Introduction of Forced Labor in Poland
Implementation Order No. 1 for the Regulation of October 26, 1939,
for the Introduction of Forced Labor for the Jewish Population
in the Government-General, December 11, 1939
Pursuant to § 2 of the Regulation for the introduction of Forced Labor for the Jewish population of October 26, 1939 (Verordnungsbl. G.G.P., p.6), I order the following:
1. As from January 1, 1940, it is forbidden for all Jews within the Government-General of the Occupied Polish Territories to move their place of residence or lodging, without the written permission of the local German Administrative Authority, beyond the limits of the community of their place of residence, or to cross the border of this community and to move away after giving up their permanent residence or lodging.
2. All Jews moving into, or transferred into, the Government-General are required to register immediately with the mayor of the locality when they have taken up residence, but no later than 24 hours after entering the Government-General, and to inform the local Judenrat of their presence. The Judenrat will record this information in writing and submit it to the Mayor on the Monday of each week, against written acknowledgment.
3. After having obtained accommodation, all Jews referred to in § 2 must comply with the requirements of § 1.
4. All Jews within the Government-General are forbidden to enter or use pathways, streets and public squares between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M. without written authority specifying the times and places, issued by the local German authorities. Orders by local German authorities containing more severe restrictions are not affected by this regulation.
5. The restrictions of § 4 do not apply in cases of public or personal emergency.
6. Jews contravening the regulations under §§ 1 through 4 will be sent immediately to prolonged hard forced labor. This does not affect punishment provided by other orders.
7. The orders under §§ 1 through 6 do not apply to Jews who have moved under the provisions permitting them to do so in accordance with the law setting out an "Agreement between the German Reich Government and the Government of the U.S.S.R. concerning the transfer of the Ukrainian and Byelorussian population out of the area belonging to the Zone of Interest of the German Reich."
8. The public announcement of these instructions will be carried out by the Mayors according to orders by the sub-district Commander (Kreishauptmann) or the City commander (Stadthauptmann). The Judenraete will be instructed by the Mayors.
9. These orders are effective immediately.
krakow, December 11, 1939
Higher SS and Police Leader (Hoeherer SS- und Polizeifuehrer)
in the Government-General
of the Occupied Polish Territories
SS Obergruppenfuehrer
VB1GG, 1939, pp. 231-232.
Yad Vashem