Jewish Daily Forward
JEWISH DAILY FORWARD (Yid. Forverts), U.S. Yiddish newspaper. Established in New York in 1897 as a more moderate offshoot of the militantly left-wing Abendblatt the Forward was in its heyday the wealthiest and most widely read Yiddish newspaper in the United States, with 11 local and regional editions reaching as far west as Chicago. Under the editorship of Abraham *Cahan, who ruled the paper for nearly half a century, from 1903 to 1951, for much of the time with the assistance of general manager Baruch Charney *Vladeck, the Forward combined conscientious journalism with a partisan commitment to democratic socialism and the Jewish labor movement. It published stories and serialized novels by such authors as Sholem *Asch, Jonah *Rosenfeld, Zalman *Shneour,
From 1990, it published the weekly Forward in English as well as the Yiddish Forverts. The English Forward was edited by Seth Lipsky, who was replaced in July 2000 by J.J. Goldberg. In 1995–2005 the Forward Association also published the Russian Forverts. In 1998, the Yiddish prose-writer Boris Sandler (born in 1950 in Soviet Moldova), was appointed as editor of the Yiddish Forverts.
R. Sanders, in: Midstream, 4 (1962), 79–94; J. Chaikin, Yidishe Bleter in Amerike (1946), index; H. Rogoff, Der Gayst fun Forverts (1954); A. Cahan, Bleter fun Mayn Lebn, 3 (1926), 4 (1928), 5 (1931), index; J. Teller, Strangers and Natives (1968), index. ADD. BIBLIOGRAPHY: J.C. Rich, The Jewish Daily Forward (1967); I. Metzker, A Bintel Brief (1981).
Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.