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PLO Recognized As Sole Legitimate Representative of the Palestinians

(October 28, 1974)

At the seventh Arab League Summit in Rabat, Morocco in 1974, the PLO was recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. These are the five decisions announced by the Moroccan News Agency.

1. To affirm the rights of the Palestinian people to return to their homeland and to self‐determination.

2. To affirm the rights of the Palestinian people to establish an independent national authority, under Palestine Liberation Organization leadership, as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people on any liberated Palestinian territory. The Arab states must support this authority when set up in all fields and at all levels.

3. To support the Palestine Liberation Organization in the exercise of its responsibilities in the national and international fields in the framework of Arab commitments.

5. To affirm the undertaking of all the Arab states to safeguard Palestinian national unity and not to interfere in internal affairs regarding Palestinian action.

Source: “Text of Arab Resolution at Rabat,” New York Times, (October 30, 1974).