Prisoner-of-War Cases: No. 12-1934 (US vs. Erwin Rudmann)
(April 9, 1947)
File Number: US160
Review Date: 471006
Case Number: 12-1934 (US vs. Erwin Rudmann)
Crime Category: War Crimes
Rudmann, Erwin - Acquittal + 10 Years
Court: General Military Government Court at Dachau, Germany 470408-470409
Country where the crime had been committed: Germany
Crime Location: Freiburg
Crime Date: 441204
Victim: POW
Nationality: American
Agency: Wehrmacht, NCO medical corps
Subject of the proceeding: An American flyer parachuted to earth from his disabled plane, landing in the Rail Road freight yard of Freiburg. While suspended in the air and descending he was fired upon by persons on the ground and returned fire. The accused located the airman, who had surrendered, and struck him on the head with his bayonet. Minutes later another person shot the victim in the head
Sources: Universiteit Van Amsterdam