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The Holocaust: Anne Franks House Tour

Center of Amsterdam

Prinsengracht 263
1016 GV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 31+20 556 7100
Fax: 31+20 620 7999

Open Daily
2 January through 31 March: 9am - 7pm
1 April through 31 August: 9am - 9pm
1 September through 30 December: 9am - 7pm
1 January: 12pm - 7pm
4 May: 9am - 7pm
26 June: 9am - 7pm
18 December: 9am- 5pm
25 December: 12pm - 5pm
31 December: 9am - 5pm

Entrance Fee
Adults: 6,50 euro
Children 10-17: 3 euro
Children 0-7: Free.

Train: Take the train to Central Train Station. The house is a five minute walk from the station.

See also Anne Frank