Israel-Palestinian Peace Process: Agreement on Second Israeli Withdrawal From West Bank
(January 3, 2000)
Israel and the Palestinian Authority agreed January 3, 2000, to implement the second withdrawal from the West Bank on January 4, 2000, under which 5 percent of areas in Judea and Samaria will be handed over to the PA by January 7, 2000. In addition, the sides agreed that the third redeployment of 6.1% would be implemented as scheduled on January 20.
Under the compromise reached, the second withdrawal will be carried out as originally planned by Israel, while Israel will be open to Palestinian requests in sketching the map for the withdrawal on January 20.
The implementation of the second withdrawal was initially scheduled to take place last November 15, but was postponed due to the Palestinians' refusal to accept the areas Israel was willing to hand over.
In the second redeployment the IDF will evacuate six army bases in Samaria and one near Bethlehem, and transfer 2% from Area B (under Israeli and Palestinian rule) to Area A (under full Palestinian control) and 3% from Area C (under full Israeli control) to Area B. After this withdrawal is completed, the Palestinians will be in full or partial control of 34% of the West Bank.
In the third withdrawal scheduled for January 20, Israel will transfer to the PA 6.1% of areas in the West Bank — 1% of Area C to Area A and 5.1% from Area B to Area A.
In the third stage, towns such as Halhoul and Yatta will be transferred to the PA, leaving the settlements of Otniel and Beit Hagai isolated. The IDF has set up defense positions near the two settlements.
Sources: Israel Foreign Ministry