UN Security Council Resolutions: Resolution 340
(October 25, 1973)
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolutions 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973 and 339 (1973) of 23 October 1973,
Noting with regret the reported repeated violations of the cease-fire in noncompliance with resolutions 338 (1973) and 339 (1973),
Noting with concern from the Secretary General's report that the United Nations military observers have not yet been enabled to place themselves on both sides of the cease-fire line,
1. Demands that immediate and complete cease-fire be observed and that the parties return to the positions occupied by them at 16:50 hours GMT on 22 October 1973;
2. Requests the Secretary General, as an immediate step, to increase the number of United Nations military observers on both sides;
3. Decides to set up immediately under its authority a United Nations Fmergency Force to be composed of personnel drawn from states members of the United Nations except the permanent members of the Security Council, and requests the Secretary General to report within 24 hours on the steps taken to this effect;
4. Requests the Secretary General to report to the Council on an urgent and continuing basis on the state of implementation of this resolution as well as resolutions 338 (1973) and 339 (1973);
5. Requests all Member States to extend their full co-operation to the United Nations in the implementation of this resolution as well as resolutions 338 (1973) and 339 (1973).
Sources: The United Nations