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The Yom Kippur War: The Six-Point Agreement

(November 11, 1973)

During the 1973 War, the Israel-Egypt cease-fire was violated repeatedly and admittedly by Egypt. Intensive negotiations, including a visit to Cairo by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and a visit to Israel by Undersecretary of State Sisco, led to the signing of the Six-Point Agreement for the stabilization of the cease-fire. The agreement was signed at Kilometer 101 on the Cairo-Suez road by General Yariv on behalf of Israel and General Gamazy on behalf of Egypt. It was the first agreement signed by Israel and Egypt since the 1949 Armistice Agreement.

1. Egypt and Israel agree to observe scrupulously the cease-fire called for by the UN Security Council.

2. Both sides agree that discussions between them will begin immediately to settle the question of the return to the 22 October positions in the framework of agreement on the disengagement and separation of forces under the auspices of the United Nations.

3. The town of Suez will receive daily supplies of food, water and medicines. All wounded civilians in the town of Suez will be evacuated.

4. There shall be no impediment to the movement of non-military supplies to the east bank of the Suez Canal.

5. The Israeli check-points on the Cairo-Suez road will be replaced by UN checkpoints. At the Suez end of the road, Israeli officers can participate with the UN in supervising the non-military nature of the cargo at the bank of the Canal.

6. As soon as the UN check-points are established on the Cairo-Suez road, there will be an exchange of all prisoners of war, including wounded.

Source: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.