Six-Day War: Draft Resolution by Soviet Union
at Emergency UNGA Session
(June 19, 1967)
Having asked for the emergency session of the General Assembly, Premier Kosygin proposed the following Resolution which was later termed by the United States Ambassador to the United Nations a one-sided condemnation of Israel. In the vote taken on 4 July, it failed to win the required two-thirds majority. The preamble was defeated by 57 votes against, 36 for, 24 abstentions and 5 absent. The first operative paragraph was defeated by 57 votes against, 36 for, 23 abstentions and 6 absent. The second operative paragraph was defeated by 49 votes against, 45 for, 21 abstentions and 7 absent. The third operative paragraph was defeated by 54 votes against, 34 for, 28 abstentions and 6 absent. The fourth operative paragraph was defeated by 54 votes against, 36 for, 26 abstentions and 6 absent. Below, you can find the full text of the resolution.
The General Assembly,
Noting that Israel, by grossly violating the United Nations Charter and the universally accepted principles of international law, has committed a premeditated and previously prepared aggression against the United Arab Republic, Syria and Jordan, and has occupied a part of their territory and inflicted great material damage upon them,
Noting that in contravention of the resolutions of the Security Council on the immediate cessation of all hostilities and a cease-fire on June 6, June 7 and June 8, 1967, Israel continued to conduct offensive military operations against the aforesaid states and expanded its territorial seizures,
Noting further that although at the present time hostilities have ceased, Israel continues the occupation of the territory of the UAR, Syria, and Jordan, thus failing to cease the aggression and challenging the United Nations and all peace-loving states,
Regarding as inadmissible and illegitimate the presenting by Israel of territorial claims to the Arab states, which prevents the restoration of peace in the area,
1. Resolutely condemns the aggressive actions of Israel and the continuing occupation by Israel of a part of the territory of the UAR, Syria and Jordan, which constitutes an act of aggression;
2. Demands that Israel immediately and without any condition withdraw all its forces from the territory of those states to positions beyond the armistice demarcation lines, as stipulated in the general armistice agreements, and should respect the status of the demilitarized zones, as prescribed in those armistice agreements;
3. Also demands that Israel should restitute in full and within the shortest possible period of time all the damage inflicted by its aggression upon the UAR, Syria and Jordan, and their nationals, and should return to them all seized property and other material assets;
4. Appeals to the Security Council to undertake on its part immediate effective measures in order to eliminate all consequences of the aggression committed by Israel.