House Passes FY 2002 Foreign Aid Appropriations Conference Bill
The House approved the fiscal year 2002 foreign aid bill by a vote of 357-66. The $15.3 billion spending bill provides Israel with $2.04 billion in military aid and $720 million in financial assistance. The bill also includes provisions recommending that sanctions be imposed against the Palestinian Authority if the President determines that it has failed to comply with its commitments to halt terrorism and end incitement. Once the Senate passes the bill?it is expected to vote this week?the legislation will go to the President for his signature. Thank your member of the House for voting for the final passage of the bill.
H R 2506
REPUBLICAN | 159 | 59 | 3 | |
DEMOCRATIC | 197 | 6 | 8 | |
INDEPENDENT | 1 | 1 | ||
TOTALS | 357 | 66 | 11 |
Abercrombie | Gonzalez | Oberstar |
Ackerman | Gordon | Obey |
Aderholt | Goss | Olver |
Allen | Graham | Ortiz |
Andrews | Granger | Osborne |
Armey | Graves | Ose |
Baca | Green (TX) | Oxley |
Baird | Green (WI) | Pallone |
Baldacci | Greenwood | Pascrell |
Baldwin | Grucci | Pastor |
Ballenger | Gutierrez | Payne |
Barrett | Harman | Pelosi |
Barton | Hart | Peterson (MN) |
Bass | Hastings (WA) | Peterson (PA) |
Becerra | Hill | Phelps |
Bentsen | Hilliard | Pickering |
Bereuter | Hinchey | Pomeroy |
Berkley | Hinojosa | Portman |
Berman | Hobson | Price (NC) |
Biggert | Hoeffel | Pryce (OH) |
Bilirakis | Hoekstra | Putnam |
Bishop | Holden | Quinn |
Blagojevich | Holt | Radanovich |
Blumenauer | Honda | Rahall |
Boehlert | Hooley | Ramstad |
Boehner | Horn | Rangel |
Bonilla | Houghton | Regula |
Bonior | Hoyer | Rehberg |
Bono | Hulshof | Reyes |
Boozman | Hunter | Reynolds |
Borski | Hyde | Riley |
Boswell | Inslee | Rivers |
Boucher | Isakson | Rodriguez |
Boyd | Israel | Rogers (KY) |
Brady (PA) | Issa | Rogers (MI) |
Brady (TX) | Istook | Ros-Lehtinen |
Brown (FL) | Jackson (IL) | Ross |
Brown (OH) | Jackson-Lee (TX) | Rothman |
Brown (SC) | Jefferson | Roukema |
Bryant | Jenkins | Roybal-Allard |
Burr | John | Rush |
Burton | Johnson (CT) | Ryan (WI) |
Buyer | Johnson (IL) | Sabo |
Callahan | Johnson, E. B. | Sanchez |
Calvert | Jones (OH) | Sanders |
Camp | Kanjorski | Sandlin |
Cannon | Kaptur | Sawyer |
Cantor | Keller | Saxton |
Capito | Kelly | Schaffer |
Capps | Kennedy (RI) | Schakowsky |
Capuano | Kildee | Schiff |
Cardin | Kilpatrick | Schrock |
Carson (IN) | Kind (WI) | Scott |
Carson (OK) | King (NY) | Serrano |
Castle | Kingston | Sessions |
Chambliss | Kirk | Shadegg |
Clay | Kleczka | Shaw |
Clayton | Knollenberg | Shays |
Clyburn | Kolbe | Sherman |
Coble | Kucinich | Sherwood |
Collins | LaFalce | Shimkus |
Condit | LaHood | Shows |
Conyers | Lampson | Simmons |
Cooksey | Langevin | Simpson |
Costello | Lantos | Skeen |
Cox | Larsen (WA) | Skelton |
Coyne | Larson (CT) | Slaughter |
Cramer | Latham | Smith (TX) |
Crenshaw | LaTourette | Smith (WA) |
Crowley | Leach | Snyder |
Culberson | Lee | Solis |
Cummings | Levin | Souder |
Davis (CA) | Lewis (CA) | Spratt |
Davis (FL) | Lewis (GA) | Stenholm |
Davis (IL) | Linder | Strickland |
Davis, Tom | Lipinski | Stupak |
DeFazio | LoBiondo | Sununu |
DeGette | Lofgren | Sweeney |
Delahunt | Lowey | Tauscher |
DeLauro | Lucas (KY) | Tauzin |
DeLay | Lynch | Terry |
Deutsch | Maloney (CT) | Thomas |
Diaz-Balart | Maloney (NY) | Thompson (CA) |
Dicks | Markey | Thompson (MS) |
Dingell | Mascara | Thornberry |
Doggett | Matheson | Thune |
Dooley | Matsui | Thurman |
Doyle | McCarthy (MO) | Tiahrt |
Dreier | McCarthy (NY) | Tiberi |
Dunn | McCollum | Tierney |
Edwards | McCrery | Towns |
Ehlers | McDermott | Traficant |
Ehrlich | McGovern | Turner |
Emerson | McHugh | Udall (CO) |
Engel | McIntyre | Udall (NM) |
English | McKeon | Upton |
Eshoo | McKinney | Velazquez |
Etheridge | McNulty | Visclosky |
Evans | Meehan | Vitter |
Farr | Meeks (NY) | Walden |
Fattah | Menendez | Walsh |
Ferguson | Millender-McDonald | Waters |
Filner | Miller, Dan | Watkins (OK) |
Fletcher | Miller, Gary | Watson (CA) |
Foley | Miller, George | Watt (NC) |
Forbes | Mink | Watts (OK) |
Ford | Mollohan | Waxman |
Fossella | Moore | Weiner |
Frank | Moran (KS) | Weldon (PA) |
Frelinghuysen | Moran (VA) | Weller |
Frost | Morella | Whitfield |
Gallegly | Murtha | Wicker |
Ganske | Nadler | Wilson (NM) |
Gekas | Napolitano | Wilson (SC) |
Gephardt | Neal | Wolf |
Gibbons | Nethercutt | Woolsey |
Gilchrest | Ney | Wu |
Gillmor | Northup | Wynn |
Gilman | Nussle | Young (FL) |
Akin | Hansen | Pence |
Bachus | Hayes | Petri |
Barcia | Hayworth | Pitts |
Barr | Hefley | Platts |
Bartlett | Herger | Pombo |
Berry | Hilleary | Roemer |
Blunt | Hostettler | Rohrabacher |
Chabot | Johnson, Sam | Royce |
Combest | Jones (NC) | Ryun (KS) |
Crane | Kennedy (MN) | Sensenbrenner |
Cunningham | Kerns | Shuster |
Davis, Jo Ann | Largent | Smith (MI) |
Deal | Lewis (KY) | Smith (NJ) |
DeMint | Lucas (OK) | Stearns |
Doolittle | Manzullo | Stump |
Duncan | McInnis | Tancredo |
Everett | Mica | Tanner |
Flake | Miller, Jeff | Taylor (MS) |
Goode | Myrick | Taylor (NC) |
Goodlatte | Norwood | Toomey |
Gutknecht | Otter | Wamp |
Hall (TX) | Paul | Weldon (FL) |
Baker | Hastings (FL) | Stark |
Clement | Luther | Wexler |
Cubin | Meek (FL) | Young (AK) |
Hall (OH) | Owens |