Hans Frank Speech on the Jews
...A problem that occupies us in particular is the Jews. This merry little people (Voelklein), which wallows in dirt, and filth, has been gathered together by us in ghettos and [special] quarters and will probably not remain in the Government-General for very long.
(Vigorous applause)
We will get these Jews marching and cause them ? as they have already covered the distance from Jerusalem to Poland ? to move eastward a few thousand kilometers. But these Jews are not that parasite gang alone, from our point of view, but strangely enough ? we only realized it over there [in Poland] ? there is another category of Jews, something one would never have thought possible. There are laboring Jews over there who work in transport, in building, in factories, and others are skilled workers such as tailors, shoemakers, etc. We have put together Jewish workshops with the help of these skilled Jewish workers, in which goods will be made which will greatly ease the position of German production, in exchange for the supply of foodstuffs and whatever else the Jews need urgently for their existence. These Jews may well be left to work in this way; in the way in which we are now using them it is something of an achievement for the work-Jews themselves; but for the other Jews we must provide suitable arrangements. It is always dangerous, after all, to leave one’s native land. Since the Jews moved away from Jerusalem there has been nothing for them except an existence as parasites: that has now come to an end. If one looks at the Warsaw ghetto today in which 480,000 Jews ? well, let us say ? live, then one must realize that only the determination of the National-Socialist revolution was capable of successfully confronting even this problem. In 1919, at our first meetings in Munich, we proclaimed the motto: An end must be put to the rule of the Jews in Europe....
Speech at Berlin University, Work Diary of Hans Frank, Yad Vashem Archives, JM/21.
Yad Vashem