Reference History & Introduction Aliyah Day (2016) Changing Paradigms in Governmental Policy and Public Opinion Concerning Jewish Refugees from the Mideast The Law of Return (1950) The Redeemers of the Land Ulpan and Merkaz Klita Ma’barah Transit Camps What is Aliyah? Who is a Jew? Immigration Statistics Total, By Year (1948-Present) Total, By Country (1948-Present) By Continent, Per Year (1882-Present) By Country, Per Year (1948-Present) Immigration to Palestine (1919 - 1941) Immigration to Israel (1948 - Present) From North America (1948-Present) From the Former Soviet Union (1948-Present) From Ethiopia (1948-Present) IDF Rescue Operations Sudanese Refugees in Israel (2000s) Operation Solomon (1991) Operations Moses & Joshua (1985) Vietnamese Boat People in Israel (1975) Operation Ezra & Nechemia (1951) Operation Magic Carpet (1949) Immigration Waves (1880-1939) The First Aliyah (1882-1903) The Second Aliyah (1904-1914) The Third Aliyah (1919-1923) The Fourth Aliyah (1924-1929) The Fifth Aliyah (1929-1939) Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries Landsmannschaften Settlement Houses Clandestine Immigration Period (1939-1948) Overview of Aliyah Bet Western Contribution to Aliyah Bet Irgun's Role in Illegal Immigration Berihah Organization British Restrictions on Jewish Immigration Atlit Illegal Immigration Camp "Af-Al-Pi-Chen" Immigrant Ship "Pan Crescent" & "Pan York" Immigration Ships "Struma" Immigration Ship Labor Federation on Struma Sinking Mapai Statement on Struma Sinking "Exodus 1947" Immigration Ship Photographs of "Exodus 1947"