dawson - 21st Independent Paras. - Jewish refugee from Vienna , born 1915 - husband of Audrey (JIW) - letter from Solly Scott/21st Para archives.
11260470 Pte Bernard Dresser, AAC, mortar platoon, POW, escaped, of 12, Fieldland Terrace, Leeds, 7 – hus or son of Jane – was in Stalag 4B as POW no. 89570
Rusty Ericson/Erickson aka Isaacs, or Isaac Erickson - from Stepney/Whitechapel, S Coy., 1st bat. Paras, escaped across the Rhine via Jonkerbosch Convent School at Nijmegen with Doug Charlton (see above) who testified that they persuaded Isaacs to change his name and religion on his ID in case of capture. WIA, returned to UK.
13804402/14623920 Jurgen Fenner aka Fenyce - AAC/RF - son of Mrs L Fenner of Vienna Jewish refugee - JIW – veteran Harry Ford was with him at Arnhem
Sgt Gordon Finglass - 1st Forward Observer Unit, RA, formerly RWK reg. - letter from Mr Brearton, Arnhem Veterans Assoc. - WIA/POW, 6346424 21st Independent Paras, died 1997 - Airborne Museum Aldershot archives. Tbc if Jewish.
13116161/13803486 L/Bmbdr Kurt/Kenneth D Fraser, aka Fleischmann RA/1st Airborne - WIA/POW – Stalag 12A no. 13116161 - son of Mr S. and Mrs Fleischman, 10, West Heath Drive, NW11 and cousin of Henry Kissinger! - JC 4/5/45.
Cpl Walter Reginald Frimond - (JIW) - AJEX card gives him as 6093421 - Queen's West Surrey's, Westminster Rifles, 11th bat. KRRC - son of H Frimond, 3 Anlany Rd, Bedford.
Capt Leonard Futter (born 16.5.19) - Hampshires/Commandos/6th Airborne/1st Airborne - WIA/POW - friend of Sgt T A Rubinstein - letter from brother. Emigrated to Canada in 1946 and never heard of since.
14456069 Sgt Joseph Dan Faust (Fauschlager) 1st Airborne Recce Sqdn. - personal interview. Of 302 Watford Lane NW4. Son of Mr and Mrs R Fauschlager. Later served SAS and at liberation of Belsen, died 2008
3317365 L/Cpl Philip Fox - HQ Co. Signals 1st bat. HLI - was at southern end of bridge during the evacuation of paras. covering withdrawal across the Rhine - personal interview. Of 28 Sholebroke Terr., Leeds 7.
1500732 Dvr Joel Fiskin/Fisken - nephew of Mrs G Spoont of 128b, South Portland St., Glasgow - information from AJEX Chaplains cards and assumed to be the same RASC Despatcher mentioned in Journal of the RASC Nov 1944 p.54, as having baled out with his crew after being shot down dropping supplies over Arnhem and found by Polish troops. They were taken to British HQ and feted by the General who knew the base they had come from.
6856426 Pte Gerald Flamberg, MM, 156 bat. Para. Reg. - of 12, Meynall Rd, Hackney - wounded/MIA/POW - JC Dec 1944 and 12/10/45 - stopped a German tank singlehanded - picture AJEX museum and JC. Letter to his parents from CO said "Your son displayed great courage, attempting to destroy an enemy armoured vehicle...when his RSM was wounded, he stood up in the open and fired an anti-tank gun at it and throwing a bomb at it, continued to endeavour to destroy it. During this he was wounded but continued to fight. Truly a son to be proud of..' a great fighter in battle and in the ring' ". NB aka Lambert. Later founder of Jewish anti-Fascist 43 Group after war, against Moseley.
Cpl. A E Freeman - served as Ward - 10th Paras - Middlebrooke page 479 - to be confirmed.
R171414 W/O Max Frieman, RCAF, from Montreal - took off in Stirling 4EZY from Harwell with 570 Sqdn to Arnhem at 1145, returning at 1615. From records of Canadian Jewish Nominal Roll of the Canadian Jewish Congress, and AIR 27 at the PRO.
14672427 Signalman Bernard Fryman No 1 Coy HQ 1st Airborne Divisional Signals - his Adj. was Capt L L Golden - letter.
P/3273 Lt (Medical Corps) Dr Ludwik George Gelber - born 15.4.17, Lwow - son of Jozef and Dordia nee Alper - served France 1940, 10th Ambulance Co, 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade, 4th Para.Bat. Para Field Ambulance - awarded Field Para badge and 4 British medals - enlisted as CofE.
5503715 Pte A G (Jack) Gordon, son of Rev M L Gordon Minister of the Southampton Hebrew Congregation - JC 13.10.44. Of 47 Archers Rd. Southampton/Winchester.
Henry Goldman – pilot 309th Sqdn., 315th Troop Carrier Group USAAF – letter from Pilot Irving Sternoff
Sgt/Capt Benjamin Goodman, from Richmond, London - Airborne Divisional HQ - 2nd Paras - information from 6th A/B and AJEX member, Pte Ivor Rimmon and comrade at Arnhem, Sgt Dalton.
1286389 F/S Philip Gold 296 Sqdn. in Albermarle V1813 from Manston - AIR 22 1644 at PRO; RAF Innsworth; AJEX Index Cards.
1874903 F/Sgt Walter Garretts, 196 Sqdn. Stirling Mk.IV LJ502 - D for Dog - from Keevil, piloted by H Hoysted, DFC - Five drops over Arnhem, two towing gliders (17th - leaving at 10.45 and ret. at 15.05 - with heavy flak damage after glider release at 2,500 ft over Arnhem - and 18th Sept.) and three dropping supplies (19th, 21st and 23rd Sept.) - personal letters. Son of Nathan and Esther Garretts of “The Castle”, 44, Commercial Rd, E1. Born 13.2.25, AJEX Index card and photo. Walter also flew 23 other missions on D Day, Rhine Crossing, and SOE and SAS drops all over Europe.
5674773 Sgt Ben Goldstein, 156th Bat. 1st Paras, volunteered from 13th Foot SLI - platoon commander was Dennis Kayne - hus. of Doris of 54 Foburg Rd, Clapton E5 of Brady Jewish Boys club, parents from Tetworth, Oxford - MIA/POW - JC 15.12.44 - photo. Personal interview. Remembers taking off on Rosh Hashana and holding a short service with Lt Kane and Gerry Flamberg beneath a glider wing, just before. Born Brady Street E1, 22.3.1919.
Sgt Len Goldstein, Glider Pilot (refugee) - JC 13.10.44.
14417002 Sgt Frank Ashleigh Greenbaum, born Stepney 23.12.24 - Glider Pilot A Sqdn., AAC, MIA/POW at Stalag 7 nr. Luchenwald - of 480 Finchley Road: JC Oct 1944. Took off from Harwell on 18th Sept. Telephone conversation - photo AJEX Museum.
2364378 Pte Phillip Goldsmid/Rubinstein, Parachute Reg./RCOS - escaped by swimming the Rhine - had been an army boxing champion - moved to Israel aged 59 years on a Kibbutz, died 1989 - letter from daughter Mrs Billie Josephs - photo AJEX museum. Uncle of Killarney Hse, Monument St, EC.
229206 Major Lewis Lawrence Golden OBE - Adjutant 1st Airborne Divisional Signals (author "Echoes of Arnhem", W Kimber, 1984), Council of Westminster Synagogue post war. Born 6.12.22 Ealing, London, only the 2nd Officer of Signals appointed to the Para. Brigade. Escaped by swimming the Rhine - photo AJEX Museum and letter from CO Major General Anthony Deane-Drummond, then 2nd i/c 1st AB Signals at Arnhem. Seved also North Africa, It., Sicily, Normandy, India.
WO A/B D J Goldberg RAF - in 196 Sqdn with Azouz and Hartman, flew from Keevil on 4 missions to Arnhem - on 17/9 at 1055 returning at 1630, in Stirling LK 510; on the 19th from Wethersfield at 1300 returning at 1815 having dropped 24 containers and 4 panniers; on the 20th at 1200 returning at 1705 dropping a duplicate load but sustaining light flak damage; on the 23rd in LJ 502 taking off at 1405 and returning at 1920 having dropped another load (PRO AIR 27 1167).
3326465 Pte Frank Goldberg - POW no. 90546 - Airborne/7th KOSB/HLI - from Glasgow - letter from Capt. G Gourlay. Wife Mrs E Goldberg, moved to 28 Estreham St., Streatham.
P/10952 2nd Lt (Engineers) Mieczyslaw Grunbaum - born 4.7.21 Kalisz, Poznan, son of Marek and Paulina nee Krauze - served France 1939-40 and Para Engineers - awarded Field Para Badge and VIRTUTI MILITARI, AND 4 BRITISH MEDALS - wounded at Arnhem then KIA 14.4.45.
1527851 Pte Sidney Goldstein - D Coy, 16 platoon, 1st Indep. Paras/ 7th KOSB - POW (Personal Interview, AJEX) - POW with Bernstein, Lee, Josephs, Cuckle. Batman to Lt P.B.Mason, a Canadian Loan officer. Landed Ginkel Heath. Capt George Gourlay (letter) mentions him in a book "Off at Last" when Goldstein was asked to try Yiddish in communicating with local Dutch civilians. Photo AJEX Museum. Name found with Gourlay on glider list in AIR 27 records at PRO. In Stalag 4B, hut 26 - letter from comrade Bob Barrett.
Pte Green/Grunen, 3rd bat. paras - probably a Jewish refugee - telephone call from comrade John Reed.
13805451/13807110 Capt. Tony (Anton) Guttmann, fought as Gordon 21st Indep. Paras - Jewish refugee (JIW) and mentioned also by Mrs Rita Stanleigh and Peter Block - later lived in Israel as port engineer at Ashdod or Ashkelon - photo AJEX Museum. Also fought North Africa, Italy, Norway (ADC to GOC), India (Air Landing Div.)
Marcelle Herz - Dutch Resistance - organised food supplies for the several hundred British evaders hidden in the Ede-Appledoorn area during months of waiting to escape).
Rachel Didi Ross aka Hertz, born Rotterdam, Dutch Resistance in Arnhem helping evaders; was POW but escaped, later lived in Israel (see www.pegasusarchive web site); received Dutch Medal of Freedom and British Kings Commendation for Brave Conduct.
Sgt Louis Hagen, MM for bravery at Arnhem and taking several POW’s, WIA - served as Lewis Haig/ family name Levy - Glider Pilot, A Sqdn., AAC (Middlebrooke) - escaped by swimming the Rhine - author of best-selling book "Arnhem Lift" - photo AJEX museum and personal call - b. Potsdam 30.5.16. Also served REME/RAOC/RA and in India 1945. Son of Berlin bankers, came to UK in Jan. 1936
Capt (later Col.) Alfred John Hines, MC and bar, MiD twice – Deputy to Commander, RE (CRE) Brig. Wolf Myers at Arnhem. Parachuted at Ginkel Heath Sept 18th and responsible for co-ordinating evacuation on South bank of Neder Rhine with 43rd Wessex Div. – awarded also Orange Nassau 1st class by Queen Wilhelmina. Served also Greece, Crete, N Africa (WIA), Sicily, Salerno (WIA), Normandy, Berlin Blockade, Suez 1956 (para).
Capt Leo Jack Heaps, MC - (born 7.7.22, son of a Winnepeg MP, was wounded in Normandy where his brother also won the MC) - Canadian Infantry Corps of Winnipeg attached 1st Airborne - captured 24th Sept., escaped then MIA, then turned up on south bank and then returned to north bank and worked with Dutch Resistance bringing 150 evaders home in Operation Pegasus, including Brig. Lathbury and Maj. Tatham-Warter (“Pegasus Patrol” pages 144-5 and "Canadian Jews at War"; photo AJEX museum). Author of 2 books on Arnhem; described by Gen. Urquhart as "having a charmed life!". It is likely Heaps was working on some secret SOE mission not known even to Urquhart. He seemed to appear at odd times in vehicles during the heat of the battle, solving problems as a mobile freelance (Urquhart p.54-5). He led the attempted breakthrough with three Bren Carriers to the bridge to relieve Frost and bring supplies, but it failed (Urquhart page 100).
1921/171 L/Cpl Nissan Hajtler - born 4.1.21 Warsaw son of Abram and Sura nee Goldberg - served Iran/Iraq/Palestine - 1st bat Ist Indep. Polish Paras/4th Warsaw Rifles/4th Polish Infantry Div. - awarded Field Para badge and 4 British medals.
Henry Harding, aka Heindrick Getting, 10th Bat,. Paras - letter from comrade Norman Dickson in Isle of Man.
2337596 Sgt Ephraim David Hardman, Royal Signals attatched Airborne, of 351 St Cheetham St., Salford - (JIW)
14428984 Sgt. Glider Pilot Harold Halmer, son of L Halmer, 83, Mexborough Gdns, Leeds, 7 – AJEX card and letter from brother of friend, Bernard Spencer.
1601174 W/0 Leo Hartman, 196 Sqdn.RAF - of 80 Hindle Hse., Arcola St, Hackney, N16. - was in crew with Mark Azouz (KIA) B for Baker as Air-Bomber - baled out. Though his plane was badly damaged by ground fire, Azouz dropped the supplies and then made for home, being shot down by German fighters en route - JIW and letter from Walter Garretts, above.
Sgt Harris - Jewish refugee (JIW)
183813 P/O Capt Jack Aubrey Herman RAFVR, 644 Sqdn Halifax V2PN LL218 at Tarrant Rushton, to Arnhem - of 72, Sandringham Gdns, N12 - AJEX Chaplains Cards and PRO Records AIR 2159.
Sgt 3533597 Harry Hoffman or “Big H”, 3rd bat. paras - died 18.11.97, obituary in Pegasus Journal June 1998 - buried Carleton cemetery, Liverpool/Blackpool (?) - aged 80 years - POW Sicily, escaped, wia, awarded American Purple Heart - escaped 3 times in all. Son of Mrs S Hoffman, 10, Maud St, Manchester 8 - Ajex card and photo.
30017723 L/Cpl Israel Herszkowicz - born 29.1921 Tarnow, Kraków - son of Izak and Sabina - served Iran/Iraq/Palestine - 3rd Para bat. - awarded Field Para Badge and WiA badge 26.9.44 at Arnhem and 4 British medals.
30030453 Pte/L/Cpl Henryk Hirschfeld - born 22.8.1918 Kraków - son of Zygmunt and Anna nee Lewicka - served France 1940 1st and 3rd Para bats. - awarded Field Para Badge, Army Medal and 4 British medals - enlisted as RC.
1078143 Gunner Israel Isaacs, RA attached 1st Airborne - WIA - brother of Rev S Isaacs, British Jewish Army Chaplain - of 45 Rostrevor Ave, N15, JC 13.10.44.
6149848 Sgt Samuel Gregory Isaacs (aka Murray) – DFM Glider Pilot – born 30/4/20 Walworth Rd area of London, son of Samuel and Rose. 10th bat. East Surreys then glider pilot in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, D Day, Arnhem (DFM), India. Saw much fighting and was an evader.
174451 Lt Gerald Maurice Infield/Infeld, born London 1.6.21 - 1st Bat Paras, 1st Brigade - fought at the Bridge with Col Frost's men - MIA/POW at Oflag 79 nr. Brunswick JC 27.10.44/24.11.44 - son of Major H Infield MC, Flat 5, 217 Sussex Gdns.,W2. Personal intreview - photo at AJEX Museum.
14429044 Sgt Charles Izon, R Fus./Ox & Bucks/ KOYLI/Commandos, attached 1st Airborne. Born 5.10.25 in Birmingham. Volunteered aged 17 years in 1942, wounded at Caen, Normandy; severely WIA Arnhem - and POW - letter and interview with wife Sylvia, photo AJEX Museum.
105108/6967708 Capt Barry Barnett Ingram, OC Mortar platoon,Glider Loading Officer, 1st wave, Air Landing Glider Reg. - 1st Bat. Border Reg., 1st Airborne - POW after 4 days of evasion - of 538 Finchley Rd, NW11 (from records of Hartenstein Airborne Museum, Oosterbeek, Adrian Groeneweg and letters from wife Eileen and comrades Col Newport and Rev. Royall) - photo at AJEX Museum. MiD for his actions on 22.9.44 (letter from comrade Pat Slote).
1084603 Bombdr. Abraham Solomon Jacobs, RA, “B” Troop, No 1 Air Landing Battery/1st Airborne, WIA - JC 17.11.44 - 49, Dixon Ave., Glasgow - aged 34 years, son of Mrs Max Jacobs. Met another Jewish Airborne man and greeted each other in the midst of the battle with "Shema Yisroel"- photo AJEX Museum.
14690953 Pte D H Jacobs (AJEX Card) – 181 Air Landing Field Ambulance (Cherry’s “Red Berets and Red Crosses”).
Jacobs, 2nd Lt Jerome – USAAF fighter pilot ASN 0-819592 , 364th Fighter Sqdn., 357th Fighter Group – shot down in his Mustang supporting paras at Arnhem Sept 19th 1944 – POW – son of Samuel and Sophie 147th St, Flushings, NY – info from reader M Moscow of USA.
6849171 Pte "Danny" Daniel Josephs, AAC/11th Bat. KRRC - POW with Sidney Goldstein (personal interview with SG) and P Reinders. POW Stalag 12a. AJEX Jewish Chaplains card - married to H Josephs 52, Down Ct, Hackney, E8 and 1, Dufours Place, W1.
249279 Lt Dennis Benjamin Kayne 156th Bat., 4th Para. Brig - MIA/ POW Wed. 20.9.44 - removed his Jewish ID before capture nr. Wolfheze (M Middlebrooke). Son of M I Kayne of 18 St George's Rd.,Golders Green NW11, grandson of Rabbi J Kyansky Minister of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hebrew Congregation, husband of Monica. Described by his Lt Col. in N Africa as " quite the best I.O. in the 8th Army". Photo at AJEX Museum.
Pilot Harold Kaminski 315th USAAF Troop Carrier – from Cleveland Ohio – letter from L Zurakov.
30030285 Pte/Cpl Kersch/Heszel Krugman - Polish Paras (JIW) - born 18.9.1911 Bialystok son of Tefio and Chaja nee Bryskja - 4th Para bat. HQ Coy., 1st Indep. Polish Paras - awarded Polish Army medal and 4 British medals.
30017776 Sgt Albert Leon Kurzweil - born 14.6 1916 in Lwow son of Moric and Klara nee Gelles - served 1939 Poland, France 1940 2nd and 4th Para. bats. - awarded Field Para. Badge and army medal and 4 British medals.
13804344 Pte Bob Kendall aka Kraus, German refugee from Sudetanland, 21st Independent Paras. - JIW - letter from wife of comrade, Mrs Rita Stanleigh (see below). Lived in Holland (married to a Norwegian woman named Siss, now in Colwyn Bay) where he died after war. Photo AJEX Museum. Also served North Africa, Italy, Norway, Palestine.
J23365 F/O/Navigator Elliot Levitan, 196 Sqdn RAF - Took off from Keevil 23.9.44 in Stirling EF272 at 1410, returning at 1010 - dropped 24 containers and 4 panniers to Paras, A/B being injured in flak - RAF Innsworth confirm him as Jewish - Sqdn records at PRO in AIR 27 1167.
Pte Wireless Operator Harry Lee - 11th bat. - POW with Bernstein and Goldstein.
W/O Joseph Lemberg - USAAF - 34th Troop Carrier Sqdn, 315th Group - letter from Col Wm Brinson, Florida, USA
1892611 F/S Aubrey Hyman Leon 570 Sqdn. took off from Harwell to Arnhem on 17.9.44 in Stirling IV V8D LJ616 - took off at 1113 and returned 1543 - RAF Innsworth, AJEX Index Cards.
6849029 Pte Harris Levy, WIA/MIA/POW – Stalag 9C no. 52901 - JC 3.11.44/24.4.45 - 11th Para. Reg. - son of Mrs S Levy, 82, Decking Road, Tonbridge, Kent. His CSM wrote "Your son's conduct and courage was of the highest order and I was proud and honoured to fight with him. He stuck to his guns until he was carried out (wounded in both legs) and even then asked to go back". Photo at musem.
Sgt Harry Levy – JIW; photo in “Pegasus Patrol” page 49 with HQ section of Provost Coy.
6346510/73127 Lt Robert Hugh Levien, CO 4th platoon, B Coy. 2nd Paras - parachuted from Dakota 17.9.44 and POW after 3 days ending at Oflag 79. Was on the bridge with Col. Frost and knew Sgt Kalikoff. Is of Jewish origin through his parents and grandparents. Telephone call from him. Photo in John Frost's book and at AJEX Museum.
Fred Lee - 21st Independent Paras. - letter from Solly Scott - was awarded a Dutch gallantry medal. To be confirmed.
Ira Lazarus – pilot 309th Sqdn., 315th Troop Carrier Group USAAF – letter from Irving Sternoff
14492014 Pte Gerald Levy 3rd bat. Paras - landed Ginkel Heath, aged 17.5 years old - formerly 2nd cadet bat. Jewish Lads Brigade (Royal Fusiliers) - his group held SE corner of "The Cauldron" and he was at Oosterbeek church, wounded, and part of Lonsdale Force (AJEX Journal Nov 1994 and personal interview - photos AJEX Museum).
7391545 Pte Alfred Levy, MIA/POW JC 3.11.44 - RAMC attached Airborne 133 Field Ambulance - aged 24 years of 40 Scott Hall Rd., Leeds, mother from Middx. Personal letter. Forced landed in Southern England en route and took off again next day. Landed Wolfheze and then proceeded to Hartenstein Hotel and Osterbeek. Left behind to care for wounded. POW Stalag 12A & 4B Muhlberg and Leipzig. Prisoner no. 77334 - photo AJEX museum.
Sgt Louis Levy - G Sqdn., Glider Pilot Regiment, later served Palestine - info. from P Reinders and Eric Kemish (veteran)
Cpl Levy, RASC Dakota Despatcher at Arnhem - No 2 to Lt E J Younghusband - wounded by ack-ack shrapnel whilst in doorway pushing out panniers to the Airborne at low altitude over Arnhem - reached hospital in England; from article "The RASC at Arnhem", by Lt Col Packe, Journal of the RASC , Nov 1944 page 53 - AJEX Museum archives.
1058297/187881 W/O later P/O Vivian Marcus Levy 271 Sqdn from Down Ampney flying Dakotas tugging Horsas - took off on 17/9 in Dakota III F2 601 at 0944 and returned from Arnhem at 1525; and again on 19/9 in F2 615 at 1231, returning 1740 - AIR 27 file 1574; RAF Innsworth; AJEX Index Cards.
227647 Capt. Surgeon Alexander William (Dan/Paul) Lipmann "Lippy" Kessel, MBE, MC - from Pretoria, South Africa - aged 29 years - RAMC attached 1st Airborne, 16th Parachute Field Ambulance - died 1986 after a succesfull career as a Doctor in London, buried at Arnhem Civil cemetery, opposite Oosterbeek cemetery, with his comrades in accordance with his last wishes - ("Arnhem" by M Middlebrook, Penguin 1995). Saved the life of the severely wounded Brig. John Hackett, CO 4th Para. Brigade, who was disguised in the St Elizabeth Hospital at Arnhem as "Cpl. Hayter". He helped smuggle arms out of the hospital for "mock burials" in the grounds; these were later dug up by the Dutch Resistance. Escaped from Appledoorn Hospital with several other Airborne doctors after being given permission by the Senior MO. At a safe house he met the wounded evader Brig. Hackett (wearing a Star of David badge - "Surgeon at War" by Lipmann Kessel, page 173) again and operated on him for the second time on Feb 15th 1945. Photo AJEX Museum and Hartenstein Museum. Jewish 6th Airborne veteran Ivor Rimmon described how General Hackett had himself organised Kessel's burial at Arnhem with an Orthodox Rabbi at the local cemetery. Medals at Hartenstein Museum. Eddy Pruden recalls that Kessel once took on the regimental wrestler in a sporting event in North Africa!
PLF/1890 2nd Lt (Infantry) Gustav Jozef Tadeusz Lambert - Polish Paras. - JIW - born 23.7.1890 in Bihac Yugoslavia - served Polish regiment in Austro-Hungarian Army 6.8.14 to 28.11.16, Engineers Lubiana, Slovenia and Zloczow, Poland 10.1.17 till 1.11.1918 - POW Polish Independence Organisation July 1917 to 11.11.1918 - served Polish Army 11.11.1918 to 25.1.1928 - deported to USSR 1940-41 where he enlisted 19.5. 42 into Polish Army in Iran. Enlisted as RC.
Gerald Leigh - JIW
Philip Lebor - managed to swim the Rhine to escape - JIW
Sgt John Latz, 3rd bat. paras - right hand man of Major John Audrey and of CO Col. Lonsdale - telephone call from comrade Pte John Reed, who described him as tall, smart with a dark moustache; mentioned in the book "The Red Beret".
13805077/13804344 (?) Staff Sgt Martin David Lewin fought as Lewis – born Tempelburg, Germany Jan. 2nd 1922 - one of the first of 21st Independent Para. Coy. AAC to land - served with Lewy-Lingen, aka Landon (KIA) - "I Understand the Risks" page 99. German Refugee - JIW - Fought Africa, Italy (WIA by sniper behind German lines) and served Norway (where he was in the last drop to reinforce the Resistance in 1945) as well as Arnhem. Had been in Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp aged 16 years and got to England Feb 1939, all his family perishing in the Holocaust; interned Isle of Man, Pioneer Corps Dec 1940, and recruited by Major Lander into Airborne, serving 6 years. Refused to serve in Palestine. Left for USA in Aug. 1948 - letter to author. Photo AJEX Museum. Married Irene Ohnstein (b. Berlin) with 3 children.
6469132 Sgt Michael Lewis - JIW - 1st Airborne photographer (Middlebrooke page 111), fought with 2nd bat. Paras in North Africa (El Aounia) and Arnhem. Of 40, Mand St, Manchester. Photo in "Arnhem Odyssey" p. 142 and AJEX Museum.
918417 Cpl Jack Alfred Linden - JIW - 1st Para Brig. Intelligence, 89 Para.Field Security section, MIA/POW Times 11.10.44 - son of Mr and Mrs R Linden, 289, Bracknell Gdns NW3 (AJEX Index Cards and P. Reinders).Photo from Cpl Deeley of Intelligence Corps museum - says some of the section spoke Yiddish, so were probably other Jews in 89 FSS.
Pte McManners - Jewish refugee – JIW – possibly McManus, below.
14623408/354553/13805573 Pte Heinz Mendelsohn, fought as Johnny Melford - refugee from Berlin born 13.9.22 – 2nd bat. Susses reg. then 21st Independent Paras - volunteered for Paras in early 1943 - JIW and letter from P Block. Kent describes how Melford was wounded when a bullet passed through both cheeks as he yawned, giving him dimples for life! (p. 132). Served from March 1941-Aug. 1946 later commissioned into the Royal Sussex Reg. - letter to author and photo at AJEX Museum. Also fought North Africa, Italy, Yugoslavia.
10584589 Pte E V B Mordecai - 1st Airborne Div. Field Park RAOC - at the bridge - Middlebrooke p. 481 - to be confirmed. POW No. 117843 Stalag 11b (P Reinders).
13807470 Sgt. Mertz, fought as 14623944 John McManus - refugee - JIW, P Block and P Reinders. Fought with 21st Indep. Paras also in North Africa, Italy, Norway and Palestine.
1465052 RAF Cpl. Samuel Mendoza, hus. of Mrs M J Mendoza, 17 Streathbourne Rd, SW17 – electronics ground staff att. Paras. – AJEX card and photo of his RAF group after escape from Arnhem – sent by niece Anne Mendoza/Ross.
Lt Col Mervin Mirsky, Staff Officer Canadian Army HQ, was present at the drop and the Bridge "Block" - letter from him in Canada.
Sgt Martin Maxwell aka Max Meisels, Austrian Jewish Refugee adopted by Webber family in London - Para Reg/Glider Pilot AAC - wounded/missing, JC 20.10.44 - POW Stalag 11 Fallingbostel nr Hanover (JC & Personal Interview). Photo AJEX Museum. Also landed on D Day . Made video with Steven Spielberg Foundation, telling his story, where he gave his tephillin (phylacteries) to a Christian chaplain , to care for, before take off – and afterwards got them back!
Col (later Brigadier) Edmund Charles Wolf Myers, DSO (22.4.43), CBE (6.1.44), Bronze Lion of Netherlands (20.3.47), MiD (10.10.52), American Legion of Merit - from "WWRT Addendum". Son of Dr C S Myers, Psychologist to BEF in France in WW1, and Edith Seligman. He was born 12.10.1906 and died 6.12.97 aged 91 years. At Arnhem he was Airborne Divisional Commander of the Royal Engineers and known as "Tito" to his men as he had fought with the partisans in Greece as member of SOE. He was sent by Urquhart at the height of the Oosterbeek fighting, across the Rhine, to link up with XXX Corps and tell Horrocks and Browning to get a move on! He then led and accompanied the Polish paras. across the Rhine to support the British, returned (after discussion with Capt.Heaps - see below) to accompany the Dorsets across in a DUKW to do the same, on the night of the 24/25th with 3 important letters for Urquhart. He reached the beleagured Hartenstein HQ at 6.05am with the order to withdraw all paras. south across the river. Myers was in overall command of the evacuation on the last night. selecting the routes and fixing the ferrying; Urquhart says - page 143 - "There was no need to underline just how vital were his technical experience and his qualities if character to the division's survival" - (Long article on his Yugoslav activities in JC Oct 1944 and JIW. Author of a book on his SOE exploits in Greece, "Greek Entanglement" - "Times" obituary and photo Dec. 1997 at Museum). Also fought in Korea where he was MiD.
2578967 (?) QMS R (Ronald/Raymond/Rudolf?) Nabarro - 1st Airborne Recce Sqdn. - Photo "Remember Arnhem" J Fairley , IWM, 1978.
14442780 Pte/Sgt David Nussbaum fought as Neville Niven - 9th Paras. - shot down and badly injured in glider en route to Arnhem drop - born Gelsenkirchen, Bochum, Germany 16.7.25 and came as kindertransport to Britain. Seved TA and No 3 ITC. Letter from wife Gertie in Bristol Road, Birmingham. Died 1990. Photo at Museum.
Lt H.M. Pollack/Pollak – Pioneer Corps to 21st Indep. Paras – MC – later served Burma. Information from Peter Leighton-Langer’s book on “The Kings Most Loyal Enemy Aliens” published in German, Berlin 2000; English copy at AJEX museum.
13807478 or 87 Pte George (Harry Pistol) Preger, fought as Bruce - Austrian refugee 21st Independent Paras. - JIW and talk to Schilling but Block says was not at Arnhem.
0-807301 2nd Lt Navigator Sherman I. Phillips. 61st US TCS - took off Saltby, on three flights over Arnhem - from Brooklyn, New York. Letter from Admiral Mondt - see Feldman above.
Pte Rosen, fought as Radwell - refugee - JIW
2070307 St Sgt Rose, Ronald – Glider Pilot – WiA and escaped across Rhine but POW Stalag 11B No 118468 – letter from widow in J Lennard notes to “Jews in Wartime” and from P Reinders of the ABRG
4914584 Pte S/Sgt Ronald or S Rosenberg - from Brighton - JIW - 2nd bat. S Staffs Reg ., POW 12a no. 891879 (P.Reinders & M Middlebrook page 479) – Glider Pilot.
4915089 Sgt John Noel Rosenberg /burg, MM for gallantry and distinguished service in the field (P Reinders) - AAC. - AJEX Jewish Chaplain Index Card. Gazetted 9.11.44. With 156 Paras, C Company, 10th Platoon.
Sgt. Rosenbloom MM - T Coy 1st Bat. Paras - sniper and Sgt instructor - information from Mr Tom Angus Craig of Burnley who served with both of them after Arnhem, and P Reinders. When 1st bat. went to Palestine, the two sgts. did not serve. Telephone call result of teletext advert.
13801214 Rosenthal, fought as Redferne - JIW – 21st Indep. Paras.
7403928 Pte L S Rubin (no AJEX card found) 181 Para. Field Ambulance (Cherry’s “Red Berets and Red Crosses”)
3326640 Pte Sidney Rubinstein, A Coy, 1st Platoon 7th KOSB/HLI/Airborne - POW - Glasgow - letter G Gourlay and JC 25.5.45. AJEX card – son of Mrs J Rubinstein, 166, Gorbals St, Glasgow 5 – served a sentence for insubordination in Glasgow barracks!
1596358 St Sgt Harvey Rossdale, Glider Pilot - MIA/WIA JC 27.10.44 - AAC, of 124 Biddulph Mans., Elgin Ave., W9 – may not have been at Arnhem (?)
14213424 Pte Jack Saltman, A Coy, 1st Platoon KOSB/1st Airborne, medical orderly - son of Louis Saltman of 3, Marchmont Cres., Edinburgh 9. POW,JC 1.12.44. and letter from Capt. G Gourlay – AJEX card.
13805947/14623980 Sgt Schilling (German refugee from Berlin), fought as Harold Bruce 21st Independent Paras. - JIW and personal call. Gordonstoun School – also fought North Africa, Italy, Norway.
Robert Schlesinger (?) aka Bobby Shaw – call from comrade QMS and WO Eddy Pruden 7348767 16th Para Field Ambulance – Schlesinger wore a Methodist dog tag and was a Viennese Jew. He lived in a children’s home near Bolton and then was interned, later went to the PC and then Intelligence Corps as he spoke German. He then vol. for the Paras in the 1st para Brigade at Arnhem where he was POW and met Pruden in Stalag 2A near Brandenburg. He told Pruden that he captured an old German school friend at Arnhem, who then captured him later!! His brother had a pub in Dalston, London after the war and Bobby was in the rag trade.
13807724 Schivern - refugee – JIW – 21st Indep. Paras.
30100326 Sgt. David Salik - Polish Paras. - born 20.2.1914 Sande/Sanok, near Lvov, son of Salim and Rozalia nee Tyn - POW Russia 18.9.39 till 9.2.42 - escaped (JC Spring 1997) - served Poland 1939, Iran/Iraq/Palestine 1942 - Para Field Ambulance, 3rd Para bat. - awarded Field Para badge, Army Medal and Bronze Cross of Merit with Swords and 4 British medals. Photo AJEX Museum and personal interview.
5731130 Cpl Laurence Scott/Solomon/ Solly Scott - father Jewish and fought in WW1 - born London 13.3.20 - 21st Independent Paras. - 1946-76, Sgt in Met. Police, winning the GM in 1967. Escaped across the Rhine with Canadian and Royal Engineers, paddling when motor failed. Details from himself by letter and phone calls - photo at AJEX Museum.
14564670 Sgt Horsa Glider Pilot Raphael Shovel, F Squadron - WiA aged 21 years - escaped during evacuation – letter and AJEX card. Served also D Day and assisted in UK in preparation of Israel’s War of Independence.
Pte Gustav "Gus" Sander - RAMC Field Ambulance & Intelligence – MiD – POW, escaped 7 times - German refugee - later Lt in Middlesex Reg, commanding 6th platoon, B Company and KIA in Korea 30.10.50 during attack on village of Tae-Dong near Chongju - commemorated on plaque at PUSAN CWGC cemetery. Letter from comrade Peter Davis, TD and Mr Barrett, Korean War archivist of the Middx. Reg. Photo at AJEX Museum. Also nephew Mark Sander, who donated Gus’s archive to AJEX Jewish Military Museum.
Sgt Glider Pilot Simon, AAC, German Jewish refugee - friend of Hagen - information from Hagen.
5043849 L/Cpl Bernard Soley - Medical Orderly 4th Dorsets, helped evacuate Airborne wounded from Arnhem across the Rhine downstream 300 yards from the bridge - WIA. Photo and letter AJEX Museum.
23(5)97136 Signlmn. Ellis "Dutch" Schultz aka Schulberg - RCOS - interview with B Fryman. 1st AB Div. Signals., E Section, c/o Capt L Golden (see above) - lived Harrogate after war - call from comrade John Harris. Evader - letter from comrade Sig. George Ball. son of Bernard of 178 Mayfield Rd., Edinburgh - AJEX Chaplain's cards and P Reinders.
Squdn. Ldr Phillip “Smuggler” Smulian, RAF (South African) 512 Sqdn. Flew throughout the war and dropped supplies at Arnhem. Later awarded AFC.
Pte Mane Spiegelglass, DCM - German refugee aged 21 yrs., 156 Para.bat., Para. Reg. - JC 8.12.44 and 22.12.44. and P. Reinders.
14623976 or 47 /13801629 St/Sgt John Hubert Stanleigh (nomme de guerre)/ Hans Schwarz born 5/7/19 in Poznan, Poland - letter from wife Rita - 21st Indep. Para. Coy. and bomb disposal - personal interview with comrade, Laurence Scott. Stanleigh was sent on a secret mission to France after D Day to contact French Resistance, before Arnhem operation. Recommended MM but ineligible due to nationality. Was a founder of Ex-services CND after the war. Photo AJEX Museum and letter from wife Rita in Bristol. Also MoD records. Also fought North Africa, Italy, France and Norway.
13804270 Sobotka, refugee - JIW and P Block letter – 21st Indep. Paras.
0-701063 Fl. Lt. Pilot Irving J. Sternoff, 309th Sqdn., 315th Troop carrier, dropped paras into Arnhem – letter to author Dec. 2000 – lives Kirkland, Washington, USA. 55 holes in Dakota on return from one drop carrying British paras. Also dropped troops in Normandy, Battle of the Bulge and many other missions.
Eric Schubert-Stevens - 21st Independent Paras. - Austrian origin according to comrades - originally Dorset Reg. - no AJEX card and probably enlisted as CofE.
160552 2nd Lt. Ralph Harding Schwartz, assist Adjutant - South Staffs reg. - AJEX cards and info. from P. Reinders, Holland.
14646399 - Pte Max Sorkin, 8th bat Middx, Wessex Div. - mortar and heavy machine gun support to Airborne near the bridge at Arnhem - letter and personal interview. Was 18 years old and now lives in Aylesbury.
6091548 Sgt Malcolm Sumeray - 11th bat. Paras - MIA/WIA/POW - letter from brother; born 6.6.19 in East End of London, Queens Royal West Surreys - son of Isadore and Cissy of 16 Gloucester Gdns NW11 - former JLB member, JC 9.3.45. Malcolm was severely wounded in the head, arms and legs by tank and mortar fire and left for dead. Weeks later a German broadcast announced him as a POW, but Whitehall said German broadcasts were not official and he was still presumed killed. Months of anxiety passed until a letter from him reached his home in Feb. 1945 (cutting from late 1940's Golders Green Gazette from friend Danny Miller and wife Jose).
J23634 F/O Ernest Frederick Siegel, RCAF - 570 Sqdn took off from Harwell in Stirling 4-E7Y EF 306 - Air Bomber - on 17/9 at 11.45, ret at 1615 - AIR 27 records at PRO.
3658220 Pte A Sunderland, 13th Bat. Paras - MIA/POW – Stalag 12A no. 26067 - Dorset Reg.,son of Mr and Mrs H Sunderland, 22 Salisbury Drive, Prestwich, Manchester - JC 15.12.44.
30068370 L/Cpl Jozef Szreiber - Polish Paras. - born 11.2.1922 Warsaw son of Jakub and Adela nee Gingold - 2nd Para bat. - awarded Field Para badge and 4 British medals.
Subkovitch - Paras - info. from G. Levy (above) - no further details known but was a 1893432 Sgt Alfred Supkovitch RAF, 207 Sqdn. MIA/KIA of 141 Fieldgate Mansions, Romford St E1, KIA 19.9.44 - JC 26.1.45.
Lt Albert Louis "Tan" Tannenbaum, 2nd Bat Paras HQ Coy., WIA/POW - son of Mr and Mrs J Tannenbaum, 46, Basing Hill, Wembley Pk - East Surrey's, commissioned in the field North Africa, 1st Airborne evader, wounded attempting escape - JC 5.1.45 and photo. Photo "A Drop too Many" by Gen John Frost - at AJEX Museum and letter from c/o Lt Col D E C Russell.
P/1364 2nd Lt (Medical Corps) Dr Henryk Urich - Polish Paras. Later Prof of Neuropathology at London Hospital, Whitechapel. - born 15.8.1916 Vienna son of Joachim and Maria nee Rosenstock - served France 1940 Ambulance Coy., 4th Cadre Rifle Brigade and 3rd and 1st Polish Paras. - awarded Field Para badge, Cross of Valour and 4 British medals.
Capt Maurice Victor, Royal Canadian AMC, born Camora, Saskatchewan - Knight Officer of the Order of Orange Nassau with Swords ("Canadian Jews at War" Canadian Jewish Congress 1948) - Canadian, attached 1st Airborne - escaped.
P/13677 Pte/Lt (Witko) Paul/Pawel Weitzen, (Medical Corps) Polish paras - JIW - born 18.11.1908 Stanislawow son of Izak and Genia nee Zukier - served France 1939-40 10th Ambulance Coy, 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade and 2nd and 3rd Para bats. - awarded Army medal and 4 British medals.
(Unknown Dutch Jewish woman in hiding in Oosterbeek who donned a British helmet and ran out under fire to bring back parachuted food containers for British troops - Middlebrooke p400).
T/S P D Waterman USAAF w/o serving with RAF - took off from Harwell 295 Sqdn. - from AIR 22/1644 at PRO - verification of religion required.
Sgt Weiner (maybe a pseudonym, "Men in Arnhem" by Tom Angus, Leo Cooper page 77) - Leader section 4, 8th platoon, B Coy, 1st or 4th Para Brigade.
289605 Sgt Hyman Woltag, Glider Pilot, C sqdn., former JLB - WIA - hus. of Mrs B Woltag, 101, Edgware Ct, Edgware - JC 6.10.44 - flew from Tarrant Rushton, wounded in back by shrapnel but managed to escape across the Rhine with friend John McGeough on night of 25/9/44 - letter from John McGeough of Cheadle in Cheshire.
Yallow/Yellow, Hyman – from Hendon – article in Ham and High Gazette Nov-Sept 1945/46 seen at Holborn Local History Library
J38588 F/O William Zelicovitz RCAF 437 att. RAF as acting Squadron Leader. Sqdn took off 23/9 to Arnhem from Blakehill Farm in Dakota F2639 - PRO Records AIR 1876 and Jewish Chaplains Index Cards at AJEX Museum. Zelicowitz described sorties over Arnhem as "us having the sh-- kicked out of us but going back for more!!" Aircraft were lost and damaged on each flight. Died June 1997 - letter from son Martin in Toronto and photo at AJEX Museum.
4804144 Cpl Ernest Abbott Zitman, 89th Field Security (Intelligence) - POW No. 118794 Stalag 11b - to be confirmed - (P. Reinders).Photo at AJEX. Fluent Icelandic speaker, joined 89 FS section from 319 in Faeroe Is. Jumped with 4th Paras. 18.9.44, WIA 22nd, POW 25th. From G Intelligence supplied by Graeme Deeley, of Airborne Reg. Research, report states that “Cpl Zitman distinguished himself, putting out fires under trying circumstances, bagging a sniper on 21st, carrying wounded and keeping up morale, until he himself was wounded and evacuated”.
Len Zurakov radio man to Lazarus USAAF above – 309th Sqdn., 315th troop carrier – tape from Sternoff and letter from Len – now lives in Israel. He wrote “We dropped British paras at Arnhem and the sight of them being shot down as they landed was terrible”.
2087757 Cpl. Desire David Charles Zucker - was RA then 89th Field Security - photo at Hartenstein museum with Zitman & AJEX - was at Arnhem according to Intelligence Corps Veterans records. AJEX Card - wife of 26, Carlton Mansions, Holmleigh Rd, N16.
Other possible Jewish Paras at Arnhem, taken from a special forces website:
Lt Bruno Henry Haeffner, Glider Pilot
Lt Martin Kauffman, KOSB WiA/POW
Lt Eric H. Steele-Baume, born 1/1/1910, lived in Brighton served 1932-1958 in Cameronians Regiment
DFC – 2
DFM - 1
Certificate of Gallantry - 1
MM - 5
MiD - 4
OBE - 1
MC - 5
CBE -1
DCM - 1
Polish Virtuti Militari - 2
Polish MM - 5
Polish Bronze Cross of Merit - 1
Polish Cross of Valour - 1
Bronze Lion of Netherlands - 1
Dutch War Cross - 1
Dutch Knight Officer of the Order of Orange Nassau – 2
Note – Lionel Pekarsky aka Pack, led the team which designed the heavy gliders for carrying vehicles used at Arnhem, for Fairey/De Haviland – born 1913, died 2003 – Times Obituary.
Sources: This article is the copywrite of M Sugarman, Assistant Archivist of AJEX London, and may not be copied or sold in any way in part or complete, without his express permission