Prime Ministers of Israel: Menachem Begin
(1977 - 1983)
Actions & Operations
- The Lebanon War (1982-1985)
- Operation Opera (June 1981)
- Israel Makes Peace with Egypt (March 1979)
- Bombing of the King David Hotel (June 1946)
Primary Source Documents
- Remarks By Reagan & Begin Following Their Meeting (June 1982)
- Exchange of Letters with President Reagan (June 1982)
- Message From Habib to Begin Regarding UN Monitoring Lebanon Border (July 1981)
- Summarizes Debate on Treaty With Egypt (March 1979)
- Statement to the Knesset on the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty (March 1979)
- Knesset Speech at Close of Debate on Camp David Agreements (September 1978)
- Begin-Sadat Press Conference & Text of Agreed Communique (November 1977)
- Statement to the Knesset Following Historic Sadat Speech (November 1977)
- Conversation between PM Begin and President Carter (July 1977)
- CIA Assessment of Menachem Begin Following His Election (July 7, 1977)
- Begin Opposes German Reparations (January 7, 1952)
- Message from MI5 Director Regarding Begin Visit to Washington (October 15, 1948)