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Ernst Heinrich Schulz

Ernst Heinrich Schulz is a former Nazi officer who administered the Polish towns of Komarów Osada and Tyszowce. Born in the former German state of Posen, he later joined the German cavalry united and served as the commander of the Nazi military police in the two Jewish towns under German occupation. During this period of terror, Schulz oversaw many atrocities. Based on eye-witness testimony, Schulz was directly responsible for the murder of thousands of Jews in the Holocaust, and personally killed dozens of Jews arbitrarily. 

"At Janowka, Schulz threw a grenade into a bunker where 45 Jew were detained. They all died."

"At the Jewish New Year festival of Rosh Hashanah 1942, Schulz broke into the apartment of the PIETRUSZKI family during a religious service and shot dead Liebel PIETRUSZKO and his wife, Schmuel FERSCHT, Jecheskiel SINGER, Yehuda STRUSA, Eli Ruwen FUCHS, and Aron EISMER"

Following the end of World War II, Schulz became a police officer in West Germany until he was arrested in 1961. He was subsequently sentenced to life in prison.
