Ancient Jewish History: The Temples (Beit HaMikdash)
Artists rendering of Solomon's Temple |
First Temple (10th Century- 587 BCE)
- Background & Overview
- Living in Jerusalem
- Foods of the Period
- Sites in Jerusalem
- Babylonian Exile (597-538 BCE)
- After the Exile (538-332 BCE)
Second Temple (516 BCE - 70 CE)
Artifacts & Activites
- Second Temple Period Burial Sites & Tombs
- Second Temple Period Ritual Bath Uncovered (April 2013)
- First Temple Period Reservoir Discovered under Western Wall (September 2012)
- Seal from First Temple Revealed Found (May 2012)
- Second Temple Period Purity Voucher Discovered (December 2011)
- Second Temple Period Gold Bell Discovered (July 2011)
- First Temple Period Building Exposed on Temple Mount (March 2008)