The Protocol of Lausanne
(May 12, 1949)
Below is the text of the Protocol signed by the Conciliation Commission and the Chairman of the Israeli delegation; an identical Protocol was signed on the same day by the Arab delegation. The "working document" referred to was the Partition map annexed to General Assembly Resolution 181(II) of 29 November 1947. The Arabs claimed that, by signing the Protocol, Israel in a manner recognised the 1947 Partition Plan. Israel held that the map was to be taken, as the text of the Protocol stated, as a, and not as the, basis for negotiations.
The United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, anxious to achieve as quickly as possible the objectives of the General Assembly's Resolution of December 11, 1948, regarding refugees, the respect for their rights and the preservation of their property, as well as territorial and other questions, has proposed to the Delegation of Israel and to the Delegations of the Arab States that the "Working Documents" attached hereto, be taken as basis for discussion with the Commission.
The interested Delegations have accepted this proposal with the understanding that the exchange of views which will be carried on by the Commission with the two parties will bear upon the territorial adjustments necessary to the above indicated objectives.
Lausanne, May 12, 1949.
(Signed) CLAUDE DE BOISANGER, Chairman (France)
(Signed) CAHID YALGIN (Turkey)
(Signed) WALTER EYTAN (Israel)