Zionism: Texts Concerning Zionism
Arthur Balfour
- Manifesto (1882)
Ber Dov Borocho
- The National Question and the Class Struggle (1905)
- Poalei Tziyon - Our Platform (1906)
- Eretz Yisrael in our Program and Tactics (1917)
- The Economic Development of the Jewish People (1917)
Ahad Ha'am
- The Wrong Way (1889)
- An Open Letter to My Bretheren in the Spirit (1891)
- Anticipations and Survivals (1891)
- The Jewish State and Jewish Problem (1897)
Yehuda Halevi
- My Heart is in the East (1141)
Theodor Herzl
- The Jewish State (1896)
- Altneuland (1902)
Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky
- The Iron Wall (1923)
Diana Muir
Max Nordau
- Address at the First Zionist Congress (1897)
- Address at the Sixth Zionist Congress (1903)
- Survey of Zionism (1905)
Leon Pinsker
- Auto-Emancipation (1882)
Poalei Zion
- Peace Manifesto (1917)
Arthur Ruppin
- Buying the Emek (1929)
- The Picture in 1907 (1908)
Nachman Syrkin