Reference Overview of Israel-Egypt Cooperation Review of Bilateral Ties Anti-Semitism in the Egyptian Press Multinational Force and Observers Natural Gas Deal (2005) Agreement on the Gaza Border (2005) Operation Alpha (1955) Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty Background & Overview Israel Rejects Egypt Peace Plan (1978) Text of Final Peace Treaty (1979) The Yamit Evacuation (1982) 30th Anniversary of the Treaty (2009) Camp David Negotiations Important Figures Israeli Leaders: Golda Meir Menachem Begin Yitzhak Rabin Ariel Sharon Benjamin Netanyahu Egyptian Leaders: Gamal Abdel Nasser Anwar al-Sadat Hosni Mubarak Mohamed Morsi Wars & Peace Israeli War of Independnce (1948) Armistice Agreement Suez War (1956) Nasser Nationalizes Suez Canal Operation Damocles (1962) Six-Day War (1967) Nasser Says War Unavoidable (1964) War of Attrition (1968-70) Nasser Refuses to Compromise (1968) Yom Kippur/October War (1973) Six-Point Agreement for Ceasefire (1973) Shuttle Diplomacy and the Arab-Israeli Dispute Forces Separation Agreement - Sinai I (1974) Interim Peace Agreement - Sinai II (1975) Primary Source Documents Documents British Discuss Support For Israeli Protest of Egyptian Blockade (January 21, 1954) Speeches: Israel welcomes the Egyptian revolution, statement to the Knesset by Prime Minister Bem-Gurion (1952) Statement to the Knesset Regarding Future Israel-Egypt Relations (1956) Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in Jerusalem (1977) Israeli PM Menachem Begin on Sadat Visit (1977) Former Israeli PM Golda Meir to Sadat (1977) PM Begin to Knesset on Treaty With Egypt (1979) US President Jimmy Carter on Peace Treaty (1979) PM Begin on the Peace Treaty (1979) Letters: Weizmann Asks Truman to Intervene with British Over Armistice with Egypt (1949) US President Ford to Israeli PM Rabin (1975) Sadat-Begin Letter to President Carter (1979) Reagan on US Forces in Multinational Force (1982) Press Conferences: Begin-Sadat Press Conference (1977) Carter Announces Main Elements of Treaty (1979) Carter-Sadat-Begin Remarks at Treaty Signing (1979) Joint Communiques: Joint Communique Peres-Mubarak and remarks by Prime Minister Peres (1986) Joint Israel-Egypt Communique on Tourism (1986)