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Jewish Philosophy

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For information concerning editions of texts, translations, and books, monographs, and articles dealing with topics in the thought of a particular philosopher, see entry on that philosopher. BIBLIOGRAPHY: J. Kaplan, 2000 Books and More: an Annotated and Selected Bibliography of Jewish History and Thought (1983). HISTORIES OF JEWISH AND GENERAL PHILOSOPHY: A. Altmann, "Jewish Philosophy," in: S. Radhakrishnan (ed.), History of Philosophy, Eastern and Western, 2 (1953), 76–92; S.H. Bergman, Faith and Reason (1961); J.L. Blau, The Story of Jewish Philosophy (1962); F. Copelston, A History of Philosophy, 8 vols. (1950–66); T. De Boer, The History of Islam (1903); M. Fakhry, A History of Islamic Philosophy (1970, 1983); D.H. Frank and O. Leaman (eds.), History of Jewish PhilosophyRoutledge History of World Philosophies, vol. 2 (1997); D.H. Frank, O. Leaman, and C.H. Manekin, The Jewish Philosophy Reader (2000); E. Gilson, History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages (1955) incl. bibl.; R. Goldwater (ed.), Jewish Philosophy and Philosophers (1962); Guttmann, Philosophies; Husik, Philosophy; M. Horten, Die Philosophie des Islam (1924); A. Jospe (ed.), Studies in Jewish Thought: An Anthology of German Jewish Scholarship (1981); R. Jospe, Filosofyah Yehudit bi-Ymei ha-Beinayim, 1: Yesodot (2005); idem, Filosofyah Yehudit bi-Ymei ha-Beinayim, 2: Ma'avarim (2006); idem, Filosofyah Yehudit bi-Ymei ha-Beinayim, 3: Rambam (2006); idem, What Is Jewish Philosophy? (1988; 1990); idem (ed.), Paradigms in Jewish Philosophy (1997); E. Fackenheim and R. Jospe (eds.), Jewish Philosophy and the Academy (1996); R. Jospe and S. Wagner (eds.), Great Schisms in Jewish History (1981); I. Kajon (ed.), La Storia della Filosofia Ebraica (1993); A. Kilcher and Otfried Fraisse, Metzler Lexikon Juedischer Philosophen (2003); Munk, Mélanges; S.H. Nasr and O. Leaman (eds.), History of Islamic Philosophy, vols. 1 and 2 (Routledge History of World Philosophies, vol. I (1996); S. Pines, "Jewish Philosophy," in: Enyclopedia of Philosophy, 4 (1967), 261–77; N. Rotenstreich, Jewish Philosophy in Modern Times (1968); M.M. Sharif (ed.), A History of Muslim Philosophy, 2 vols. (1963–66), incl. bibl.; B. Geyer (ed.), Die patristische und scholastische Philosophie (1928, repr. 1951); R. Walzer, "Islamic Philosophy," in: S. Radhakrishnan (ed.), History of Philosophy, Eastern and Western, 2 1953), 120–48; repr. in: R. Walzer, Greek into Arabic (1962); idem, in: A.H. Armstrong (ed.), Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy (1967), 643–69; W. Watt, Islamic Philosophy and Theology (1962); J. Weinberg, A Short History of Medieval Philosophy (1964); G. Vajda, Introduction à la penseé juive du moyen âge (1947), incl. bibl.; idem, Juedische Philosophie (1950); N. Samuelson, Introduction to Modern Jewish Philosophy (1989); idem, Jewish Philosophy: An Historical Introduction (2003); E. Schweid, Toledot ha-Hagut ha-Yehudit ba-Et ha-Ḥadashah: Ha-Meah ha-19 (1977); idem, Jewish Thought in the Twentieth Century: An Introduction (1992); K. Seeskin, Jewish Philosophy in a Secular Age (1990); C. Sirat, A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages (1985); idem, La Philosophie Juive Médiévale en Pays de Chrétienté (1988); idem, La Philosophie Juive Médiévale en Terre d'Islam (1988); idem, in: P. Wilpert (ed.), Die Metaphysik im Mittelalter (1963), 126–1135 (bibliographic information on medieval Jewish philosophy between 1950 and 1960). For the current literature the reader is referred to Kirjath Sepher, bibliographic journal. STUDIES: A. Altmann, Studies in Religious Philosophy and Mysticism (1969); I. Efros, The Problem of Space in Medieval Jewish Philosophy (1917); idem, Ha-Pilosofyah ha-Yehudit bi-Ymei ha-Beinayim: Munaḥim u-Musagim (1969); idem, Ha-Pilosofyah ha-Yehudit bi-Ymei ha-Beinayim: Shitot ve-Sugyot (1965); J. Guttmann, Das Verhaeltnis des Thomas von Aquino zum Judentum und der juedischen Litteratur (1891); idem, Die Scholastik des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts in ihren Beziehungen zum Judenthum und zur juedischen Literatur (1902); J. Guttmann, Dat u-Madda (1955); idem, in: MGWJ, 78 (1934), 456–64; I. Heinemann, Die Lehre von der Zweckbestimmung des Menschen im griechisch-roemischen Altertum und im juedischen Mittelalter (1926); idem, Ta'amei ha-Mitzvot be-Sifrut Yisrael, 2 vols. (1954–56); S. Horovitz, Die Psychologie bei den juedischen Religionsphilosophen des Mittelalters von Saadia bis Maimuni, 4 vols. (1898–1912); A. Hyman and J. Walsh, Philosophy in the Middle Ages: The Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Traditions (1967) incl. bibl.; A. Hyman, in: Arts libéraux et philosophie du moyen âge (1969), 99–110; D. Kaufmann, Geschichte der Attributenlehre in der juedischen Religionsphilosophie des Mittelalters von Saadia bis Maimuni (1877); idem, Die Sinne: Beitraege zur Geschichte der Physiologie und Psychologie im Mittelalter (1884); M. Kellner, Dogma in Medieval Jewish Thought (1986); idem, Must a Jew Believe Anything? (1999); D. Lasker, Jewish Philosophical Polemics Against Christianity in the Middle Ages (1977); R. Lerner and M. Mahdi, Medieval Political Philosophy (1963); A. Melamed, Philosopher-King in Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Political Thought (2003); S. Pines, Beitraege zur islamischen Atomenlehre (1936, 19462); idem, Nouvelles études sur Awhad al-Zamān Abu'l Barakāt al-Baghdādī (1955); idem, "Translator's Introduction," in: Guide of the Perplexed (1963); A. Ravitzky, Al Da'at Ha-Makom: Meḥkarim ba-Hagut ha-Yehudit u-ve-Toledoteha (1991); idem, Dat u-Medinah be-Maḥshevet Yisrael (1998); idem, Derashat ha-Pesaḥ le-Hasdai Crescas (1988); idem, History and Faith: Studies in Jewish Philosophy (1996); idem, Iyyunim Maimoniyim (1996); idem, Ḥerut al ha-Luḥot (1999); E. Rosenthal, Griechisches Erbe in der juedischen Religionsphilosophie des Mittelalters (1960); Scholem, Mysticism: On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism (1965); idem, Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism and Talmudic Tradition (1960, 19652); M. Schreiner, Der Kalām in der juedischen Literatur (1895); D. Schwartz, Ha-Ra'ayon ha-Meshiḥi ba-Hagut ha-Yehudit bi-Ymei ha-Beinayim (1997); idem, Setirah ve-Hastarah ba-Hagut ha-Yehudit Bi-Ymei ha-Beinayim (2002); idem, Astrologya u-Magya ba-Hagut ha-Yehudit bi-Ymei ha-Beinayim (1999); idem, Yashan be-Kankan Ḥadash: Mishnato ha-Iyyunit shel ha-Ḥug 'a-Neoaplatoni be-Filosofya ha-Yehudit ba-Meah ha-14 (1996); idem, Kame'ot, Segulot u-Sikhaltanut ba-Hagut ha-Yehudit Bi-Ymei ha-Beinayim (2004); idem, Emunah u-Tevunah (2001); idem, Studies on Astral Magic in Medieval Jewish Thought (2005); M.B. Shapiro, The Limits of Orthodox Theology: Maimonides' Thirteen Principles Reappraised (2004); C. Sirat, Les théories des visions surnaturelles dans la penseé juive du Moyen-Âge (1969); L. Strauss, Philosophie und Gesetz (1935); idem, Persecution and the Art of Writing (1952); idem, Spinoza's Critique of Religion (1965); G. Vajda, L'amour de Dieu dans la théologie juive du Moyen Age (1957); idem, Recherches sur la philosophie et la Kabbale dans la pensée juive du Moyen Age (1962); E.E. Urbach, Ḥazal–Pirkei Emunot ve-De'ot (1969; Eng., The Sages, their Concepts and Beliefs, 1975).), incl. bibl.; H.A. Wolfson, Philo Foundations of Religious Philosophy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (1947); idem, The Philosophy of the Church Fathers, vol. 1 (1956; 19642); idem, Religious Philosophy (1961); idem, The Philosophy of Spinoza (1934); idem, The Philosophy of the Kalam (1976); idem, Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish Philosophy (1979); Harry Austryn Wolfson Jubilee Volume (1965), Eng. section, 39–46. For publications in the field of Jewish philosophy by S. Pines, E. Schweid, J. Sermoneta see Reshimat ha-Pirsumim ha-Maddaiyyim shel Ḥavrei ha-Makhon le-Madda'ei ha-Yahadut (1957–68). ADD. BIBLIOGRAPHY: J.B. Agus, Jewish Identity in an Age of Ideologies (1978); E. Alexander, The Jewish Idea and its Enemies: Personalities, Issues, Events (1988); A. Altmann, Essays in Jewish Intellectual History (1981); E. Berkovits, Major Themes in Modern Philosophies of Judaism (1974); idem, Crisis and Faith (1977); E.B. Borowitz, Renewing the Covenant: a Theology for the Postmodern Jew (1991); A. Cohen and P. Mendes-Flohr (eds.), Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought: Original Essays on Critical Concepts, Movements, and Beliefs (1986); E.L. Fackenheim, Encounters between Judaism and Modern Philosophy: a Preface to Future Jewish Thought (1973); idem, To Mend the World: Foundations of Future Jewish Thought (1982); M.A. Fishbane, Judaism: Revelation and Traditions (1987); S. Freedman, Life as Creation: a Jewish Way of Thinking about the World (1993); J. Neusner, E.S. Frerichs, N. Sarna (eds.), From Ancient Israel to Modern Judaism: Intellect in Quest of Understanding; Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox, 4 vols. (1989); N. Gillman, Sacred Fragments: Recovering Theology for the Modern Jew (1990); R. Gordis, The Dynamics of Judaism: a Study in Jewish Law (1990); B. Greenberg, On Women and Judaism: a View from Tradition (1981); B. Herring, Jewish Ethics and Halakhah for Our Times: Sources and Commentary, 2 vols. (1984–1989); A. Green (ed.), Jewish Spirituality: From the Sixteenth Century Revival to the Present (1988); I. Twersky and B. Septimus (eds.), Jewish Thought in the Seventeenth Century (1987); S.T. Katz, Historicism, the Holocaust, and Zionism: Critical Studies in Modern Jewish Thought and History (1992); W.E. Kaufman, Contemporary Jewish Philosophies,(1975); H. Kushner, To Life!: a Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking (1993); L. Kushner, The Book of Words: Talking Spiritual Life, Living Spiritual Talk (1993); D. Marmur, The Star of Return: Judaism after the Holocaust (1991); N.N. Glatzer (ed.), Modern Jewish Thought: A Source Reader (1978); R. Link-Salinger (ed.), Of Scholars, Savants, and their Texts: Studies in Philosophy and Religious Thought: Essays in Honor of Arthur Hyman (1989); R. Patai, The Jewish Mind (1977); G. Rose, Judaism and Modernity: Philosophical Essays (1993); D.B. Ruderman, Jewish Thought and Scientific Discovery in Early Modern Europe (1990); J. Sacks, Tradition in an Untraditional Age: Essays on Modern Jewish Thought (1990); N.M. Samuelson, Judaism and the Doctrine of Creation (1994); Z. Schachter-Shalomi, Paradigm Shift: From the Jewish Renewal Teachings of Reb Zalman Schachter-ShalomiI (ed. by Ellen Singer; 1993); K. Seeskin, Jewish Philosophy in a Secular Age (1990); R.M. Seltzer, Jewish People, Jewish Thought: The Jewish Experience in History (1980); D.S. Shapiro, Studies in Jewish Thought (1975); E. Starobinski-Safran, Le Buisson et la Voix: Exegese et Pensée Juives (1987). WOMAN AND GENDER: A. Brenner (ed.), Feminist Companion to Wisdom Literature (1993); C.V. Camp, Wisdom and the Feminine in the Book of Proverbs (1985); C. Chalier, Figures du feminine: lecture d'Emmanuel Lévinas (1982); idem, La perseverance du mal (1987); I. Dobbs-Weinstein, "Matter as Creature and as the Source of Evil: Maimonides and Aquinas," in: L.E. Goodman (ed.), Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought (1992), 217–35; E.C. Katz, Levinas, Judaism and the Feminine: The Silent Footsteps of Rebecca (2004); M. Kellner, "Philosophical Misogyny in Medieval Jewish Philosophy – Gersonides vs. Maimonides," in: Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought (= Sermoneta Jubilee Volume, 1998), 113–28; A. Melamed, "Maimonides on Women: Formless Matter or Potential Prophet?" in: A. Ivry, E.R. Wolfson, and A. Arkush (eds.), Perspectives on Jewish Thought and Mysticism … dedicated to the memory … of Alexander Altmann (1998), 99–134; A. Nye, Philosophia: The Thought of Rosa Luxemburg, Simone Weil, and Hannah Arendt (1994); M. Peskowitz and L. Levitt (eds.), Judaismsince Gender (1997); M. Oppenheim, "To Notice the Color of Her Eyes: Facing the Feminist Jewish Critique," in: idem, Speaking/Writing of God: Jewish Philosophical Reflections on the Life with Others (1999), 53–82; J. Plaskow, "Jewish Feminist Thought," in: D.H. Frank and O. Leaman (eds.), History of Jewish Philosophy (1997), 885–94; H. Ravven, "Creating a Jewish Feminist Philosophy," in: Anima, 12:2 (1986):, 99–112; G. Rose, The Broken Middle: Out of Our Ancient Society (1992); T.M. Rudavsky, Gender and Judaism: The Transformation of Tradition (1995); S.E. Shapiro, "A Matter of Discipline: Reading for Gender in Jewish Philosophy," in: M. Peskowitz and L. Levitt (eds.), Judaism since Gender (1997), 158–78; J. Schwartzman, "Was She Created in the Image of God Too? The Medieval Philosophical Interpretation of the Creation of Woman," in: Da`at 39 (1997), 79–82 (Heb.); J.E. Taylor, "The Women 'Priests' of Philo's De Vita Contemplativa," in: J. Schaberg, A. Bach, and E. Fuchs (eds.), On the Cutting Edge: The Study of Women in Biblical Worlds: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (2004), 102–22; E. Umansky, J. Plaskow, and C.P. Christ (eds.), "Creating Jewish Feminist Theology," in: Weaving the Visions: New Patterns of Feminist Spirituality (1989); E. Wyschogrod, An Ethics of Remembering: History, Heterology, and the Nameless Others (1998); idem, Emmanuel Levinas: The Problem of Ethical Metaphysics (2000); N. Yavneh, "The Spiritual Eroticism of Leone's Hermaphrodite," in: J.R. Brink, M.C. Horowitz, and A.P. Coudert (eds.), Playing with Gender: A Renaissance Pursuit, 85–98.

Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.