Jewish Organizations Lose Legal Rights
Law Concerning the Legal Status
of the Jewish Religious Communities
The Reich Government has enacted the following law, which is promulgated herewith:
§ 1
1) Jewish religious communal organizations and their roof organizations obtain legal standing by means of registration in the Register of Associations.
2) At the end of March 31, 1938, Jewish religious organizations and their roof organizations will lose the status of Corporations under public law, insofar as they possessed such status up to the present time. From this date on they will be private Associations with legal status under civil law. Entry in the Register of Associations must be carried out....
Berlin, March 28, 1938
The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler
The Reich Minister for Church Affairs
The Reich Minister of the Interior
Reichsgesetzblatt, I, 1938, p. 338.
Yad Vashem