Files Added In December 2001
Myths & Facts Online — Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict [Updated]
- Biography
- Economy
- History
- Holocaust
- Israel
- Judaism
- Peace Process
- Arafat Denounces Violence then Calls for Martyrdom
- Arafat’s Possible Successors
- Incitement, Antisemitism and Hatred of Israel in Palestinian School Textbooks
- Israeli Opinion Regarding Peace with the Palestinians [Updated]
- Jews, Israel and Peace in Palestinian School Textbooks
- Hamas Assets in U.S. Frozen
- Photographs
- Religion
- Reviews
- Terrorism
- Islamic Jihad
- Rewards Offered by U.S. for Middle East Terrorists Who Killed Americans
- American Victims of Mideast Terrorist Attacks
- PLO Compliance Report
- Fatal Terrorist Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles [Updated]
- Major Palestinian Terror Attacks Since Oslo
- Executive Order on Terrorist Financing
- Designation of Foreign Terrorist Organizations
- Travel
- U.S.-Israel Relations
- House, Senate Call for Suspension of Ties with PA
- Polls Concerning the PLO/Palestinian Authority
- House Passes FY 2002 Foreign Aid Appropriations Conference Bill
- U.S. Vetoes of UN Resolutions Critical of Israel [Updated]
- Bush Uses Second Waiver to Avoid Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem [12/18]
- Palestinian Homeland Polls [Updated]
- American Attitudes Toward the Middle East [Updated]
- Public Opinion Toward Terrorism [Updated]
- Public Attitudes Toward the Peace Process [Updated]