German Jews are Fined
The hostile attitude of Jewry toward the German People and Reich, which does not even shrink from cowardly murder, calls for determined resistance and severe expiation. Based on the Decree of October 18, 1936, for the Implementation of the Four-Year Plan (Reichsgesetzblatt, I, p. 887), I therefore order the following:
§ 1
The totality of Jews who are German subjects will pay a Kontribution (fine) of 1,000,000,000 (one billion) Reichsmarks to the German Reich.
§ 2
The Reich Minister of Finance in cooperation with the other Ministers concerned will issue regulations for the implementation of this order.
Berlin, November 12, 1938
Plenipotentiary for the Four-Year Plan
Field Marshal General
Reichsgesetzblatt, I, 1938, p. 1579.
Yad Vashem