House Approves Wye Aid
The House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly November 5, 1999, to pass the foreign aid bill, which included an amendment to fully fund the $1.8 billion Wye aid package, which includes $1.2 billion to Israel, $400 million to the Palestinians, and $200 million to Jordan. The vote in favor of the amendment to add the Wye funding was 351-58, and the final bill passed 316-100.
H R 3196
REPUBLICAN | 127 | 84 | 10 | |
DEMOCRATIC | 188 | 16 | 7 | |
TOTALS | 316 | 100 | 17 |
Abercrombie | Gilman | Oberstar |
Ackerman | Gonzalez | Obey |
Aderholt | Goodlatte | Olver |
Allen | Gordon | Ortiz |
Andrews | Granger | Ose |
Armey | Green (TX) | Owens |
Bachus | Greenwood | Oxley |
Baird | Gutierrez | Packard |
Baker | Gutknecht | Pallone |
Baldacci | Hall (OH) | Pascrell |
Baldwin | Hastings (FL) | Pastor |
Barcia | Hayworth | Payne |
Barrett (NE) | Hill (IN) | Pelosi |
Barrett (WI) | Hilliard | Phelps |
Bass | Hinchey | Pickering |
Bateman | Hinojosa | Pickett |
Becerra | Hobson | Porter |
Bentsen | Hoeffel | Portman |
Berkley | Holden | Price (NC) |
Berman | Holt | Pryce (OH) |
Biggert | Hooley | Quinn |
Bilirakis | Horn | Radanovich |
Bishop | Houghton | Ramstad |
Blagojevich | Hoyer | Rangel |
Bliley | Hulshof | Regula |
Blumenauer | Hyde | Reynolds |
Blunt | Inslee | Riley |
Boehlert | Isakson | Rivers |
Boehner | Jackson (IL) | Rodriguez |
Bonilla | Jackson-Lee (TX) | Rogan |
Bonior | Jefferson | Ros-Lehtinen |
Bono | John | Rothman |
Borski | Johnson (CT) | Roybal-Allard |
Boswell | Johnson, E. B. | Rush |
Boucher | Jones (OH) | Sabo |
Boyd | Kaptur | Salmon |
Brady (PA) | Kasich | Sanchez |
Brown (FL) | Kelly | Sanders |
Brown (OH) | Kennedy | Sandlin |
Bryant | Kildee | Sawyer |
Calvert | Kilpatrick | Saxton |
Camp | Kind (WI) | Schakowsky |
Campbell | King (NY) | Scott |
Canady | Kleczka | Serrano |
Cannon | Klink | Shadegg |
Capps | Knollenberg | Shaw |
Capuano | Kolbe | Shays |
Cardin | Kucinich | Sherman |
Carson | Kuykendall | Shimkus |
Castle | LaFalce | Shows |
Chabot | LaHood | Shuster |
Clayton | Lampson | Simpson |
Clement | Lantos | Sisisky |
Clyburn | Larson | Skeen |
Conyers | Latham | Skelton |
Cooksey | LaTourette | Slaughter |
Costello | Lazio | Smith (TX) |
Cox | Leach | Smith (WA) |
Coyne | Lee | Snyder |
Crowley | Levin | Souder |
Cummings | Lewis (CA) | Spratt |
Davis (FL) | Lewis (GA) | Stabenow |
Davis (IL) | Linder | Stenholm |
Davis (VA) | Lipinski | Strickland |
DeGette | LoBiondo | Stupak |
Delahunt | Lofgren | Sununu |
DeLauro | Lowey | Sweeney |
DeLay | Luther | Talent |
Deutsch | Maloney (CT) | Tauscher |
Diaz-Balart | Maloney (NY) | Tauzin |
Dicks | Markey | Terry |
Dingell | Mascara | Thomas |
Dixon | Matsui | Thompson (CA) |
Doggett | McCarthy (MO) | Thompson (MS) |
Dooley | McCarthy (NY) | Thurman |
Doyle | McCollum | Tierney |
Dreier | McCrery | Towns |
Dunn | McDermott | Turner |
Edwards | McGovern | Udall (CO) |
Ehlers | McHugh | Udall (NM) |
Ehrlich | McIntosh | Velazquez |
Engel | McKeon | Vento |
English | McKinney | Visclosky |
Eshoo | McNulty | Vitter |
Etheridge | Meek (FL) | Walden |
Evans | Meeks (NY) | Walsh |
Ewing | Menendez | Waters |
Farr | Metcalf | Watt (NC) |
Fattah | Mica | Watts (OK) |
Filner | Millender-McDonald | Waxman |
Fletcher | Miller, Gary | Weiner |
Foley | Miller, George | Weldon (PA) |
Forbes | Minge | Weller |
Ford | Mink | Wexler |
Fossella | Moakley | Weygand |
Fowler | Moore | Whitfield |
Frank (MA) | Moran (VA) | Wicker |
Franks (NJ) | Morella | Wilson |
Frelinghuysen | Murtha | Wise |
Frost | Myrick | Wolf |
Gallegly | Nadler | Woolsey |
Ganske | Napolitano | Wu |
Gejdenson | Neal | Wynn |
Gekas | Ney | Young (FL) |
Gephardt | Northup | |
Gillmor | Nussle |
Archer | Goss | Pomeroy |
Ballenger | Graham | Rahall |
Barr | Green (WI) | Roemer |
Bartlett | Hall (TX) | Rogers |
Barton | Hansen | Rohrabacher |
Berry | Hayes | Roukema |
Bilbray | Hefley | Royce |
Brady (TX) | Herger | Ryan (WI) |
Burr | Hill (MT) | Ryun (KS) |
Burton | Hilleary | Sanford |
Buyer | Hoekstra | Schaffer |
Callahan | Hostettler | Sensenbrenner |
Chambliss | Hunter | Sessions |
Chenoweth-Hage | Hutchinson | Sherwood |
Coble | Istook | Smith (MI) |
Coburn | Jenkins | Smith (NJ) |
Collins | Jones (NC) | Spence |
Combest | Kingston | Stark |
Condit | Largent | Stearns |
Cook | Lewis (KY) | Stump |
Crane | Lucas (KY) | Tancredo |
Cubin | Lucas (OK) | Tanner |
Cunningham | Manzullo | Taylor (MS) |
Danner | McIntyre | Thornberry |
Deal | Miller (FL) | Thune |
DeFazio | Moran (KS) | Tiahrt |
DeMint | Nethercutt | Toomey |
Doolittle | Paul | Traficant |
Duncan | Pease | Upton |
Emerson | Peterson (MN) | Wamp |
Everett | Peterson (PA) | Watkins |
Gibbons | Petri | Weldon (FL) |
Goode | Pitts | |
Goodling | Pombo |
Bereuter | Johnson, Sam | Norwood |
Clay | Kanjorski | Reyes |
Cramer | Martinez | Scarborough |
Dickey | McInnis | Taylor (NC) |
Gilchrest | Meehan | Young (AK) |
Hastings (WA) | Mollohan |