Camp David Negotiations: Draft Framework for the Comprehensive Peace Settlement of the Middle East Problem
(September 1978)
Following: The historic initiative of President Sadat which rekindled the hopes of all nations for a better future of mankind.
In view of the firm determination of the peoples of the Middle East, together with all peace-loving nations, to put an end to the unhappy past, spare this generation and the generations to come the scourge of War and open a new chapter in their history ushering in an era of mutual respect and understanding.
Desirous to make the Middle East, the cradle of civilization and the birthplace of all Divine missions, a shining model of coexistence and cooperation among nations.
Determined to revive the great tradition of tolerance and mutual acceptance free from prejudice and discrimination.
Determined to conduct their relations in accordance with the provisions of the Carter of the United Nations and the accepted norms of international law and legitimacy.
Committed to adhere to the letter and the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Desirous to develop between them good-neighborly relations in accordance with the Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
Bearing in mind that the establishment of peace and good-neighborly relations should be founded upon legitimacy, justice, equality and respect for fundamental rights and that good neighbors should demonstrate, in their acts and claims, a strict adherence to the rule of law and genuine willingness to assume their mutual obligation to refrain from any infringement upon each other's sovereignty or territorial integrity.
Convinced that military occupation and/or the denial of other peoples' rights and legitimate aspirations to live and develop freely are incompatible with the spirit of peace.
Considering the vital interests of all peoples of the Middle East as well as the universal interest that exists in strengthening World Peace and security.
Article 1
The Parties express their determination to reach a comprehensive settlement of the Middle East problem through the conclusion of peace treaties on the basis of full implementation of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 in all their parts.
Article 2
The Parties agree that the establishment of a just and lasting peace among them requires the fulfillment of the following:
First: Withdrawal of Israel from the occupied territories in accordance with the principle of inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by War.
In the Sinai and the Golan, withdrawal shall take place to the international boundaries between mandated Palestine and Egypt and Syria respectively.
In the West Bank, Israel shall withdraw to the demarcation lines of the 1949 Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan with such insubstantial alterations as might be mutually accepted by the Parties concerned. It is to be understood that such alterations should not reflect the weight of conquest. Security measures shall be introduced in accordance with the provisions below mentioned with a view to meeting the Parties' legitimate concern for security and safeguarding the rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people.
Withdrawal from the Gaza Strip shall take place to the demarcation lines of the 1949 Armistice Agreement between Egypt and Israel.
Israeli withdrawal shall commence immediately after the signing of the peace treaties and shall be completed according to a time-table to be agreed upon within the period referred to in Article 6.
Second: Removal of the Israeli settlements in the occupied territories according to a time-table to be agreed upon within the period referred to in Article 6.
Third: Guaranteeing the security, sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability and the political independence of every State through the following measures:
- The establishment of demilitarized zones astride the borders.
- The establishment of limited armament zones astride the borders.
- The stationing of United Nations forces astride the borders.
- The stationing of early warning systems on the basis of reciprocity.
- Regulating the acquisition of arms by the Parties and the type of their armament and weapons systems.
- The adherence by all the Parties to the Treaty on the NonProliferation of nuclear weapons. The Parties undertake not to manufacture or acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
- Applying the principle of innocent passage to transit through the Straits of Tiran.
- The establishment of relations of peace and good-neighborly cooperation among the Parties.
The Parties also undertake to accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice with respect to all disputes emanating from the application or the interpretation of their contractual arrangements.
Fifth: Upon signing of the peace treaties, the Israeli military Government in the West Bank and Gaza shall be abolished and authority shall be transferred to the Arab side in an orderly and peaceful manner. There shall be a transitional period not to exceed five years from the date of the signing of the "Framework" during which Jordan shall supervise the administration of the West Bank and Egypt shall supervise the administration of the Gaza Strip.
Egypt and Jordan shall carry our their responsibility in cooperation with freely elected representatives of the Palestinian people who shall exercise direct authority over the administration of the West Bank and Gaza simultaneously with the abolition of the Israeli military government.
Six months before the end of the transitional period, the Palestinian peoples shall exercise their fundamental right to self-determination and shall be enabled to establish their national entity. Egypt and Jordan by virtue of their responsibility in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, shall recommend that the entity be linked with Jordan as decided by their peoples.
Palestinian refugees and displaced persons shall be enabled to exercise the right of return and receive compensation in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions.
Sixth: Israel shall withdraw from Jerusalem to the demarcation lines of the Armistice Agreement of 1949 in conformity with the Principle of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war. Arab sovereignty and administration shall be restored to the Arab sector.
A joint municipal council composed of an equal number of Palestinian and Israeli members shall be entrusted with regulating and supervising the following matters:
- Public utilities throughout the City.
- Public transportation and traffic.
- Postal and telephone services.
- Tourism.
The Parties undertake to ensure the free exercise of worship, the freedom of access, visit and transit to the holy places without distinction or discrimination.
Seventh: Synchronized with the implementation of the provisions related to withdrawal, the Parties shall proceed to establish among them relationships normal to States at peace with one another. To this end, they undertake to abide by all the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations. Steps taken in this respect include:
- Full recognition.
- Abolishing economic boycott.
- Ensuring the freedom of passage through the Suez Canal in accordance with the provisions of the Constantinople Convention of 1888 and the Declaration of the Egyptian Government of April 24, 1957.
- Guaranteeing that under their jurisdiction the citizens of the other Parties shall enjoy the protection of the due process of law.
Article 3
Upon signing of this "Framework," which represents a comprehensive and balanced package embodying all the rights and obligations of the Parties, other Parties concerned shall be invited to adhere to it under the Middle East Peace Conference in Geneva.
Article 4
The representatives of the Palestinian people shall take part in the peace talks to be held after the signing of the "Framework."
Article 5
The United States shall participate in the talks on matters related to the modalities of the implementation of the agreements and working out the time-table for the carrying out of the obligations of the Parties.
Article 6
Peace treaties shall be concluded within three months from the signing of this "Framework" by the Parties concerned, thus signalling the beginning of the peace process and setting in motion the dynamics of peace and co-existence.
Article 7
The Security Council shall be requested to endorse the Peace Treaties and ensure that their provisions shall not be violated. The Council shall also be requested to guarantee the boundaries between the Parties.
Article 8
The Permanent members of the Security Council shall be requested to underwrite the Peace Treaties and ensure respect for their provisions. They shall also be requested to conform their policies and actions with the undertakings contained in this Framework.
Article 9
The United States shall guarantee the implementation of this "Framework" and the peace treaties in full and in good faith.
Sources: Camp David Accords — Framework for Peace; U.S. National Archives