Reference Information
Other Documents
- Weizmann Asks Truman to Ensure Negev Remains Part of Israel (November 5, 1948)
- Message from MI5 Director Regarding Begin Visit to Washington (October 15, 1948)
- Possible Effects of a UN Arms Embargo on Israel and the Arabs (August 5, 1948)
- Recommendation that US Oppose British Raising Jewish DPs and Arab Refugees in Security Council (July 28, 1948)
- Demilitarization of Mt. Scopus (July 7, 1948)
- Weizmann Letter to Truman Following Meeting (May 26, 1948)
- Weizmann Meets Truman, Asks for Arms and Loan (May 26, 1948)
- Aide-Mémoire Given By Weizmann to Truman on Urgent Israeli Needs (May 25, 1948)
- State Department Near East Director Henderson Accuses Zionists of Aggression Against Arabs of Palestine (May 25, 1948)
- Call to the Parties to Cease-fire (May 22, 1948)
Battles & Operations