UNTSO Reports on Outbreak of Hostilities
S/7930/Add. 2141, 2142, (October 6, 1973)
At 1:50 pm. Egyptian and Syrian armies launched a sudden surprise attack. On the Syrian front, 40,000 soldiers supported by 850 tanks broke into the Golan Heights while Syrian jets bombed Israeli settlements in the Huleh Valley. Egyptian forces crossed the Suez Canal under cover of artillery and tank fire, while Egyptian airplanes bombed Israeli installations in Sinai. United Nations Truce Supervision officers sent the following details to United Nations Headquarters in New York.
The following interim reports on the situation in the cease-fire sectors on 6 October 1973 have been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Major-General Ensio Siilasvuo:
1. The first report, dispatched at 1214 GMT, reads: "General heavy activity along Israel-Syria and Suez Canal sectors. Further information will follow."
2. The second report, dispatched at 1221 GMT, reads: "General air and ground activity now in Israel-Syria, Suez Canal and Israel-Lebanon sectors. OP Copper (Suez Canal sector) reports ground fighting in its area on east side of the Suez Canal OP Khiam (Israel-Lebanon sector) reports air activity and anti-aircraft fire in Arkoub region."
3. The third report, dispatched at 1340 GMT, reads: "General heavy air and ground activity continues along all sectors. Egyptian ground forces have crossed the Suez Canal in vicinity of OPs Copper, Yellow, Pink, Red and Blue. Syrian forces have crossed the area between the limits of the forward defended localities indicating the cease-fire lines in the vicinity of Quneitra and near OP November. Detailed summaries of incidents now under preparation."
Further to the information contained in document S/7930/Add. 2141, the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Major-General Ensio Siilasvuo, has submitted the following additional interim report concerning the situation in the cease-fire sectors as of 1400 hours on 6 October 1973:
Israel-Syria sector
1. OP reports on ground activity:
(a) OPs Zodiac and One: From 1158 and still in progress intense artillery fire by Syrian forces. From 1300 and still in progress Syrian forces tanks, vehicles and infantry crossed SFDLs (the Syrian forward defended localities indicating the cease-fire lines on the Syrian side) in the vicinity of OP Zodiac.
(b) OPs Yoke, X-Ray and Six: From 1156 and still in progress intense artillery, tank and rocket fire by Israel and Syrian forces (exchange of fire). United Nations military observers could not determine which party fired first. From 1225 and still in progress Syrian forces tanks, armoured personnel carriers and infantry crossed SFDLs between OPs Yoke and X-Ray.
(c) OPs Winter, Five and Two: From 1203 and still in progress intense artillery and tank fire by Syrian forces. Syrian forces tanks crossed SFDLs westward in vicinity of OP Winter.
(d) OPs Three, Victor, Uniform, Four and November: From 1158 and still in progress intense artillery and tank fire by Syrian forces. From 1230 and still in progress Syrian forces, tanks, armoured personnel carriers and infantry crossed SFDLs in vicinity of OP Uniform.
(e) OPs Sierra, Romeo and Seven: From 1200 and still in progress intense artillery fire by Syrian forces. From 1252 and still in progress Syrian forces tanks and infantry crossed SFDLs in vicinity of OP Sierra.
2. OP reports on air activity:
(a) OP Victor: Between 1157 and 1158 Syrian forces jet aircraft attacked with bombs target south-south-west of OP.
(b) OP Romeo: Between 1158 and 1159 Syrian forces jet aircraft attacked with rockets target north of OP.
(c) OP Three: Between 1159 and 1200 Syrian forces jet aircraft attacked with rockets target-north of OP.
Suez-Canal sector
1. OP reports on ground activity:
(a) OPs Green and Charlie: From 1200 and still in progress intense artillery fire by Egyptian forces. From 1212 and still in progress intense artillery fire by Israel forces (exchange of fire).
(b) OPs Pink, Kilo, Lima, Red, Blue and Mike: From 1200 and still in progress intense artillery and mortar fire by Egyptian forces. At 1210 Egyptian forces crossed the. Canal from west to east in vicinity of OPs Kilo, Lima, Pink, Red and Blue.
(c) OPs Hotel, Foxtrot and Silver: From 1201 and still in progress intense artillery and mortar fire by Egyptian forces. At 1210 Egyptian forces crossed Canal from west to east in vicinity of OPs.
(d) OPs Copper, Echo and Yellow: From 1202 and still in progress artillery and mortar fire by Egyptian forces. At 1210 Egyptian forces crossed Canal in vicinity of OPs Copper and Yellow.
(e) OP Orange: At 1210 Egyptian forces crossed Canal from west to east in vicinity of OP.
2. OP reports on air-activity:
OP Blue: Between 1203 and 1204 Egyptian forces jet aircraft attached with rockets target north-east and south-east of OP.