Israeli Public Opinion Polls: Opinion on Unilateral Measures
(2005 - 2006)
Was the disengagement from the Katif Bloc (Gaza settlements) in August 2005 a right move? (Israel Radio's “Another Matter” program, September 27, 2006)
Yes | 39% |
No | 48% |
Other | 13% |
Today do you support or oppose the Gaza pullout? (Smith Institute / Jerusalem Post, September 17-18, 2006)
Support | 38% |
Oppose | 55% |
Who do you think has won so far in the war in the North? (Maariv, August 4, 2006)
Hizbullah | 3.5% |
Israel | 54.8% |
No one | 37.7% |
Don't know | 4.0% |
Who do you think will win the war in the North in the end? (Maariv, August 4, 2006)
Hizbullah | 2.6% |
Israel | 73.5% |
No one | 19.4% |
Don't know | 4.4% |
In your opinion, in light of what recently took place in Gaza, was the disengagement plan [AL: the retreat from Gaza] justified ? (Maagar Mohot Survey Institute, July 16, 2006)
Yes | 44% |
No | 31% |
Don't know | 25% |
Are you for or against Ehud Olmert's convergence plan? [AL: aka "consolidation plan", retreat from most of the West Bank] ? (Maagar Mohot Survey Institute)
7/16/06 | 7/19/06 | |
For | 19% | 28% |
Against | 52% | 50% |
Don't know | 29% | 22% |
In your opinion, do most of the citizens of the State of Israel have enough information about Ehud Olmert's convergence plan? (Maagar Mohot Survey Institute, July 16, 2006)
Yes | 11% |
No | 71% |
Don't know | 18% |
Did your sense of security rise of decline since the disengagement from Gaza? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Rose | 19% |
Stayed the same | 35% |
Declined | 45% |
Don't Know | 1% |
It was argued that the disengagement from Gaza would improve Israel’s security standing. In your opinion did the disengagement improve or not improve Israel’s security standing? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Improve | 33% |
Did not improve | 65% |
Don't know | 2% |
In your opinion did the disengagement from Gaza contribute or not contribute to the rise of Hamas in the Palestinian administered territories? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Did not contribute | 29% |
Did contribute | 65% |
Don't know | 6% |
To what extent did Egypt fulfill its obligation to prevent smuggling of weapons and terrorists into the Gaza Strip? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Did fulfill | 18% |
Did not fulfill | 68% |
Don't know | 14% |
Do you support or oppose disengagement from Judea and Samaria which is called the "convergence plan?" (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Support | 36% |
Oppose | 59% |
Don't know | 5% |
Government officials argue that the situation in Gaza should not influence the convergence plan- do you agree or disagree with that argument? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Agree | 32% |
Disagree | 64% |
Don't know | 4% |
There is a possibility that in the convergence plan, civilian settlements will be removed, but the IDF will remain in place. In your opinion is this a better or worse security paradigm in comparison to the situation in Gaza? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Worse | 50% |
Better | 34% |
Don't know | 16% |
Will the removal of settlers make it easier or harder on the IDF to protect civilians inside pre-1967 borders from Kassam missiles? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Easier to protect | 41% |
Harder to protect | 46% |
Don't know | 13% |
In your opinion do you think it’s necessary to carry out a national referendum before an additional disengagement is carried out? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Yes to referendum | 56% |
ONo to referendum | 42% |
Don't know | 2% |
To what extent do you think that the convergence plan will expand or contract the Kassam missile threat to additional cities in Israel? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Contract the threat | 20% |
Expand the threat | 60% |
Don't know | 20% |
To what extent do you think that the convergence plan will strengthen or weaken extremist elements of the Palestinian Authority? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Weaken extremist elements | 22% |
Strengthen extremist elements | 68% |
Don't know | 10% |
In your opinion, what is the most effective way to prevent the firing of Kassam missiles? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Diplomatic activity with the Palestinians | 24% |
Control by the IDF of depth areas | 62% |
Don't know | 14% |
In your opinion, what is the reason that the Kassam missiles are not yet being fired from Judea and Samaria? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Operational impediments | 24% |
Control by the IDF | 53% |
Both | 11% |
Don't Know | 12% |
Do you support or oppose concessions in the Jordan Valley in the context of a Peace Treaty with the Palestinians? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Support concessions in Jordan Valley | 26% |
Oppose concessions in the Jordan Valley | 65% |
Don't know | 9% |
To what extent do you rely on Jordan to prevent the smuggling of weapons into the Palestinian authority? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Rely on Jordan | 45% |
Don’t rely on Jordan | 53% |
Don't know | 2% |
There are areas beyond the security fence that place Ben Gurion airport in Kassam missile range. Do you support or oppose concessions over these areas? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Support | 14% |
Oppose | 80% |
Don't know | 6% |
Do you support or oppose the posting of UN soldiers in the Jordan Valley and other conflict areas with the IDF? (Midgam, July 9-10, 2006)
Support | 35% |
Oppose | 60% |
Don't know | 5% |
Do you see the government as acting properly in the situation created by the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit? (Peace Index, July 3-4, 2006)
Yes | 52% |
No | 30% |
Don't know | 18% |
Do you agree with the claim that it is unfair that Israel reacted to the kidnapping with such severity including the arrests of Palestinian members of parliament from Hamas, while responding with more restrained measures to the ongoing Qassam fire on Sderot? (Peace Index, July 3-4, 2006)
Agree | 54% |
Disagree | 46% |
Do you agree that Israel must always remain committed to the principle of redeeming captives? (Peace Index, July 3-4, 2006)
Yes | 48% |
No | 30% |
Don't know | 22% |
Do you support negotiating with Hamas in the case of the kidnapped soldier? (Peace Index, July 3-4, 2006)
Yes | 50% |
No | 42% |
Don't know | 8% |
Do you believe that the Palestinian attack on the tank constituted an “act of terror”? (Peace Index, July 3-4, 2006)
Yes | 61% |
No | 32% |
Don't know | 7% |
Do you believe that the event at Kerem Shalom was a military failure or that such incidents cannot always be avoided under the pressures in which the defense establishment operates? (Peace Index, July 3-4, 2006)
Impossible to Prevent | 47% |
Foul-up | 40% |
Don't know | 13% |
Do you support the Israeli assassinations of Hamas leaders? (JTA, July 7, 2006)
Support | 82% |
Oppose | 18% |
Do you support the realignment? (Smith Research and Consulting, July 2006)
Support | 38% |
Oppose | 49% |
Don't know | 13% |
Do you believe that the two sides will go back to negotiations and that armed confrontations will stop? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Will go back to negotiations and confrontations will stop | 6% |
Confrontations will not stop and will not return to negotiations | 40% |
Will return but some confrontations will continue | 48% |
Undecided | 6% |
Do you support or oppose the reconciliation between the two peoples after a permanent status agreement is reached and a Palestinian state is established and recognized by Israel? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Support | 79% |
Oppose | 19% |
Don't know | 2% |
Do you support or oppose the Road Map? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Support | 52% |
Oppose | 43% |
Don't know | 5% |
Do you agree or disagree that after reaching a permanent agreement to all issues of the conflict, there should be mutual recognition of Israel as the state for the Jewish people and Palestine as the state for the Palestinian people? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Agree | 67% |
Disagree | 29% |
Don't know | 4% |
Do you support or oppose the whole package combining the elements as one permanent status settlement? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Support | 55% |
Oppose | 40% |
Don't know | 5% |
Do you support or oppose a compromise on ending the conflict that would state that when the permanent status agreement is fully implemented, it will mean the end of the conflict and no further claims will be made by either side? With the parties recognizing Palestine and Israel as the homelands of their respective peoples? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Support | 70% |
Oppose | 27% |
Don't know | 3% |
Do you support or oppose a compromise whereby the Palestinian state would have sovereignty over its land, water, and airspace, but Israel would have the right to use the Palestinian airspace for training purposes, and would maintain two early warning stations in the West Bank for 15 years? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Support | 52% |
Oppose | 44% |
Don't know | 4% |
Do you support or oppose the establishment of an independent Palestinian state that would have no army, but would have a strong security force and would have a multinational force deployed in it to ensure its security and safety? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Support | 63% |
Oppose | 36% |
Don't know | 1% |
Do you support or oppose a Jerusalem compromise in which East Jerusalem would become the capital of the Palestinian state with Arab neighborhoods coming under Palestinian sovereignty and Jewish neighborhoods coming under Israeli sovereignty? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Support | 37% |
Oppose | 60% |
Don't know | 3% |
Do you support or oppose a refugee settlement in which both sides agree that the solution will be based on UN resolutions 194 and 242? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Support | 43% |
Oppose | 53% |
Don't know | 3% |
Do you support or oppose an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with the exception of some settlement areas in less than 3% of the West Bank that would be swapped with an equal amount of territory from Israel? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Support | 47% |
Oppose | 47% |
Don't know | 6% |
Do you support or oppose Prime Minister Olmert’s realignment plan, whereby Israel would pull out of the vast majority of the West Bank while maintaining the large settlement blocs? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Support | 46% |
Oppose | 50% |
Don't know | 4% |
Do you believe that the outcome of the last election grants Olmert a mandate to carry out his withdrawal plan? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Yes, I do believe | 54% |
Do you believe that a referendum should be carried out over the contentious proposal of realignment? (Hebrew University Poll, June 26, 2006)
Yes, I do believe | 58% |
Do you support convergence? (Haaretz, June 7, 2006)
Support | 37% |
Oppose | 56% |
Don't know | 7% |
Do you think that the Convergence will be carried out or not? (Haaretz, June 7, 2006)
Yes | 51% |
No | 32% |
Don't know | 17% |
Do you support or oppose the plan of Kadima to evacuate settlements unilaterally as Avi Dichter proposed this week? (Haaretz, March 8, 2006)
Support | 37% |
Oppose | 49% |
Other | 14% |
Do you approve or disapprove of the leadership of the United States? (Gallup Poll; December 26, 2005 – January 8, 2006)
Approve | 66% |
Disapprove | 20% |
Don't know | 14% |
What is your impression of President George W. Bush? (Gallup Poll; December 26, 2005 – January 8, 2006)
Favorable | 52% |
Unfavorable | 31% |
Neither | 15% |
Don't Know | 2% |
After the disengagement plan was already carried out, how do you feel about it? (Maariv, October 14, 2005)
Support | 59% |
Oppose | 34% |
Do you think that Israel should continue in the coming years to evacuate additional communities in Judea and Samaria or the disengagement was enough and no more communities should be evacuated until the final agreement? (Maariv, October 14, 2005)
Continue evacuating | 28% |
No more evacuations | 68% |
Please rate the following groups according to how democratically they reacted both preceding and during Disengagement – 1= Not at all democratically, 10= Strictly democratically, Not democratically 1-4, Middle 5, Democratically 6-10 (Israel Democracy Institute, September 14-15th, 2005)
IDF | Police | Government | Gush Katif Residents | Moetzet Yesha | General Public | |
Not democratic | 10% | 15% | 38% | 26% | 32% | 11% |
Middle | 8% | 8% | 11% | 15% | 17% | 20% |
Democratic | 77% | 69% | 47% | 54% | 41% | 56% |
No opinion | 5% | 8% | 4% | 5% | 10% | 13% |
Before Disengagement took place which of the following predictions did you believe? (More than one answer possible, therefore total is greater than 100%) (Israel Democracy Institute, September 14-15th, 2005)
Disengagement would take place in relative calmness | 44% |
There would be significant settler-initiated violence and bloodshed | 22% |
Disengagement would lead to civil war | 16% |
Disengagement would not take place in the end | 11% |
There would be significant IDF-initiated violence and bloodshed | 10% |
The settlers would use weapons against soldiers | 7% |
None of the above | 5% |
Do you support the disengagement plan? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program)
June 8, 2005* | June 29, 2005 | July 6, 2005 | July 13, 2005** | |
Yes | 50% | 53.4% | 57% | 52.7% |
No | 35% | 40.2% | 37% | 41.2% |
Other | 15% | 6.4% | 6% | 6.1% |
*Are you for or against the disengagement process?
**Do you support or oppose the disengagement plan?
Are you for or against the disengagement plan? (Channel 10 Television Kol Haboker)
June 19, 2005 | June 26, 2005 | July 3, 2005 | July 17, 2005 | August 7, 2005 | |
For | 53% | 51% | 56% | 53% | 57% |
Against | 33% | 33% | 29% | 30% | 31% |
Other | 14% | 16% | 15% | 17% | 12% |
Favor disengagement? (Maariv)
June 17, 2005 | June 28, 2005 | July 29, 2005 | |
Yes | 54% | 54% | 57% |
Should communities in Judea and Samaria be evacuated? (IMRA, August 26, 2005)
Yes | 54 |
No | 42 |
Was the use of children by the settlers justified? (IMRA, August 26, 2005)
Yes | 20 |
No | 77 |
Do you believe the claims that the settlers that there has been a failure in how they are being treated? (IMRA, August 26, 2005)
Yes | 62 |
No | 36 |
Would you support additional disengagements if a settlement can't be reached with the Palestinians? (Haaretz, August 26, 2005)
Support-a lot | 15 |
Support | 16.5 |
Oppose | 18.4 |
Oppose greatly | 40.1 |
Don't know | 9.4 |
Refuse reply | 0.7 |
How do you feel about the settlers? (Maagar Mochot, August 26, 2005)
Negative | 19 |
So-So | 23 |
Positive | 41 |
Other | 13 |
Has you attitude towards settlers changed as a result of the disengagement? (Maagar Mochot, August 26, 2005)
No | 57 |
Changed-good | 9 |
Changed-bad | 7 |
Other | 27 |
Who do you believe more: Sharon who says that the disengagement will bring peace or Bib [Netanyahu] who says that disengagement will bring terror? (IMRA, August 25, 2005)
Sharon | 31 |
Netanyahu | 41 |
Other | 28 |
Did the implementation of the disengagement in the last two weeks make it easier or harder to carry out an additional disengagement in Judea and Samaria? (IMRA, August 25, 2005)
Easier | 43 |
Harder | 37 |
Other | 20 |
With the evacuations of communities within the framework of the disengagement completed, how do you feel towards the following groups? Positive or negative? (Maagar Mochot, August 24, 2005)
Positive | Negative | Other | |
Evacuated residents | 59 | 21 | 20 |
Settlers in general | 38 | 39 | 23 |
Infiltrators into the communities being evacuated | 12 | 69 | 19 |
This week the disengagement is to be completed. With the completion of the evacuation of the settlements in Gaza and northern Samaria, what is your position regarding the disengagement plan? (Haaretz, August 23-24, 2005)
Support greatly | 34.4 |
Tend to support | 17.9 |
Tend to oppose | 7.7 |
Greatly oppose | 30.3 |
Don't know | 7.3 |
Refuse to reply | 2.4 |
How would you describe the condition of the State of Israel today, after the evacuation of Gush Katif? (Haaretz, August 23-24, 2005)
Normal proper | 23.5 |
Hurt/in pain | 61.6 |
Both | 6.8 |
Neither | 4.5 |
Other | 2.4 |
Refuse reply | 1.2 |
Who is more responsible for the administrative problems of the evacuees that came up after the evacuation? (Haaretz, August 23-24, 2005)
Government/Disengagement Authority that did not take care to prepare solutions | 48.6 |
Evacuees and their leaders that did not prepare in advance for the evacuation | 25.9 |
Both to same extent | 21.6 |
Don't know | 3.6 |
Refuse to reply | 0.2 |
In retrospect, how would you describe the settlement enterprise and the establishment of settlements in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip? (Haaretz, August 23-24, 2005)
Historic mistake | 34 |
Necessary, Zionism realized | 32.1 |
Controversial | 26.5 |
Don't know | 6.8 |
Refuse to reply | 0.7 |
How would you term the behavior of the ministers who voted against disengagement yet remain in the government? (Haaretz, August 23, 2005; 501 Likud members surveyed)
Hypocrites | 66 |
Responsible - want to keep government intact | 20.6 |
Prime Minister Sharon reiterates that there will be no more additional unilateral disengagements. Do you believe him? (Haaretz, August 23, 2005; 501 Likud members surveyed)
Not at all | 57 |
Tend not to | 8.4 |
Tend to believe | 15.7 |
Completely believe | 14.2 |
Were the expressions of pain of the settlers genuine? (Yediot Ahronot, August 19, 2005)
Always | 36 |
Mostly | 37 |
Half | 10 |
Mostly no | 10 |
Never | 7 |
Do you support the disengagement plan? (Yediot Ahronot, August 19, 2005)
Yes& leaning yes | 50 |
No & leaning no | 37 |
No Reply | 4 |
Was the disengagement process as hard as you expected? (Yediot Ahronot, August 19, 2005)
Much easier | 15 |
Easier | 32 |
As expected | 32 |
Harder | 8 |
Much harder | 11 |
What grade would you give to the police and IDF in their performance in the evacuation? (Yediot Ahronot, August 19, 2005)
Very good | 62 |
Good | 27 |
Bad | 7 |
Very bad | 4 |
How did the actions of the youth that snuck into the area impact the image of religious Zionist youth? (Yediot Ahronot, August 19, 2005)
Hurt greatly | 34 |
Considerably | 19 |
No effect | 22 |
Improved | 11 |
Greatly improved | 3 |
Did the settlers being evacuated show responsibility during the course of the evacuation? (Yediot Ahronot, August 19, 2005)
Great responsibility | 33 |
To an extent | 35 |
Somewhat irresponsible | 17 |
Greatly irresponsible | 14 |
How would you rate the leadership of the prime minister with regards to the disengagement plan? (Yediot Ahronot, August 19, 2005)
Very good | 28 |
Good | 33 |
Bad | 14 |
Very bad | 22 |
Do you agree that the settlers failed in their struggle against the disengagement because they did not propose any alternative program to deal with the Palestinians problem? (Yediot Ahronot, August 12, 2005)
Completely agree | 22 |
Tend to agree | 19 |
Tend not to agree | 19 |
Completely don't agree | 32 |
No reply | 8 |
Do you agree with the view that the settlers did not adjust themselves to the changing Israeli reality? (Yediot Ahronot, August 12, 2005)
Completely agree | 38 |
Tend to agree | 21 |
Tend not to agree | 9 |
Completely don't agree | 27 |
No reply | 5 |
Should the State evacuate the settlements in Judea and Samaria within which right wing extremists reside? (Yediot Ahronot, August 12, 2005)
Certain yes | 37 |
Think yes | 18 |
Think no | 12 |
Certain no | 25 |
No reply | 8 |
How do army and police forces relate to the settlers - too soft, too hard or right amount? (Yediot Ahronot, August 12, 2005)
Too soft | 13 |
Too hard | 19 |
Right amount | 62 |
No reply | 6 |
What option do you prefer after the completion of the disengagement? (Haaretz, August 12, 2005)
Elections as soon as possible | 24.5 |
Immediately renew negotiations with the PA | 21.8 |
Government immediately handles social problems | 47.5 |
Other | 1.2 |
Don't know | 5.0 |
If the withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria succeeds would you support or oppose additional unilateral withdrawals from areas of Judea and Samaria? (Haaretz, August 12, 2005)
Certain yes | 21.4 |
Think yes | 7.4 |
Maybe yes maybe no | 21.4 |
Oppose | 12.3 |
Certain oppose | 28.8 |
Refuse reply | 8.8 |
In the course of the weeks during which the disengagement is carried out which of the three options would you choose? (Haaretz, August 12, 2005)
Stay at home and watch from afar | 69.0 |
reach Gush Katif to give moral support | 15.4 |
Escape overseas as far as possible from the action | 9.6 |
Other | 3.7 |
Don't know | 2.3 |
How would you term the struggle led by the leaders of the settlers against disengagement and the prime minister? (Haaretz, August 12, 2005)
Legitimate and proper | 49.6 |
Attempt to foil democratically accepted decisions | 38.7 |
Other | 3.2 |
Don't know | 8.6 |
Recently settler leaders said harsh things agasint disengagement such as "dictatorial process". Do you think that such words influenced the Jewish terrorist who carried out the attack in Shfaram? (Haaretz, August 12, 2005)
Certainly yes | 26.4 |
Some connection possible | 27.0 |
No connection | 37.2 |
Don't know | 9.4 |
Who showed more responsibility in the clashes between disengagement protesters and police in recent weeks? (Haaretz, August 12, 2005)
Police | 39.7 |
Protest leaders | 25.3 |
Both same extent | 17.5 |
Neither | 3.8 |
Don't know | 13.7 |
How would you prefer the evacuees to behave? Leave willingly or physically struggle? (“Maagar Mochot”, August 12, 2005)
Leave | 65.0 |
Struggle | 13.0 |
Other | 22.0 |
How do you think the evacuation will be carried out? Without any violence, violence but no bloodshed, bloodshed? (“Maagar Mochot”, August 12, 2005)
No violence | 11 |
Violence | 58 |
Bloodshed | 17 |
Other | 14 |
Will the State succeed in carrying out the evacuation or will the settlers succeed in preventing the evacuation? (Maariv, August 12, 2005)
Evacuation succeeds | 76 |
Doesn't succeed | 13 |
Don't know | 11 |
Would the disengagement have been stopped if Netanyahu had resigned earlier? (Yediot Ahronot, August 12, 2005; sample of residents of Gush Katif and northern Samaria)
Yes | 63 |
No | 29 |
Don't know | 8 |
How will you act on evacuating day? (Yediot Ahronot, August 12, 2005; sample of residents of Gush Katif and northern Samaria)
Resist with force | 11 |
Passive resistance | 50 |
Won't oppose | 14 |
Is the public sensitive to the situation of the settlers? (Yediot Ahronot, August 12, 2005; sample of residents of Gush Katif and northern Samaria)
Mostly yes | 39 |
Mostly no | 13 |
Have you prepared alternative housing? (Yediot Ahronot, August 12, 2005; sample of residents of Gush Katif and northern Samaria)
Yes | 29 |
No | 71 |
Will Jews hurt Jews? (Yediot Ahronot, August 12, 2005; sample of residents of Gush Katif and northern Samaria)
Certain yes | 3 |
Think yes | 18 |
Think no | 35 |
Certain no | 38 |
When do you plan to leave? (Yediot Ahronot, August 12, 2005; sample of residents of Gush Katif and northern Samaria)
Before 15th | 10 |
15-17 | 31 |
Don't plan to | 55 |
What is your feeling before the evacuation? (Yediot Ahronot, August 12, 2005; sample of residents of Gush Katif and northern Samaria)
Optimistic | 48 |
Ready for clash | 7 |
Fear/desperation | 38 |
Who will gain the most from the implementation of the disengagement? (Maagar Mochot, August 10, 2005)
Sharon | 45 |
Netanyahu | 14 |
Both equally | 8 |
Other | 33 |
Should the disengagement plan be carried out in one stage, as decided, or in four stages? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, August 3, 2005)
Yesha Council | 9% |
Prime Minister | 10% |
All | 5% |
Police | 6% |
Israeli democracy | 11% |
None | 36% |
Other | 23% |
Summarizing the demonstration that took place in Sderot against the disengagement, who do you think was the big winner? [IMRA: The police initially banned the rally and then claimed there would be an unspecified limit to the size of the rally and then ultimately allowed the rally without any restrictions.] (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, August 3, 2005)
One | 37% |
Four | 30% |
Not at all | 20% |
Other | 13% |
Should the prime minister advance the disengagement? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, July 27, 2005)
June 29, 2005* | July 6, 2005 | July 13, 2005** | |
Yes | 34.5% | 33% | 35.7% |
No | 52.9% | 63% | 51.8% |
Other | 12.6% | 4% | 12.5% |
Who won in the test of strength between the security forces and the disengagement opponents at Kfar Maimon? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, July 27, 2005)
Security forces | 47.6% |
Opponents | 34.1% |
Other | 18.3% |
Do you support or oppose the possibility of using soldiers (in please of or in addition to police) to maintain order at various events within the Green Line? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, July 27, 2005)
Support | 12.7% |
Oppose | 68.1% |
Don't know | 19.2% |
Are you for or against postponing the disengagement plan? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program)
Yes | 49.7% |
No | 40.2% |
Don't know | 10.1% |
Do you support or oppose disengagement? (Yediot Ahronot, July 1, 2005)
Support | 62% |
Oppose | 31% |
How does the blocking of roads affect you opinion on disengagement? (Yediot Ahronot, July 1, 2005)
No impact | 57% |
Increase support | 27% |
Increase opposition | 15% |
Is it legitimate to refuse to evacuate communities? (Yediot Ahronot, July 1, 2005)
Yes | 41% |
No | 54% |
Other | 8% |
Is the blocking of roads legitimate? (Yediot Ahronot, July 1, 2005)
Yes | 16% |
No | 80% |
No reply | 4% |
How do you feel towards the residents of Gush Katif? (Yediot Ahronot, July 1, 2005)
Anger | 16% |
Pity | 44% |
Identification | 29% |
No reply | 3% |
Will the disengagement be accompanied by bloodshed? (Yediot Ahronot, July 1, 2005)
Yes | 44% |
No | 48% |
No reply | 8% |
Will the disengagement be carried out in the end? (Yediot Ahronot, July 1, 2005)
Completely | 47% |
Partially | 29% |
No | 17% |
No reply | 7% |
Could the State of Israel be swept into anarchy during the implementation of disengagement? (Makor Rishon, June 29, 2005)
Yes | 48% |
No | 45% |
Other | 7% |
Should there be an emergency regime during the disengagement period? (Makor Rishon, June 29, 2005)
Yes | 38% |
Maybe | 14% |
No | 35% |
Other | 13% |
Does the road blocking taking place today by disengagement opponents change your position on disengagement? (Channel 10 Television “Kol Haboker,” June 29, 2005)
Yes | 11% |
No | 83% |
Other | 6% |
Do you support the immediate evacuation of “Maoz Hayam” in Gush Katif? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, June 29, 2005)
Yes | 54.9% |
No | 33.5% |
Other | 11.6% |
Which of the following protest activities by the opponents of disengagement are legitimate (% yes)? (Maariv, June 17, 2005)
Protests and marches | 85% |
Distributing orange ribbons at crossroads | 78% |
Soldiers refusal | 29% |
Block roads during rush hour | 15% |
In light of the renewed terror attacks should the disengagement be postponed? (Makor Rishon, June 24, 2005)
Yes | 30% |
No | 52% |
Other | 18% |
After the withdrawal from Gaza, will the IDF be able to act with a free hand in Gaza or will there be international restrictions than will not enable the IDF to act freely in Gaza? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, June 22, 2005)
Free to act | 29% |
Not free | 60% |
Other | 11% |
In light of delays in the preparation of housing solutions for the evacuees from Gaza, should the disengagement be postponed by several months? (Maariv, June 17, 2005)
Yes | 39% |
No | 51% |
Do you think that in the end the disengagement plan will be carried out? (Maariv, June 17, 2005)
Yes | 75% |
No | 16% |
Are you for or against unilateral withdrawal under fire within the framework of the disengagment plan? (Makor Rishon, June 9, 2005)
Yes | 37% |
No | 51% |
Other | 12% |
Should the disengagement process be postponed a number of months? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, June 8, 2005)
Yes | 30% |
No | 52% |
Other | 18% |
Are you for or against the disengagement plan? (Israeli television program "Mishal Cham" program, June 5-6, 2005)
For | 48% |
Against | 33% |
Other | 19% |
Looking back, did the withdrawal from Lebanon improve Israel's situation? (Maariv, May 20, 2005)
Helped | 55% |
No effect | 12% |
Hurt | 29% |
Did you personally encounter a blocked road or other protest activity of the opponents of the disengagement plan? (Maariv, May 20, 2005)
Yes | 22% |
No | 78% |
Is this kind of protest by opponents of the disengagement legitimate? (Maariv, May 20, 2005)
Yes | 25% |
No | 68% |
Do you thing that blocking roads helps, has no influence or hurts the struggle against disengagement? (Makor Rishon, May 20, 2005)
Helps | 11% |
No effect | 26% |
Hurts | 55% |
Other | 8% |
Are you for or against the disengagement plan? (Makor Rishon, May 20, 2005)
For | 60% |
Against | 27% |
Other | 13% |
What is your position regarding the blocking of road by opponents of the disengagement plan? (Makor Rishon, May 20, 2005)
For | 12% |
Understand but don't support | 21% |
Oppose | 58% |
Other | 9% |
If it turns out that Hamas wins the July elections in the territories should the disengagement process be halted? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, May 18, 2005)
Yes | 46.3% |
No | 45.9% |
Other | 7.8% |
Should Israel destroy the houses of the Israelis that are evacuated from Gush Katif? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, May 18, 2005)
Yes | 44.5% |
No | 48.1% |
Other | 7.4% |
In retrospect, five years after the unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon, who was right? Ehud Barak who was prime minister at the time and initiated the withdrawal from Lebanon or Shaul Mofaz who at the time was the COS and oppose it? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, May 18, 2005)
Barak | 71.5% |
Mofaz | 26.9% |
Other | 1.6% |
If a satisfactory solution was offered to you would you evacuate? (Yediot Ahronot, April 15, 2005)
Yes | 36% |
No | 61% |
Of those who said no:
Would you use physical force against the evacuators? (Yediot Ahronot, April 15, 2005)
Yes | 11% |
No | 74% |
Have you reconciled with the decision to disengage? (Yediot Ahronot, April 15, 2005)
Yes | 19% |
No | 79% |
Will the evacuation be carried out? (Yediot Ahronot, April 15, 2005)
Yes | 30% |
No | 57% |
Do you have personal plans in the case that the disengagement is implemented or do you expect there to be a common solution for the entire community? (Yediot Ahronot, April 15, 2005)
Personal plan | 10% |
Expect common solution | 64% |
Expect common solution | 20% |
In light of the prime minister's visit to the United States do you think that the results of the visit strengthen or weaken the justification of disengagement? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, April 13, 2005)
Strengthen | 12.5% |
Weaken | 8.4% |
No effect | 55.1% |
Other | 24% |
Do you think that the residents of Gush Katif should be permitted to move to live in the area of the Nitzanim dunes or that another solution should be found for them out of concern for seriously damaging the environment? (Maariv, April 8, 2005)
Let them go | 53% |
Don't let them | 28% |
Don't know | 19% |
Should the disengagement process be continued even if the prime minister fails to get the necessary financing on his visit to the US? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, April 6, 2005)
Yes | 71% |
No | 23% |
Other | 6% |
Do you support or oppose the instructions of the IDF Spokesperson to restrict the coverage of the evacuation of Gush Katif and northern Samaria by reporters? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, March 23, 2005)
Support | 35% |
Oppose | 52% |
Other | 13% |
Do you think that the reason a national referendum is being demanded is in order to prevent civil war or in order to prevent the disengagement? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, March 23, 2005)
Civil war | 35% |
Disengagement | 55% |
Other | 10% |
Do you think that the terror attacks will start again after the disengagement is completed? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, April 6, 2005)
Yes | 59% |
No | 23% |
Other | 18% |
Are you for or against removing the illegal outposts in Judea and Samaria after the completion of the disengagement from the Gaza Strip and Gush Katif? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, March 9, 2005)
For | 69% |
Against | 27% |
Other | 4% |
Should there be a national referendum on the disengagement or do the government and Knesset decisions suffice? (Maariv, March 4, 2005)
Need national referendum | 43% |
Don't need | 53% |
Do you support the evacuation of the communities and Jewish residents in the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria? (Israeli television program "Reshet in the Morning," February 23, 2005)
Only Gaza | 12% |
Only northern Samaria | 1% |
Both | 56% |
Neither | 21% |
Other | 10% |
Do you favor having a national referendum on the disengagement plan? (Israeli television program "Reshet in the Morning")
2/10/05 | 2/9/05 | 10/27/04* | 10/18/04 | 9/9/04 | |
Yes | 52% | 54% | 44% | 57% | 60% |
No | 37% | 40% | 48% | 32% | 17% |
Other | 11% | 6% | 8% | 11% | 23% |
*After Knesset approved plan.
How would you vote if a national referendum were held on the disengagement plan today? (Israeli television program "Reshet in the Morning")
2/10/05 | 10/18/04 | 9/9/04 | |
For | 54% | 62% | 63% |
Against | 31% | 26% | 14% |
Other | 15% | 12% | 23% |
Among those in favor of having a national referendum: (Israeli television program "Reshet in the Morning")
2/10/05 | |
Favor disengagement | 46% |
Oppose | 44% |
Other | 10% |
Should a national referendum include the general Israeli population (including the Arab sector) or only the Jewish population? (Israeli television program "Reshet in the Morning," February 10, 2005)
General population | 52% |
Jewish | 42% |
Other | 6% |
If a national referendum is held on disengagement and the results are that a majority favor disengagement, what difference in favor of disengagement would you consider to be a legitimate majority (replied in percentage)? (Israeli television program "Reshet in the Morning," February 10, 2005)
Up to ten percent | 54% |
Eleven to twenty percent | 17% |
Twenty one percent and more | 29% |
After the Sharm el-Sheikh Summit do you support the disengagement coordinated with the Palestinian Authority? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, February 10, 2005)
Yes | 65% |
No | 26% |
Other | 9% |
Are you for or against the decision of the Knesset Finance Committee to add a billion Shekels to the compensation that will be given to the settlers who will be evacuated within the framework of the disengagement plan? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, February 10, 2005)
For | 54% |
Against | 40% |
Other | 6% |
Today after the Sharm el-Sheikh Summit are you for or against carrying out a national referendum on the disengagement plan? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, February 10, 2005)
For | 63% |
Against | 21% |
Other | 16% |
Should there be a national referendum on the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria? (Yediot Ahronot, February 8, 2005)
Certain yes | 35% |
Think yes | 20% |
Think no | 16% |
Certain no | 27% |
What is your position on the disengagement plan? (Yediot Ahronot, February 8, 2005)
Completely support | 48% |
Considerably support | 21% |
Considerably oppose | 9% |
Completely oppose | 18% |
In the wake of the large demonstration ("mother of all demonstrations") held this week, do you oppose or support the disengagement from Gaza? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, February 2, 2005)
Support | 57.4% |
Oppose | 37.4% |
No position | 5.2% |
Do you support or oppose having a national referendum before the disengagement from Gaza? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, February 2, 2005)
Support | 53.5% |
No | 41.5% |
Other | 5.0% |
What should be done with the homes in settlements after they are evacuated? (Maariv, January 28, 2005)
Demolish | 55% |
Transfer to the Palestinians | 37% |
Do you think that the prime minister should carry out a national referendum before implementing the disengagement plan in Gush Katif and the Gaza Strip? (Israeli television program "Mishal Cham," January 16-17, 2005)
Yes | 53% |
No | 43% |
Other | 4% |
If a national referendum on the matter of the disengagement from Gush Katif and the Gaza Strip were held today how would you vote? (Israeli television program "Mishal Cham," January 16-17, 2005)
For | 64% |
Against | 26% |
Other | 10% |
Do you think that the new government will succeed in implementing the disengagement plan? (Haaretz, January 14, 2005)
Certain yes | 16.1% |
Think yes | 28.7% |
Maybe yes, maybe no | 21.5% |
Think no | 19.3% |
Certain no | 9.3% |
Don't know | 5.1% |
Should Prime Minister Sharon continue with the preparations for the disengagement from Gaza, first go to a national referendum or go to new elections? (Haaretz, January 14, 2005)
Continue | 38.3% |
Referendum | 37.5% |
Elections | 17.1% |
Don't know | 7.1% |
Will the evacuation of settlements lead to the exchange of fire between settlers and soldiers? (Yediot Ahronot, January 7, 2005)
(Jews Only)
Yes | 75% |
No | 23% |
Will the protest of the settlers impact the disengagement? (Yediot Ahronot, January 7, 2005)
(Jews Only)
Cancel it | 6% |
Accelerate it | 4% |
Postpone it | 42% |
No impact | 45% |
What do you mostly think about the settlers acting against the evacuation? (Yediot Ahronot, January 7, 2005)
(Jews Only)
Dangerous people | 49% |
Good intentioned people-but making mistake | 23% |
Idealists | 21% |
Minority along the settlers | 7% |
What is the main thing that you feel towards settlers when you see pictures of them clashing with IDF soldiers? (Yediot Ahronot, January 7, 2005)
Hurting democracy | 28% |
Objection to their behavior | 19% |
Fear they will lead to civil war | 18% |
Identify with their struggle | 16% |
Understand their situation | 9% |
Want to join with them | 6% |
What should be done to those calling for refusal to carry out orders? (Yediot Ahronot, January 7, 2005)
Put on trial | 35% |
Information campaign | 52% |
Nothing | 11% |
Is it permissible to call for the refusal to carry out orders within the context of freedom of speech? (Yediot Ahronot, January 7, 2005)
Yes | 32% |
No | 63% |
Are you for or against preventive detention already at this point of activists from the "extreme right" who may use violence against IDF soldiers at the time of the evacuation of communities in accordance with the disengagement plan? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, January 5, 2005)
For | 51.8% |
Against | 39.6% |
Other | 8.6% |
The head of the ISS (Shabak) said that radical settlers may open fire on IDF soldiers during the evacuation. Do you agree? (Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program, January 5, 2005)
Yes | 35.5% |
No | 50.8% |
Other | 13.7% |