Israel-PLO Statement on the Resumption of the Taba Talks
(January 6, 1994)
The Israel-PLO negotiations in Taba and Cairo faltered over many issues. Among them were the area of Jericho, the size and authority of the Palestinian police force, Palestinian presence on the Allenby Bridge, the issue of currency, passports, legislation, the rate of prisoners release; and IDF presence in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. It, was felt that public negotiations yielded little. A series of secret talks in Norway, Versailles and Cairo clarified and defined the issues. An agreement achieved in secret talks in Davos enabled the parties to resume the Taba talks. Text:
Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, who headed the Israeli delegation to the Liaison Commitee talks, and Abu Mazen, who headed the Palestinian Delegation, issued the following statement at 09:00 hours today (Thursday), 6.1.94:
The two parties reiterate their total commitment to the Declaration of Principles in its letter and spirit.
They feel that the Strasbourg, Versailles and Cairo discussions were helpful towards making an agreement as soon as possible, so as to translate the Declaration of Principles into reality on the ground. Once an agreement is made, it cannot be changed unilaterally.
The two parties agree to resume the Taba negotiations on the basis of the Declaration of Principles and the Cairo understandings.