Britain-Israel Relations: British Cabinet Secretary Notes on Israel & American Jews
(October 23, 1950)
[Full words have been filled in as marked where necessary]
Econ(omic) and pol(itical) sit(uatio)n v(ery) serious. Black market: break in majority Party: no grip on econ(omic) sit(uatio)n.
V(ery) little response fr(om) U.S. on econ(omic) and fin(ancial) aid.
Wealthy U.S. Jews think Pal(estine) Gov(ernmen)t is too far to Left: and middle section have lost influence in U.S. Trade Unions.
Israel Gov(ernmen)t have allowed excessive immigr(ation) – can't absorb it – we told them so.
Also Poles and E(astern) Europ(eans) are diff(erent) kind of Jews: tough eggs.
New Arab policy. Iraq, eg. releas(in)g Jews too fast: mak(ing) diff(icult)ies for Israel.
Loss of faith, in U.N., because Jews haven't accepted internat(ionalization) of Jerusalem.
Has aroused powerful R.C. organ(izatio)n in U.S., anti Jewish lobby.
Gives me anxiety re(garding) M/D. as a whole. Our pos(itio)n in Egypt uncertain – and E. pol. seem disturbed. Rows in both places might disturb whole area.
Warning to Cab(inet) No policy proposals. F.O. consid(erin)g. what we can do.
Sources: British National Archives