Prime Ministers of Israel: Ehud Olmert
(2006 - 2009)
- Olmert Addresses Knesset on Violence in Lebanon and Gaza Strip (7/17/06)
- Olmert Addresses Meeting of Heads of Local Authorities (7/31/06)
- Olmert Reaches Out to Palestinians to Energize Peace Process (11/27/06)
- Olmert’s Knesset Speech Regarding the War in the North (8/14/06)
- Prime Minister Olmert Addresses Joint Session of Congress (5/24/06)
- Prime Minister Olmert Addresses Opening of the Knesset (10/16/06)
- Prime Minister Olmert’s Remarks at a Joint Press Conference with King Abdullah (6/8/06)
- Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Olmert of Israel (11/13/06)
- Address by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert at the Saban Forum (11/4/07)
- The Annapolis Conference (11/27/07)
- Olmert receives Winograd Commission Interim Report (4/30/07)
- Olmert Announces Intent to Resign (7/30/08)
- Olmert receives Winograd Commission Final Report (1/30/08)
- PM Olmert's Remarks at the Press Briefing on the Operation in the Gaza Strip (12/27/08)
- President Bush and Prime Minister Olmert Joint Press Conference in Jerusalem (1/9/08)
- Prime Minister Olmert’s Remarks to the Cabinet Following President Bush’s Visit (1/13/08)