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Six-Day War: Draft Resolution by Albania
at the Emergency Session of the General Assembly

(June 26, 1967)

Albanian Foreign Minister Nesti Nase introduced a draft Resolution which, when voted upon on 4 July, was defeated by 71 votes against, 22 for, 2 7 abstentions and 2 absent.  Please find the full text of this Albanian resolution below.  

The General Assembly,

Considering that Israel, instigated by and with the direct assistance and participation of the United States of America and the United Kingdom, has perpetrated an act of aggression long premeditated and prepared long in advance against the United Arab Republic, the Syrian Arab Republic and Jordan,

Noting that Israel, following its illegal and absurd territorial pretensions and in line to retain under its occupation parts of the territories of the United Arab Republic, the Syrian Arab Republic and Jordan which it has conquered by force,

Taking into account that the aggression against the Arab States constitutes a flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter, the fundamental principles of international law and a serious threat to international peace and security,

Noting that Israel has committed two armed aggressions against the Arab countries in a single decade, that it has become a strongpoint of American imperialism in the Middle East and is a dangerous instrument of continuous imperialist conspiracy against the freedom, independence and national sovereignty of the Arab peoples,

Taking into account the legal rights of the United Arab Republic with regard to the Suez Canal and the Strait of Tiran,

1. Resolutely condemns the Government of Israel for its armed aggression against the United Arab Republic, the Syrian Arab Republic and Jordan, and for the continuance of the aggression by keeping under its occupation parts of the territory of these countries;

2. Firmly condemns the Governments of the United States of America and the United Kingdom for inciting, assisting and participating directly in that aggression as well as for their continued support to the aggression and to the annexationist designs of Israel;

3. Demands instantly the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the Israeli forces from all occupied territories in the United Arab Republic, the Syrian Arab Republic and Jordan;

4. Declares that the Government of Israel is responsible for all the consequences of the aggression and demands from it complete and immediate reparations for all the damage that was caused to the United Arab Republic, the Syrian Arab Republic and Jordan, as well as the restitution of the seized property;

5. Confirms that it is for the Government of the United Arab Republic alone to decide whether it can permit the passage of ships belonging to the Israeli aggressors through the Suez Canal and the Strait of Tiran.

Source: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs