Kirjath Sepher
KIRJATH SEPHER, Hebrew bibliographical quarterly. Kirjath Sepher was founded in 1924 as a publication of the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem. The bibliographical section consists of three major divisions: Israel publications; Hebraica and Judaica (published outside of Israel); and periodical articles on Judaica and Hebraica. The last served as basis for the publication of index volumes of articles on Jewish studies, Reshimat ha-Ma'amarim be-Madda'ei ha-Yahadut (ed. by I. Joel, 1–2 [1966–67]). A special section is devoted to articles on Jewish, particularly bibliographical, subjects. These include, apart from bibliographies of the works of individual authors and of special subjects, an annual bibliography of medieval Hebrew poetry (ed., H. Schirmann) and studies on the history of Hebrew printing in places to which
Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.