The Jewish Temples: High Priests of the Second Temple Period
(516 BCE - 70 CE)
- Joshua, son of Jehozadak (515-490 BCE)
- Ezra, son of Seraiah (Unknown)
- Joiakim, son of Joshua (490-470 BCE)
- Eliashib, son of Joiakim (470-433 BCE)
- Joiada, son of Eliashib (433-410 BCE)
- Johanan, son of Joiada (410-371 BCE)
- Jaddua, son of Johanan (371-320 BCE)
- Onias I, son of Jaddua (320-280 BCE)
- Simon I, son of Onias (280-260 BCE)
- Eleazar, son of Onias (260-245 BCE)
- Manasseh, son of Jaddua (245-240 BCE)
- Onias II, son of Simon (240-218 BCE)
- Simon II, son of Onias (218-185 BCE)
- Onias III, son of Simon (185-175 BCE)
- Jason, son of Simon (175-172 BCE)
- Menelaus (172-162 BCE)
- Alcimus (162-159 BCE)
- Jonathan Apphus (153-143 BCE)
- Simeon Tassi, brother of Jonathan Apphus (142-134 BCE)
- John Hyrcanus I, son of Simeon Tassi (134-104 BCE)
- Aristobulus I, son of John Hyrcanus (104-103 BCE)
- Alexander Jannaeus, son of John Hyrcanus (103-76 BCE)
- John Hyrcanus II, son of Alexander Jannaeus (76-66 BCE)
- Aristobulus II, son of Alexander Jannaeus (66-63 BCE)
- John Hyrcanus II (63-40 BCE)
- Antigonus, son of Aristobulos II (40-37 BCE)
- Aristobulus III (37 BCE)
- Ananelus (37-30 BCE)
- Joshua ben Fabus (30-23 BCE)
- Simon ben Boethus (23-5 BCE)
- Matthias ben Theophilus (5-4 BCE)
- Joazar ben Boethus (4 BCE)
- Eleazar ben Boethus (4-3 BCE)
- Joshua ben Sie (3 BCE - ?)
- Joazar ben Boethus (? - 6 CE)
- Ananus ben Seth (6-15 CE)
- Ishmael ben Fabus (15-16)
- Eleazar ben Ananus (16-17)
- Simon ben Camithus (17-18)
- Joseph Caiaphas (18-36)
- Jonathan ben Ananus (36-37)
- Theophilus ben Ananus (37-41)
- Simon Cantatheras ben Boethus (41-43)
- Matthias ben Ananus (43)
- Elioneus ben Simon Cantatheras (43-44)
- Jonathan ben Ananus (44)
- Josephus ben Camydus (44-46)
- Ananias ben Nebedeus (46-58)
- Jonathan (58)
- Ishmael ben Fabus (58-62)
- Joseph Cabi ben Simon (62-63)
- Ananus ben Ananus (63)
- Joshua ben Damneus (63)
- Joshua ben Gamaliel (63-64)
- Mattathias ben Theophilus (65-66)
- Phannias ben Samuel (67-70)
Sources: Wikipedia