Regulation Concerning the Requirement that Civil Servants Be Aryans
§ 2
[Amendment] to § 3
1) A person is to be considered non-Aryan if he is descended from non-Aryan, and especially from Jewish parents or grandparents. It is sufficient if one parent or grandparent is non-Aryan. This is to be assumed in particular where one parent or grandparent was of the Jewish religion.
2) Any civil servant who was not already serving on August 1, 1914, must bring proof that he is of Aryan descent or fought at the Front, or is the son or father of a soldier who fell in the World War. Such proof is to be supplied by the presentation of documents (birth certificates and marriage license of the parents, military documents).
3) In the event of Aryan descent being questionable, an opinion must be obtained from the expert on racial research attached to the Ministry of Interior....
Reichsgesetzblatt, I, 1933, p. 195.
Yad Vashem