The Holocaust: The Establishment of the Judenrat
Regulation for the Establishment of the Judenraete November 28, 1939 |
1. In each community a body representing the Jews will be formed.
2. This representation of the Jews, known as the Judenrat, will consist of 12 Jews in communities with up to 10,000 inhabitants, and in communities with more than 10,000 inhabitants, of 24 Jews, drawn from the locally resident population. The Judenrat will be elected by the Jews of the community. If a member of the Judenrat leaves, a new member is to be elected immediately.
3. The Judenrat will elect a chairman and a deputy from among its members.
4. 1) After these elections, which must be completed not later than December 31, 1939, the membership of the Judenrat is to be reported to the responsible sub-district Commander (Kreishauptmann), in urban districts to the City Commander (Stadthauptmann).
2) The sub-district Commander (City Commander) will decide whether the Judenrat membership submitted to him should be approved. He may order changes in the membership.
5. It is the duty of the Judenrat through its chairman or his deputy to receive the orders of the German Administration. It is responsible for the conscientious carrying out of orders to their full extent. The directives it issues to carry out these German decrees must be obeyed by all Jews and Jewesses.
Cracow, November 28, 1939
The Governor General
for the Occupied Polish Territories
VB1GG, 1939, pp. 72-73.
Sources: Yad Vashem