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Britain-Israel Relations: British Cabinet Notes on Discussion of Exporting Jet Aircraft to Egypt

(October 23, 1952)

The following shorthand notes were taken from British Cabinet meeting 89(52) held on 23 October 1952 in which the cabinet and Prime Minister Winston Churchill discussed the value in exporting jet aircraft to Egypt.

P.M. Wd give Egypt a substantial advantage over Israel.  3:1.Doubtful.

A.E. Ques. wtr. we want to give Neguib a helping hand – he is having a pretty tough time with his supporters, in persuadg. them that a policy of friendship with west is worth while.  I have felt he is best bet we have had in Egypt.  Wd have liked to help him.

P.M. Reluctant.

A.E.  He is askg. for 5.  Shall we start with that, and eke it out.

de L'I.  We have plenty wh. I can't take because I haven't the money. Want to sell all we can, in order to keep industry together in order to build new types when we can afford them. Remedy is to sell more to Jews.

A.E. But they can't pay:  they're bust.

Al. Settlement with E. wd. enable us to reduce our commitments. Won't get settlement unless we help Neguib.  We haven't done v.  much for them.

A.E.  E. have paid 20% deposit. Will try 5 jets + 2 trainers and the others v. soon.  And if Israel protests

x/  we might try to give them a few more.  May I have discretion to go to 14.

J.S. Para. 5.  Wd this not give us chance to get somethg. done re murders.

A.E.  Yes.  Wd have liked to get concession on Canal;  but U.S. wdn't j oin me in this.

P.M.  Keep them sweet until we can find out wtr. a new U.S. Adminn really means to arm Egypt in spite of danger to Jews.

de L'I. x/  If we are anxious, train a few more J. pilots in U.K.

A.E. Yes.

Agreed:  as at xx/.

Sources: British National Archives