Advertisements in the Jewish Chronicle Requesting Families to Offer Hospitality to Refugees
My 80-year-old father and aunt (aged 71) are still in Vienna. I am an immigrant in London. Which generous person would bring over the two persons and look after them until I earn sufficient to keep them? – Address 5,336, Jewish Chronicle.
Please help me bring out of Berlin two children (boy and girl, 10 years, best family) very urgent case. – R.K. 96, Lordship Park N.16.
Urgent. Will any sympathetic person act as guarantor for young Viennese man. Has financial support. – Address, 5,323, Jewish Chronicle.
Which kind-hearted person would help 2 Viennese sisters (both working in London) to bring over their parents from Vienna. Urgent. – Address, 5,335, Jewish Chronicle.
Which family would like to take over Jewish boy, 15 years, from first-class orthodox Viennese family and give him the chance to be taught a trade, now penniless. Very urgent. Pocket money and clothes will be provided. Communicate with J. Uri, 181 Commercial Road, London.
Which family would give a home to two Viennese children, girls, aged 14, 10 years, very well educated, speak English and French. Photographs and references willingly sent. Write to Ulman, 31, Dunstan Road, Golders Green, London.
Will British family adopt well-bred Viennese merchant (28), single (still in Vienna), knowing English well, and offer him collaboration in business? – Address, 5,403, Jewish Chronicle.
Would kind person release Austrian Jew (45), from concentration camp by becoming guarantor for entry into England until arrangements can be made for emigration abroad.- Address, 5,321, Jewish Chronicle.
From: Esther Judith Baumel, "The Jewish Refugee Children in Great Britain, 1938-1945," Ramat Gan, 1981, p. 276.
Yad Vashem - Eclipse of Humanity