Temporary International Presence in Hebron: Initial Agreement
(May 9, 1996)
Pursuant to Article VII of the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, dated September 28, 1995, the two sides agree to the establishment of a Temporary International Presence in the city of Hebron ("TIPH"). This agreement will remain in force until such time as Israeli forces redeploy from Hebron, whereupon it will be superseded by a new agreement to be negotiated by the two sides and the TIPH established by this Agreement will be replaced by a new TIPH to be established under the new agreement ("the new TIPH").
A Temporary International presence will be established in the city of Hebron. As detailed in paragraph 4 below, the TIPH will, in anticipation of the Israeli redeployment in Hebron, act as an advance party for the new TIPH, assist in promoting stability and in monitoring and reporting the efforts to maintain normal life in the city of Hebron, thus creating a feeling of security among Palestinians in the city of Hebron. The organizational structure, operational guidelines, logistics, support and privileges and immunities of the TIPH shall be in accordance with the Modalities on the establishment of the TIPH established by Norway with the agreement of the two sides.
The two sides shall request Norway to provide 50-60 persons, citizens of Norway, as TIPH personnel, consisting of field observers, office staff and support personnel, as agreed between the two sides. Consistent with its stated task, the TIPH personnel shall have no military or police functions.
The tasks of the TIPH personnel will be:
to begin preparations for the establishment of the new TIPH;
to contribute by their presence to a feeling of security to the Palestinians of Hebron;
to help promote stability and an appropriate environment conducive to the enhancement of the well-being of the Palestinians in Hebron and their economic development; and
to provide reports as set out in paragraph 6 below.
In order to facilitate the carrying out of the TIPH tasks, a building will be chosen in the city of Hebron as a seat for the TIPH.
The TIPH will report to the following:
On specific events - to a Joint Hebron Committee ("JHC"), comprised of two representatives from each side. The senior Palestinian representative will be the Mayor of Hebron and the senior Israeli representative will be the head of the Civil Administration in the city of Hebron. A representative of the TIPH will be invited on a bi-weekly basis to participate in the JHC meeting in order to report on the TIPH activities.
Periodically - to the Monitoring and Steering Committee established pursuant to the Interim Agreement.
The members of the TIPH shall wear distinctive uniforms with a special emblem, as agreed by the two sides, and their vehicles shall be marked with the same emblem. TIPH members may carry pistols for self-defense purposes.
The TIPH will enjoy freedom of movement for the performance of its tasks within the city of Hebron. Such freedom of movement shall not be restricted, except for reasons of imperative military necessity, and then only as an exceptional and temporary measure.
The TIPH and its members shall, in conformity with the Modalities referred to in paragraph 2, be accorded such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the fulfilment of their tasks, and for the independent exercise of their functions, including immunity of the TIPH premises. The presence and activities of the personnel assigned by Norway to the TIPH will be in accordance with Israel's responsibility for security in Hebron consistent with the DOP and dates of its implementation.
The expenses of the TIPH will be borne by Norway.
The TIPH may commence its operation immediately after the signing of this Agreement and continue to function for a period of three months or until such earlier date on which this agreement is superseded by a new agreement pursuant to paragraph 1 above. With the consent of the two sides, the TIPH may extend the period or change the scope of its operation, as agreed.
Sources: Israeli Foreign Ministry