VESZPREM (Hung. Veszprém), city in W. central Hungary. Between 1723 and 1725 three Jewish families settled in the city, and in 1736 there were 16 Jews there. By 1830 the community numbered 100 persons. Although Veszprem Jews leased land for a synagogue in 1799, it was not built until 1865. A school was founded in 1805 and existed until the Holocaust. After the schism of 1869 the community joined the Neologists. The first rabbi appointed was A. Fuchs (1809–33), followed by A. Hochmuth (1859–89), A. Kiss (1897–1901), A. Hoffer (1902–28), and L. Kun (1929–44). The majority of Veszprem Jews engaged in trade and crafts. The community had grown to 1,685 by 1880 but the number had fallen to 850 in 1930 and 887 in 1941. After the German conquest (March 19, 1944) about 880 Jews were deported to *Auschwitz and only a few of them returned. In 1947 there were 84 Jews in the city.
L. Kun, A veszprémi zsidóság multja és jelene (1932).
Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.