Activities of the Hilfsverein in the Field of Emigration
Urgent Tasks at the Present Time
The Hilfsverein has taken on a new task in addition to its former tasks: advice and assistance for those who emigrate from Germany.
The German Jews feel an inner bond with their Fatherland, and they wish to remain in their Homeland, whose fate they see as their own. Where this appears impossible for economic reasons and because of the future of their children, and emigration becomes economically and politically necessary, it becomes the duty of the Aid Association to prepare [emigration] and to help those who have made the grave decision to leave their Fatherland and establish a new life... The Hilfsverein advises persons emigrating to all countries with the exception of Palestine. Up to now it has assisted in emigration to 34 countries overseas.
In the course of the year 1933, 60,000 persons received advice and information of all kinds from the Hilfsverein . Financial assistance was given to 7,700 persons in the form of subsidies for tickets for railway and ship passage, visas, food, transport of luggage, furniture, machinery and instruments. A voluminous correspondence with authorities, communities, and aid committees has been maintained on behalf of many thousands of persons....
Source: The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, A/176.
*Hilfsverein der deutschen Juden – Aid Association of German Jews.
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