Files Added In January 2000
- U.S.-Israel Agreement on Counterterrorism Research & Development
- Israeli President Under Investigation
- Weizman Addresses Scandal Accusation
- Road Casualties Decline
- American Attitudes Toward the Golan Heights
- Was Hitler Jewish?
- Israeli Opinion Regarding Peace with Syria & Lebanon
- Who is a Jew?
- The History of Israel Bonds
- Draft Israel-Syria Peace Treaty
- Israel Trade Statistics (1999)
- Safe Passage Routes Between Gaza and the West Bank [map]
- A Flawed Portrait of Yitzhak Rabin
- An Apologist for the Allies
- Pius XII: Saint or Sinner?
- Ghettos in Poland
- Holocaust-Era Assets Study
- Holocaust-Era Insurance Claims: Background and Issues
- Holocaust Survivor and Heir Lawsuits to Recover Swiss Bank Deposits
- Introduction and Overview of Materials in this Study
- Legislative History of Holocaust-Related Legislation, 1995-1999
- Library of Congress Acquisitions in Post-War Germany
- Overview of London Gold Conference
- Overview of Major Holocaust Asset Issues
- Report of the Independent Committee of Eminent Persons (Volcker Committee)
- Selected Internet Sources
- Status of Holocaust Victims Redress Act
- Status of U.S. Holocaust Assets Commission Act
- Sources of Information and Application Forms for Claimants
- Summary of the Washington Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets
- Report on Dormant Accounts of Victims of Nazi Persecution in Swiss Banks
- Members of the Independent Committee of Eminent Persons
- Report of Anti-Semitic Incidents (November 1999)
- Expressions of Anti-Semitism in the Arab Press (December 1999)
- Agreement on Second Israeli Withdrawal From West Bank
- Israeli Losses in Lebanon (1999)
- David Ben-Gurion on Silence During the Holocaust
- A Young Jew in the Vilna Ghetto
- A Lithuanian Woman Doctor on the Jews in the Kovno Ghetto
- German Jews in Minsk
- The Extermination of Jews and the Fight Against the Partisans in Byelorussia
- Responsa Regarding Saving Yourself & Your Children in the Holocaust
- Killing of Jews in the Pripet Marshes
- Germans to Compensate Slave Laborers
- The Extermination of the Jews in the Ukraine
- Evidence on the Killing of Jews in Kharkov
- The Deportation and Killing of the Jews of Kislovodsk
- Massacre in the Ukraine
- Jewish Pioneer Youth Group in Vilna Calls for Resistance
- Partisans in Vilna
- Gens After His Appointment as Vilna Ghetto Leader
- Zelig Kalmanovitch Diary Entry Following the Report by Gens
- Education and Culture in the Vilna Ghetto
- Gens on the First Anniversary of the Vilna Theater
- The Ban on Births in the Shavli Ghetto
- Gens on the Danger of Bringing Arms into the Vilna Ghetto
- Gens Tells Vilna Jewish Leadership About Aktion in Oszmiana
- Extermination in Gas Vans in the Ukraine
- Order by Himmler for the Liquidation of the Ghettos of Ostland
- The Future of the Vilna Ghetto
- The F.P.O. Calls for Revolt in Vilna
- Life of Jewish Partisans in the Forest
- Operations Diary of a Jewish Partisan Unit in Rudniki Forest
- Obliterating the Traces of Bodies of Jews Killed by the Einsatzgruppen
- Evidence of Jewish Escapees from Kovno On the Burning of the Bodies
- Bergier Report on Swiss Refugee Policy
- Biographies