Reference Background & Overview British Cabinet Expresses Concern About Israeli Invasion of Lebanon (June 9, 1982) Habib on Keeping Lebanon Ceasefire Out of Security Council (July 30, 1981) Habib Meetings in New York Regarding Lebanon Ceasefire (July 31, 1981) Israel-Lebanon Cease-Fire (April 1996) Israel & Lebanon Peace Agreement (May 1983) Foreign Ministry Statements “Just War” Case Study: Israeli Invasion of Lebanon in 1982 Message From Habib to Begin Regarding UN Monitoring Lebanon Border (July 31, 1981) Operation Peace for Galilee: Operation Brilliance, Strategic Failure (June 1995) Press Conference on Operation “Grapes of Wrath” (April 1996) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Major Incidents IDF Soldiers Missing in Action Israeli Civilians Killed/Wounded Sabra & Shatila Kahan Commission Report Shultz and Habib Discuss Resolution of Beirut Crisis Shultz Announces Plan for PLO to Leave Beirut and the Deployment of U.S. Troops. Important Figures Menachem Begin Ariel Sharon Yasser Arafat Ehud Barak Israeli Withdrawal Cabinet Communique on the Withdrawal from Lebanon (January 1985) Remarks on the Cabinet Decision to Withdraw the I.D.F. from Lebanon (January 1985) Post-Withdrawal Analysis Cabinet Decision to Leave Lebanon (March 2000) Withdrawal from Southern Lebanon (May 2000) Map of Israeli Withdrawal UN Announces Withdrawal Complete (July 2000) Security Council Certifies Withdrawal (July 2000) United States Involvement Reagan Administration on Lebanon The Reagan Plan Exchanges between Reagan & Begin (June 1982) U.S. Officials Discuss Fate of PLO (July 1982) Veliotes Secret Memo on PLO Pullout (July 1982) Shultz on Beirut International Force (August 1982) Prime Minister's Office Statement on the Peres-Weinberger Talks (October 17, 1984)