Report on Dutch Jewry Before the Occupation
From the mid-1930's on, Hitler and the Third Reich leadership began to consider occupations that would attain Lebensraum in Eastern Europe and imposition of a “New Order” throughout Europe. When the anti-Jewish policy was tightened in 1938, and especially after Hitler decided to overhaul this policy generally after the events of Kristallnacht (November 1938), the SS was given a preeminent role in its implementation. Among the SS agencies, the SD and, especially, its Jewish Affairs Department gave much thought to future measures concerning the Jews. The following document, written by the Jewish Affairs Department (II 112) of the SD (northwestern subdistrict of the SS) about a year and a quarter before the occupation of the Netherlands, presents a detailed report about Dutch Jewry. The important point here is not the contents of the document (which disclose little that is new and contain errors, such as identifying non-Jews as Jews) but the fact of its having been written at the time it was written. These features show what the crafters of the anti-Jewish policy were planning and how well informed they were before the country was occupied.
Sicherheitsdienst of the Reichsfuehrer-SS
SD-Fuehrer of the SS-(Highest) Regional Section North-West
II 112 00
C 41
Hamburg, 28 March 1939
To the
Central Department II 1
Re.: Intensified observation of Jewry in the adjacent countries.
Dossier: Instructions for II 112 1939 and this letter of 22.12.1938 ab. AZ.
Enclosure: 1
The enclosure contains an interim report on Jewry in Holland in two copies. Further investigations are still being made; their result will be forwarded in a final report.
The investigations on the Jews in the Scandinavian countries have not yet made enough progress to be compiled in an interim report. For this purpose, a renewed extension of the deadline is [hereby, DS] requested.
The SD-Fuehrer
of the SS-Regional Section North West
i. D. [i'm Dienst - on duty]
[Signature unclear]
Enclosed: “The Jews in Holland”
Source: Bundesarchiv Koblenz, R58/954, pp. 170-178.
Source: Yad Vashem