The Plan for the Extermination of Romanian Jewry
The plan for the extermination of Romanian Jewry, written by Gustav Richter, advisor on Jewish policy in the German embassy in Bucharest and Eichmann's delegate to Romania.
In his message of 24 February 1942, on the occasion of the recent celebration of the founding of the Party in Munich, the Fuehrer countered the joint war aim of Communism and Jewish capitalism to exterminate the Aryan peoples and persons with the prophecy that by means of this war not Aryan mankind would be destroyed, but the Jew would be exterminated. The Fuehrer called the “removal of this parasite” the final result. The way toward this end is clear; it proceeds from the elimination of the Jew from the province of life to the solution and deportation of the Jew from the Lebensraum. Romania can consider its Jewish question to be finally solved only after the last Jew has left the country.
The following are the guidelines laid down for the deportation of the Jews from Romania to the East:
The Office Responsible for Deportation
In order to achieve a well-planned and organizationally smooth evacuation of the Jews, it is recommended to appoint the Government Representative for Regulating the Jewish Question in Romania as the only relevant and responsible authority. In carrying out this operation the Government Representative will utilize the relevant ministries and other offices.
II. Regulations Concerning the Categories of Persons to be Deported
The following are to be deported:
All Jews included on the basis of the decree of 16.12.41 No. 1091 (Census of Jews), with the exception of the categories listed below;
All Jews who did not register at the Census decreed on 16.12.41, even if they fall under one of the categories exempted from deportation;
Jews with former
Reich-German nationality,
Czech nationality,
Slovak nationality,
Croatian nationality.
These Jews have already lost their former nationality on the basis of expatriation laws passed by those countries.
The following are not to be deported for the time being:
Mixed marriages;
Jews baptized by 31 December 1941;
Jews of foreign nationality in possession of a valid passport;
Jews essential to the economy who are in possession of a certificate issued by the President of the Inspection Commission of the Labor Situation of Jews, with the exception of proprietors or owners of companies; Jewish physicians, pharmacists, engineers, chemists.
5) Jews,aged 65 and above; aged 60-65 who are particularly frail and unfit for transportation.
In Jewish marriages where one partner is under 65 and the other over 65, evacuation will be refrained from for the time being; the same applies to children of these marriages who are under 14 years of age.
In evacuation of families, the separation of spouses as well as the separation from children up to the age of 14 should be avoided.
6) Jews in possession of the following military decorations:
Virtutea Militara, Barbatie si Credinta with swords, Meritul Sanitar with swords, Steaua Romaniei with swords;
special merits (members of the Transylania Nationalgarde 1918/1919)
7) Jews employed full-time (president and two members) in the district branches of the Center for Romanian Jews.
III The Legal Basis
As a legal basis for the deportation it is necessary to publish, i.e. decree, in the following regulations, i.e. laws, prior to the deportation operation:
Police regulation of a general travel ban for Jews;
Police regulation forbidding a change of residence;
A law concerning the loss of Romanian nationality with a qualifying day as a basis and a declaration of the forfeiture of property in favor of the State of Romania;
A law by the Undersecretary of State of Romanization which decides on take-over and administration of Jewish property and other Jewish possessions forfeited to the State of Romania.
IV. Organizational Matters
Transit Camp
In order to avoid the arrival of Jews being evacuated to the camps in the East in a state of physical exhaustion resulting from the long journey, it is recommended to set up a transit camp on the Pascani-Czernowitz line or in the vicinity of Czernowitz, where the Jews are to remain 1-2 days, after which they will continue being transported to the East.
In constructing the transit camp the following are to be considered:
factory grounds not in use, i.e. factory buildings, barracks, etc. which can be utilized as a transit camp;
a capacity for 3,000 Jews;
provision of a feeding station and of sanitary facilities;
posting of guards.
2. Transport
Each transport is to consist of 2,000 Jews. The German Railroad supplies the cars (covered freight cars and railway engines) needed for the transportation for the duration of the deportation. The appropriate timetables will be drawn up in coordination with the Romanian State Railroad (CFR).
The Judenzentrale and its area offices can be enlisted for the preparation and execution of the transports.
Equipment of the Jews:
1 suitcase or knapsack with the following pieces of equipment:
1 pair of working boots,
2 pairs of socks,
2 shirts,
2 pairs of underpants,
1 working suit,
2 woolen blankets,
2 sets of bedding,
1 eating bowl,
1 mug,
1 spoon and
1 pullover.
Provisions for 14 days.
The following must not be taken along:
Stocks and shares, foreign currency, savings books, etc, any kind of valuables (gold, silver, platinum – with the exception of a wedding ring), livestock.
Before the transports depart, a search is to be made for weapons, ammunition, explosives, poison, foreign currency, jewelry, etc.
3. Transport Escort
A suitably equipped escort is to be assigned to every transport train (military or police, consisting of 1 officer and 20 men). The chief of the escort is to be supplied with two copies of a list naming the persons being transported; this is intended for the office taking over the transport. After the transport has left, two additional lists are to be presented to the Government Representative for Regulating the Jewish Question in Romania. In addition to personal data, the transport list is to include profession.
To ensure that the transports are conducted in an orderly manner a Jewish management is to be appointed for each transport which, in turn, is to appoint an orderly for every car. The orderlies, who will wear a distinctive armband, are to be responsible for the maintenance of quiet and order during the journey and for cleaning the compartments after detraining. A Jewish medical attendant, i.e. a medical orderly with first-aid equipment, is to be allocated to the Jewish transport management.
4. Hand-Over of Transports
The transports are to be handed over at the border railroad station of Snyatin on the General Government-Romanian border. The transports will be taken over by the German Ordnungspolizei. The chief of the Commandos of the Ordnungspolizei is to be handed the transport list mentioned in Point 3 by the head of the Romanian escort.
V. Financing
All expenditure incurred in the deportation of the Jews from Romania is to be borne by the Jews in Romania. The Judenzentrale in Romania with its headquarters in Bucharest is responsible for financing this project.
Bucharest, 15 September 1941.
SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer and Adviser on Jewish Questions
From: Jean Ancel, "Plans for Deportation of the Romanian Jews and their Discontinuation in Light of Documentary Evidence (July—October 1942)," Yad Vashem Studies, vol. 16, 1984, pp. 391—396.
Source: Yad Vashem