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SHAEF: Grain Quotas, Expulsions and Executions in Poland


This is a collection of translated German documents from the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) files related to Poland.

Undated document from the city commissioner of Leslau that appears to be form letter ordering the expulsion of individuals.

Polish village mayors, selectmen and clergymen in some counties were ordered to sign a document agreeing to use their influence to convince the village inhabitants to follow the instructions of the German authorities and report those who do not.

Undated form document from the village major ordering to deliver their quota of grain.

Public notice mentioning a list of 24 names of people who did not deliver their grain quotas signed by the agricultural commissioner Dr. Neumann (March 1, 1941).

Description of the mass evacuation of the village of Dobron in Lodz (April 27, 1941).

Characteristic incident of the evacuation of the village of Kluski, township of Klonowa (Siaradz) (July 30, 1940).

Duties of men and women workers of Polish nationality during their stay in the Reich (undated).

Return from Magdeburg of Polish laborers from work on German public projects, (August 21, 1941).

Description of the execution of Poles in the Wolczany Woods (November 17, 1941).

Ordinance describing punitive measures for the shooting of the German director of the Warsaw theater from the Chief of the Warsaw District Dr. Fischer (March 7, 1941).

Click here to read the documents.

Source: Paul Sturman Papers, Box 3, Poland (3); NAID #7330178], Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library