SHAEF Counterintelligence Report on Concentration Camps
This 195-page undated confidential report on Nazi concentration camps was prepared by the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) Evaluation and Dissemination Section, GS (Counter-Intelligence Sub-Division). The detailed report illustrates what the Allies learned about the camps after their liberation.
From the introduction:
This publication represents an attempt to compile the names, locations and pertinent data of' confirmed, reported, or alleged detention centres in Axis Europe which come within the elastic definition of “concentration Camp.” “Elastic” because there are many types of detention camps used by the Germans in addition to the official Konzantrationslager (Concentration Camps). Among these are:
Arbeitslager (Work Camps)
Zwangslager (Forcible Detention Camps)
Zwangsarbeitslager (Penal Servitude Camps)
Zivilgefangenenlager (Detention Camps for Civilians)
Straflager (Punitive Camps)
Click here to read the report.
Source: Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force Selected Records, Box 27, SHAEF - Evaluation and Dissemination Sections (G-2) German Concentration Camps; NAID #17368747