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The Wye River Memorandum: Proposed U.S. Funding for Wye Accord

(November 29, 1998)

At the end of 1998, Israel requested an additional $1.2 billion in foreign aid to fund moving troops and military installations out of the occupied territories as called for in the October 23, 1998, Wye agreement. This money was included in the FY2000 military grant aid package. Israel received $600 million of this in military aid in FY1999 and $300 million in each fiscal year 2000 and 2001. According to a State Department report presented to Congress in October 1999, the Wye funding was intended to be used as follows (in millions of dollars): 

Israel Defense Force Redeployment  
Relocate IDF Training Areas
Relocate One Armored Division
Relocate Brigade Training Area
Counter Terror
Light Surveillance Aircraft
Explosive Detection and Identification
Armored Personnel Carriers
Theater Missile Defense R&D
Squadron Apache Longbow Helicopters
Electronic Warfare Aircraft
Enhance Readiness

Sources: Clyde R. Mark, "Israel: U.S. Foreign Assistance," Congressional Research Service, (October 3, 2003)